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Spanish Reader Intermediate I: Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Students, #3
Spanish Reader Intermediate I: Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Students, #3
Spanish Reader Intermediate I: Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Students, #3
Libro electrónico79 páginas1 hora

Spanish Reader Intermediate I: Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Students, #3

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Spanish Reader Intermediate I is one of the various unique creations in language learning materials by CostaRica SpanishOnline, the first online Spanish School in Costa Rica for self-taught learners, as well as anyone who wishes to further their studies.

Spanish Reader Intermediate I provides the independent learner of Spanish with a collection of short stories; each with an unusual twist, which will undoubtedly keep you reading thus providing additional sentences, reinforcement in question structure, contemporary phrases used in Latin America, transitional phrases according to level of Spanish acquired by the reader, and entertainment as you learn.

Spanish Reader Intermediate I is the third book of the series of seven: Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Students. In addition to this first series of readers, we have put together a series of three volumes Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Students, a collection of medium length and long dialogues in Spanish to compliment your learning. We are the creators of  Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners, Spanish Conversation Book Beginners II and Spanish Conversation Book Beginners II as well as our new series Spanish Reader Elementary 1 & 2.

In January 2020 We will be releasing a new series of books at an elementary level.

I am certain you will find this Spanish Reader a unique source of learning and entertainment.


Iris Acevedo A.


Fecha de lanzamiento16 may 2017
Spanish Reader Intermediate I: Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Students, #3

Iris Acevedo A.

Iris Acevedo A. was born in Costa Rica in 1959. She lived and grew up in Ohio, Oklahoma and Kansas, returning to Costa Rica in 1976. Iris is the founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline, the first online Spanish school in Costa Rica to provide independent learners with live One-On-One Spanish Immersion Courses via Skype. In 2017, we have branched out and are now offering English Conversation Skills courses to Latina American learners residing in Costa Rica and abroad. During her over 30 years' experience teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language to learners from all over the world who have visited Costa Rica in order to learn Spanish, she took a keen interest in independent learners: an emerging group of students who have studied English and Spanish on their own, and somewhere along the process seek a Spanish language teacher to guide them. This is her field of expertise. Iris has written several articles on Spanish Language Tips and Top Questions for, such as The Spanish Subjunctive and The Future Tense, The Use of The Spanish Pronouns "Vos, Tú and Usted", among others. Iris has put together 3 series of Spanish Readers : -Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary-3 books (Audio Coming Soon) -Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Students-8 books -Spanish Conversation Books-4 books (Audio Coming Soon) All books contain a combination of Spanish Grammar structure and phrases lying within a narrative style with an unusual twist that keeps the independent student engaged and entertained while achieving a higher level of knowledge and conversation skills. Please note that our Readers and Conversation Books are not Grammar Books or Travel Guides. The only books of our collection that contain Grammar exercises are: Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary, Elementary II, and Elementary III, with a complete translation from Spanish to English for those students who are just beginning to make their first or second attempt to learn the language on their own.

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    Spanish Reader Intermediate I - Iris Acevedo A.

    Spanish Reader Intermediate 1

    Short Stories in Spanish

    Spanish to English Translation

    A unique Creation


    CostaRica SpanishOnline

    The first Online Spanish School in Costa Rica


    Learners of Spanish and English

    Copyright©2017 by CostaRica SpanishOnline. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons,living or dead, is merely coincidental.



    Spanish Reader Intermediate

    Spanish Reader Intermediate is one of the many unique creations of CostaRica SpanishOnline, the first online Spanish School in Costa Rica for independent learners. It is the third book of the series Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Students.

    Spanish Reader Intermediate provides the independent learner of Spanish with a collection of short stories; each with an unusual twist that will keep you reading until you reach the next story, thus providing you with additional sentences, question structure reinforcement, contemporary phrases used in Latin America-Costa Rica in particular-, as well as transitional phrases, according to the level of familiarity with the Spanish language acquired by the reader.

    The stories you will find in this book have been created by Iris Acevedo A. The challenge to create such stories is one of combining Spanish Grammar structures of Intermediate level together with the story that came into her mind for such purpose. It is highly unlikely you will find these stories anywhere else due to their original content.

