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La nevera de Maddi
La nevera de Maddi
La nevera de Maddi
Libro electrónico38 páginas26 minutos

La nevera de Maddi

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



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With humor and warmth, this children's picture book raises awareness about poverty and hunger. Best friends Sofia and Maddi live in the same neighborhood, go to the same school, and play in the same park, but while Sofia's fridge at home is full of nutritious food, the fridge at Maddi's house is empty. Sofia learns that Maddi's family doesn't have enough money to fill their fridge and promises Maddi she'll keep this discovery a secret. But because Sofia wants to help her friend, she's faced with a difficult decision: to keep her promise or tell her parents about Maddi's empty fridge. Filled with colorful artwork, this storybook addresses issues of poverty with honesty and sensitivity while instilling important lessons in friendship, empathy, trust, and helping others. A call to action section, with six effective ways for children to help fight hunger and information on anti-hunger groups, is also included.

SofÍa y Maddi viven en el mismo barrio, juegan en el mismo parque y van a la misma escuela. Pero mientras que la nevera de la casa de SofÍa estÁ siempre llena, la de Maddi siempre estÁ vacÍa, completamente vacÍa, con solo un cartÓn de leche.
—Por quÉ tu mamÁ no va al mercado? —pregunta SofÍa.
—Porque no tenemos suficiente dinero.
—Y quÉ pasa si les da hambre?
—Tenemos un poco de pan —dijo Maddi—.
Por favor, no se lo digas a nadie.

SofÍa le promete a Maddi que no dirÁ nada, pero se propone ayudar a su mejor amiga. Esconde comida para llevarle a Maddi en su mochila, y pronto descubre que, aunque el pescado y los huevos son buenos para los niÑos, no lo son para las mochilas. Sin embargo, a pesar de las buenas intenciones y esfuerzos de SofÍa, la realidad es que la nevera de Maddi continÚa vacÍa.
SofÍa prometiÓ no decir nada. QuÉ puede hacer entonces?
Fecha de lanzamiento1 abr 2018
La nevera de Maddi

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Comentarios para La nevera de Maddi

Calificación: 4.5902779236111115 de 5 estrellas

72 clasificaciones3 comentarios

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Maddi and her friend Sophia go over to her house to play one day and Sophia notices that Maddi has no food in her fridge. Maddi asks Sophia not to tell anyone. Sophia wants to help her friend so everyday she brings Maddi food to put in the fridge. But eventually she has to break her promise and tell her mom that Maddi needs food. Sophia's family helps Maddi and gets her food. This book shows true friendship and shows poverty. The illustrations are cute and perfect for little kids. I think a lot of kids could read this book and understand that some people do live without food and that we sometimes need to to help. You could also do a volunteering activity with a classroom.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Maddi's Playground is a wonderfully sensitive book about the issue of poverty, hunger and compassion. The author does an amazing job at creating a very real situation that happens when children get embarrassed about their unfortunate circumstance. The only issue I found with this book is at the end when the family with plenty helps the family in need and it somewhat seems to end there. But it could create a conversation about how people in poverty and hunger need long term fixes, not just food for the night....
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    After a tiring trip to the playground, Sofia finds out that Maddi has no food in her fridge. Maddi makes Sofia promise not to tell anyone that her family has no food, but Sofia wants to help her friend. Sofia decides to pack her friend the leftovers that her family ate the night before. The food that she puts in her bag spoils or does not travel well. Finally, Sofia brings Maddi a burrito that the two can actually eat, as well as some other items. Later, Sofia is finally able to climb a rock wall that Maddi had tried unsuccessfully to get her to do. The author parallels Maddi's helping Sofia climb the wall to Sofia's trying to give Maddi food. The friends are able to successfully help each other. At the end of the book, there is a statistics page about hunger and how kids can help. The book can be used in the classroom to teach students about childhood hunger, the meaning of friendship, and why it is important to help the people around you.

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La nevera de Maddi - Lois Brandt

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