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Todos revolvemos el caldero (We All Stir the Pot): ¡para acabar con el hambre! (To End Hunger!)
Todos revolvemos el caldero (We All Stir the Pot): ¡para acabar con el hambre! (To End Hunger!)
Todos revolvemos el caldero (We All Stir the Pot): ¡para acabar con el hambre! (To End Hunger!)
Libro electrónico32 páginas7 minutos

Todos revolvemos el caldero (We All Stir the Pot): ¡para acabar con el hambre! (To End Hunger!)

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Set in and around the busyness of a food pantry and soup kitchen in a nameless town, the story lyrically describes each contribution to the lifeblood of the organization – from the farmers, who give their food to the volunteers who give their time to the recipients who give their thanks— showing how everyone can both literally and metaphorically “stir the pot” and contribute to the effort of ending hunger.

Co-written by reigning Mrs. USA Worldwide and hunger activist– Misty Lee Coolidge—We All Stir the Pot —explores the interconnectivity of all people, centered around our common need for sustenance. Part of the proceeds from the sale of We All Stir the Pot will go to supporting the mission of Feeding America.

EditorialPaw Prints
Fecha de lanzamiento29 nov 2022
Todos revolvemos el caldero (We All Stir the Pot): ¡para acabar con el hambre! (To End Hunger!)

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    Todos revolvemos el caldero (We All Stir the Pot) - Misty Lee Coolidge

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