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Vegan: 25 Deliciosas Recetas Veganas (Dieta Vegetariana)
Vegan: 25 Deliciosas Recetas Veganas (Dieta Vegetariana)
Vegan: 25 Deliciosas Recetas Veganas (Dieta Vegetariana)
Libro electrónico39 páginas14 minutos

Vegan: 25 Deliciosas Recetas Veganas (Dieta Vegetariana)

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Ya sea que usted sea vegano, vegetariano o simplemente este buscando mejorar su dieta "Amor Vegano" ha resumido todos los favoritos mexicanos y los ha adaptado para que los veganos puedan seguir disfrutando comida auténticamente deliciosa.

Las recetas en "Amor Vegano" han sido cuidadosamente refinadas y le darán deliciosas alternativas veganas a los platillos mexicanos tradicionales, sin comprometer el gusto, textura y sabor de sus platillos favoritos.

No importa cual sea el motivo por el cual integre la comida vegana a su vida, Amor Vegano lo inspirará a cocinar la bella, auténtica y tradicional comida mexicana para cualquier ocasión, cada noche de la semana. 

Todas las recetas están diseñadas para que no tarde más de 30 minutos preparándolas.
No hay "carne artificial vegana" ni ingredientes difíciles de encontrar. Todos los ingredientes son cosas que comunmente tendrá en su despensa o que podrá encontrar con facilidad en el supermercado.

Platillos auténticos y tradicionales que han sido cuidadosamente refinados para que no incluyan productos animales y que aun así tengan el gusto, textura y sabor de sus platillos favoritos.

Fecha de lanzamiento30 ene 2017
Vegan: 25 Deliciosas Recetas Veganas (Dieta Vegetariana)

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Calificación: 4.124999958333333 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    "Eating vegan is, at its best, less a rejection of certain foods and more an embrace of foods that are bright and flavorful." This is a great primer on vegan cooking. It's super accessible with recipes that range from the everyday/I-have-30-minutes-to-make-dinner to the more adventurous and time intensive. I thought the intro summed it up pretty well in saying that Hamshaw isn't just veganizing traditional recipes but showing that foods that are conceptualized as vegan from start to finish can be just as exciting. I love the design and layout and have basically the whole soup and entree sections bookmarked. I also liked the integration of prep tips and tricks throughout, along with the essentials section at the end. My only qualm is the lack of nutritional information, but it's not a deal breaker. I could have gotten down with a few more "out there" or exciting recipes, but this will be a great resource for the staples. I have mixed feelings about the line I quoted above - I think that's a good approach for many, but for me the decision to eat more vegan food IS a rejection of certain foods. I'm a Midwesterner through and through - I love me some meat and cheese. So the choice to cut those from my diet is a very deliberate rejection of that industry. BUT. It doesn't have to be that way for everyone, I get that. Everyone has their own reasons and what this book does really well is it neutralizes the issue and makes it approachable to everyone, even people freaked out by the very concept of veganism.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I’ve become a fan of Food52. I recently reviewed their book Genius Recipes, which garnered my very rare and coveted “A+” rating! And last night I made dinner using a recipe from their website.Food52 in general is not vegetarian, but this cookbook is the baby of Gena Hamshaw, who writes the column New Veganism for Food52. It's chock full of inventive and flavorful vegan goodies.The book begins with a foreword by Food52 founders Amanda Hesser and Merrill Stubbs. They express their initial reservations regarding vegan cooking, but the author converted them.The foreword is followed by a brief Vegan 101 index, letting you know where you can find some essential information like "Getting to Know Some Vegan Staples" or "Essential Techniques".The book is divided up into chapters:BreakfastAppetizers & SnacksSoupsSaladsMain DishesDessertsIt's filled with beautiful photos. The ingredients are generally simple, common ingredients (at least for someone familiar with vegan dining. Some things like nondairy milk, tamari, or nutritional yeast may not be familiar to more traditional cooks). I didn’t notice anything that would be especially difficult to find in most modern grocery stores.There are lots of delicious-sounding recipes, like Peach Crumble Coffee Cake, Penne with Summer Squash, Corn and Herbs, Smoky Tempeh and Hummus Sandwiches and Chai-Spiced Bread Pudding.Also note that the index is searchable by ingredient or recipe.This book is put together well, the recipes are familiar yet presented with a twist, the ingredients are attainable. This book makes vegan cooking "friendly" and accessible.

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Vegan - David C James


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¡¡Vegano!! ¡¡Vegano!! Yo amo lo Vegano. Es súper delicioso e increíble. No me creo. De acuerdo a las investigaciones la gente que tiende a seguir una dieta vegetariana tienden un mejor sistema nervioso, menos problemas al corazón, etc. Y no sólo eso, la dieta vegana es más barata en comparación a otras dietas. Sin más que decir, veamos las increíbles recetas que hay en este libro.

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