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Me llamo Maria Isabel (My Name Is Maria Isabel)
Me llamo Maria Isabel (My Name Is Maria Isabel)
Me llamo Maria Isabel (My Name Is Maria Isabel)
Libro electrónico54 páginas45 minutos

Me llamo Maria Isabel (My Name Is Maria Isabel)

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Para María Isabel Salazar López lo más difícil de ser la alumna recién llegada a una nueva escuela es que la maestra no la llama por su nombre. —Ya tenemos dos Marías en esta clase—le dice la maestra. —¿Por qué no te llamamos Mary?

Pero a María Isabel la llamaron así en recuerdo de la madre de su padre y de Chabela, su querida abuelita puertorriqueña. ¿Podrá hacerle comprender a la maestra que perder su nombre es perder la parte más importante de sí misma?
Fecha de lanzamiento10 jul 2012
Me llamo Maria Isabel (My Name Is Maria Isabel)

Alma Flor Ada

Alma Flor Ada, an authority on multicultural and bilingual education, is the recipient of the 2012 Virginia Hamilton Literary Award, and in 2014 she was honored by the Mexican government with the prestigious OHTLI Award. She is the author of numerous award-winning books for young readers, including Dancing Home with Gabriel Zubizarreta, My Name Is María Isabel, Under the Royal Palms (Pura Belpré Medal), Where the Flame Trees Bloom, and The Gold Coin (Christopher Award Medal). She lives in California, and you can visit her at

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Comentarios para Me llamo Maria Isabel (My Name Is Maria Isabel)

Calificación: 4.571428571428571 de 5 estrellas

7 clasificaciones3 comentarios

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This book tells the story of Maria Isabel, an ELL student who is going to a school that has mainly Spanish-speaking students. Shows cultural differences and shows how different these students are dealt with.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Maria Isabel Salazar Lopez hates having to start over at a new school. But worst of all, there are already two other Marias in her class and her new teacher decides to call her Mary Lopez! Maria Isabel never hears her teacher when she is addressed as Mary Lopez and she ends up being skipped for the class play. I know exactly how Maria Isabel feels. I was always Debbie A. or Deborah in a class with scores of other Debbies. I just wanted to be called by my name, too, just like Maria Isabel. I loved this book and can't wait to share it with kids in my school. Favorite Quote: "Ah, Maria Lopez," the teacher said as she read the card. "We already have two Marias in this class. Why don't we call you Mary instead? Take a seat over there by Marta Perez and I'll give you your books later."
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This is a great book about a little girl named Maria Isabel. She starts a new school late and is dreading it. And to make matters worse when she is going to the bus on the first day she trips and falls in front of the whole class. the teacher decides to change her name to Mary, because their are already 3 Maria's in the class. Throughout the story the teachers tries to call on Maria by calling he Mary, but Maria does answer (because she doesn't recognize her name) By the end of the book Maria is....have to read it to find out!As a student i loved this book. i showed me how people feel when you do not use their name! It is very sad story, but a very important one to read.As a teacher this is the book that i would recommend to other teachers. All teachers need to read this book before they teach to see what it is like for the child when you call them a nickname. Great story.

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Me llamo Maria Isabel (My Name Is Maria Isabel) - Alma Flor Ada

Camino de la escuela

aría Isabel miraba la taza de café con leche que tenía delante. Y el pan con mantequilla. Pero no le era fácil empezar a comer.

Oyó la voz de su madre: —Maribel, cariño, apúrate.

Y la de su padre: —No quieres llegar tarde el primer día.

Pero en lugar de decidirse a terminar el desayuno, María Isabel seguía mirando cómo la mantequilla se derretía despacito en el pan. Y cómo se formaba una nubecita de humo sobre la taza de café con leche.

—Ya verás cómo te gusta la escuela —le insistía su madre. Pero su voz cariñosa no lograba convencer a María Isabel. No era fácil ir a una escuela desconocida. Y menos aún cuando ya el año escolar había empezado y seguramente ella iba a ser la única alumna nueva. ¡Qué mala suerte que hubieran tenido que mudarse ahora cuando ya hacía dos meses que habían empezado las clases! Y cuando ella tenía tantos planes para jugar durante las vacaciones de Navidad con Clara y

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