    In addition, we have put together a series of three volumes Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Students, a collection of medium length and long dialogues in Spanish to compliment your learning. We are also the creators of Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners, Spanish Conversation Book Beginners II and Spanish Conversation Book Beginners II as well as our new series Spanish Reader Elementary 1 & 2.

    I am certain you will find this Spanish Reader a unique source of learning and entertainment.


    Iris Acevedo A.



    El Optimista Del Barrio-

    -The Preterit and The Imperfect Tenses.

    -Aglimpse of The Past Perfect Tense.

    ¡Más Vale Tarde Que Nunca!-

    -The Preterit

    -The Imperfect Indicative

    -The Past Perfect Indicative

    -Special Verbs

    -Reflexive Verbs.

    ¿Qué Tiene De Malo?

    -Special Verbs(gustar, molestar, interesar, encantar, fascinar, parecer...)

    -A glimpse of The Subjunctive Mood.

    Cita Donde La Dentista-

    -The Imperfect Indicative

    -The Preterit

    Matar Dos Pájaros De Un Solo Tiro-

    -The Simple Present

    -The Present Perfect Indicative

    -Reflexive Verbs

    Con Los Años-

    -All Special Verbs


    Por Si Acaso-

    -The Indicative

    -The Subjunctive Mood

    Dicen Por Ahí-

    -The Preterit

    -The Imperfect

    -Idiomatic Expressions used in Latin America.

    -Use of the pronoun Vos among friends.

    Accidente En La Ruta 111-

    -The Preterit

    -The Imperfect

    -The Present Perfect

    -The Past Perfect

    Un Día Sin Luz-

    -The Present Subjunctive

    -The Imperative

    -The Imperfect

    -The Preterit.

    ¡El Optimista Del Barrio!

    Don Juan Robles, hombre madrugador, trabajador y de pocas palabras, era dueño de una muy exitosa pulpería en un barrio que se llamaba Los Afligidos.

    Este barrio se llamaba de esta forma porque todos los vecinos tenían un sinnúmero de tragedias que contar o, para el caso, historias tristes que ellos aprovechaban para contar, y de paso, exagerar el contenido de éstas.

    Debido a que don Juan era el dueño de la pulpería que se llamaba La Victoria muchas personas que sentían que sus vidas eran una tragedia no podían comprender la razón por la cual don Juan había escogido este nombre tan extraño.

    Él acostumbraba abrir las puertas de la pulpería justo a las 5 de la mañana; de lunes a domingo.

    Él siempre abría temprano, inclusive los domingos, ya que tenía una filosofía de vida que había heredado de su padre: El que madruga, Dios le ayuda.

    Además, había heredado de su dedicada madre y de su padre que aún vivía, el noble hábito de la lectura. Ellos le habían enseñado a leer cuando don Juan cumplió los 5 años, y dos años más tarde el niño entró a primer grado; sorprendiendo a la profesora, pues ya él no solamente sabía leer con exactitud y breves pausas de entonación, sino que también sabía escribir aplicando reglas de ortografía dignas de un estudiante de sexto grado.

    - ¡Buenos Días, don Juan!-, dijo el primer cliente de la mañana.

    - ¡Buenos Días...Chepe...¿Cómo amaneció?-, contestó don Juan, agradecido con su cliente por llegar a comprar, y mostrando la auténtica sonrisa que le caracterizaba entre todos los vecinos, al igual que otras personas que lo conocían.

    -Pues...fíjese usted...que no tan bien como usted-, contestó Chepe, quien siempre respondía de la misma manera: con actitud derrotista y cara de eterno amargado; procurando así, no entrar en discusiones causadas por el fallido intento que el pobre hombre hacía para intentar detonar enojo en todo aquel que no tenía la menor idea de lo que el pobre diablo, a nivel inconsciente, pretendía causar.

    Don Juan, como de costumbre, ignoraba la habitual respuesta pesimista de su cliente y continuaba conversando con visible alegría, a pesar de los continuos e incansables intentos de su cliente por borrarle al

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