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Time Restricted Eating: A Beginner's 2-Week Guide for Women, with Sample Recipes and a Meal Plan
Time Restricted Eating: A Beginner's 2-Week Guide for Women, with Sample Recipes and a Meal Plan
Time Restricted Eating: A Beginner's 2-Week Guide for Women, with Sample Recipes and a Meal Plan
Libro electrónico49 páginas27 minutos

Time Restricted Eating: A Beginner's 2-Week Guide for Women, with Sample Recipes and a Meal Plan

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Discover the groundbreaking approach that's revolutionizing the way we think about eating and weight loss. Time-Restricted Eating (TRE) isn't just another diet - it's a lifestyle change that can transform your relationship with food and help you achieve your health goals without the hassle of calorie counting or food group restrictions.
EditorialMary Golanna
Fecha de lanzamiento30 sept 2023
Time Restricted Eating: A Beginner's 2-Week Guide for Women, with Sample Recipes and a Meal Plan

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    Time Restricted Eating - Mary Golanna

    Time Restricted Eating

    A Beginner’s 2-Week Guide for Women, with Sample Recipes and a Meal Plan


    Copyright © 2021 MARY GOLANNA

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    Printed in the United States of America


    Title Page




    All About Time-Restricted Eating

    Kinds of Food to Eat and Avoid in TRE

    Sample Recipes


    References and Helpful Links


    Time-restricted eating (TRE) has been gaining serious momentum since Michael Moseley's documentary on the subject was aired by the BBC in 2013. TRE is not a diet; it isn't about counting calories or even completely cutting out certain food groups. It is a way of scheduling your eating to maximize fat loss while still enjoying delicious food.

    It works like this: You pick an eating window for the day, usually anywhere from four to eight hours, and eat all your meals within that period. After closing up shop at the end of the day, you don't allow yourself anything else to eat for the rest of the day. Some people choose to fast through breakfast, but this is not required with TRE.

    It can be hard to adjust to this new way of eating at first, but it doesn't take long to get into a rhythm, especially when you have a meal plan and recipes ready to go! In this guide, you will learn how to eat in a window of time that works for you, and how to make sure your workouts are as effective as possible.

    In this beginner's guide, you will discover...

    The main principles of TRE

    Benefits of TRE for women

    How to implement TRE

    Sample meal plans for full and restricted days

    A list of recipes that are quick and easy to make


    By reading this disclaimer, you are accepting the terms of the disclaimer in full. If you disagree with this disclaimer, please do not read the guide.

    All of the content within this guide is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and should not be accepted as independent medical or other professional advice. The author is not a

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