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Learn and Refresh Your Spanish the Fun Way, Grow Your Vocabulary, Improve Your Grammar for Beginner/Intermediate Learners
Learn and Refresh Your Spanish the Fun Way, Grow Your Vocabulary, Improve Your Grammar for Beginner/Intermediate Learners
Learn and Refresh Your Spanish the Fun Way, Grow Your Vocabulary, Improve Your Grammar for Beginner/Intermediate Learners
Libro electrónico161 páginas2 horas

Learn and Refresh Your Spanish the Fun Way, Grow Your Vocabulary, Improve Your Grammar for Beginner/Intermediate Learners

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Learn & Refresh your Spanish for Beginner & Intermediate Learners: Master your Reading and Expand your Vocabulary with this Entertaining Short Story. Take your Spanish to the Next Level the Fun Way! Ideal for young adult Spanish learners, and adult intermediate learners who want to learn the language in a SMART way.

Read this Short Story and turbo-boost your fluency!

Learn the Spanish language using this smart and highly effective method. Yeshua Maestra's compelling storytelling will help you reach your goal of gaining fluency in Spanish. This short story recounts the amazing adventures of Detective Valeria Valentina and will leave you wanting to read on and on – without doubt the most intelligent way to learn a language!

Each chapter is prefaced with useful vocabulary and phrases which you will retain without realising you are learning new vocab, and the story is designed to maintain your attention and give you a fantastic sense of achievement once you have finished it.


This book is perfect for you if:

You have a foundation of Spanish, but feel demotivated and bored.

You wish to reignite your love of the Spanish language and take it to the next level.

You don't respond well to traditional parrot-like language learning yet you're struggling to get closer to fluency and achieve top marks.

What you will gain from reading this book:

Development of your Spanish through the sheer pleasure of reading an intriguing detective plot.

A fantastic range of useful vocabulary and turns of phrase that you can incorporate into your repertoire.

Confidence and a desire to read more and thus further develop your Spanish. No feelings of frustration.

Motivation and results!

This fantastic and gripping short story is the intelligent way to progress with your intermediate Spanish learning and will encourage you to keep reading and broadening your vocabulary range. No overwhelming feelings – just pure entertainment!

Fecha de lanzamiento9 may 2021
Learn and Refresh Your Spanish the Fun Way, Grow Your Vocabulary, Improve Your Grammar for Beginner/Intermediate Learners

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    Learn and Refresh Your Spanish the Fun Way, Grow Your Vocabulary, Improve Your Grammar for Beginner/Intermediate Learners - Yeshua Maestra

    Book Description


    Learn and Refresh your Spanish for Intermediate Learners: Master your Spanish and Expand your Vocabulary through this Entertaining and Gripping Short Story by Yeshua Maestra. Take your Spanish to the Next Level the Fun Way! Ideal for young adult Spanish learners, and adult intermediate learners who want to learn the language in a SMART way.

    Read this Short Story and turbo-boost your fluency!

    Learn the Spanish language using this smart and highly effective method. Yeshua Maestra’s compelling storytelling will help you reach your goal of gaining fluency in Spanish. This short story recounts the amazing adventures of Detective Valeria Valentina and will leave you wanting to read on and on – without doubt the most intelligent way to learn a language!

    Each chapter is prefaced with useful vocabulary and phrases which you will retain without realising you are learning new vocab, and the story is designed to maintain your attention and give you a fantastic sense of achievement once you have finished it.

    This book is perfect for you if:

    You have a foundation of Spanish, but feel demotivated and bored.

    You wish to reignite your love of the Spanish language and take it to the next level.

    You don’t respond well to traditional parrot-like language learning yet you’re struggling to get closer to fluency and achieve top marks.

    What you will gain from reading this book:

    Development of your Spanish through the sheer pleasure of reading an intriguing detective plot.

    A fantastic range of useful vocabulary and turns of phrase that you can incorporate into your repertoire.

    Confidence and a desire to read more and thus further develop your Spanish. No feelings of frustration.

    Motivation and results!

    This fantastic and gripping short story is the intelligent way to progress with your intermediate Spanish learning and will encourage you to keep reading and broadening your vocabulary range. No overwhelming feelings – just pure entertainment!

    Índice de materias

    Table of Contents


    Cómo usar este libro

    How to use this book

    Numero Uno

    Vocabulario a tener en cuenta

    Vocabulary to keep in mind

    Frases Útiles

    Useful Phrases

    ¡Han secuestrado a Firulais!

    Firulais has been kidnapped!

    Las Preguntas

    The Questions

    Numero Dos

    Vocabulario a tener en cuenta

    Vocabulary to keep in mind

    Frases Útiles

    Useful Phrases

    En búsqueda del nombre perfecto

    In search of the perfect name

    Las Preguntas

    The Questions

    Numero Tres

    Vocabulario a tener en cuenta

    Vocabulary to keep in mind

    Frases Útiles

    Useful Phrases

    La muerte del mayordomo

    The death of the butler

    Las Preguntas

    The Questions

    Numero Cuatro

    Vocabulario a tener en cuenta

    Vocabulary to keep in mind

    Frases Útiles

    Useful Phrases



    Las Preguntas

    The Questions

    Ultimas Palabras

    Final Words

    Cómo usar este libro

    How to use this book


    Si estás empezando a aprender el español o te gustaria repasarlo después de un tiempo sin práctica, este libro es perfecto para ti.

    If you have just started learning Spanish or you are looking to refresh your Spanish after a little while without practice, then this book is perfect for you.

    Seguramente habrás notado que cada línea está traducida directamente al inglés en negrita. Muchas de las frases clave de este libro estarán traducidas al inglés, pero sin embargo, muchas no lo estarán. La idea es que sigas con la lectura de este libro aunque no entiendas todo lo que estés leyendo. Aprenderás de esta manera, así que no te preocupes por ello. ¡Ten paciencia!

    You have probably noticed how each line is directly translated into English in bold. Many of the key sentences in this book will be translated into English, however, many will not. The idea is for you to follow along with the reading even if you do not understand everything you are reading. You will learn this way so do not worry about it. Be patient!

    Seguramente que ya estés revisando las frases entre el inglés y el español antes de empezar a leer las historias. Esta es la actitud que te ayudará a dominar otro idioma.

    You are probably already checking back and forth between the English and Spanish sentences before the stories have even begun. This is the attitude that will help you master another language.

    Cada capítulo comenzará con algo de vocabulario a tener en cuenta y frases útiles en español e inglés. Esto te ayudará a reconocer estas palabras.

    Each chapter will begin with some vocabulary to keep in mind and useful phrases in Spanish and English. This will aid your recognition of these words.

    A lo largo de cada historia el vocabulario para tener en cuenta y las frases útiles se resaltarán en cursiva. Además, algunas de las frases que se traducirán directamente al inglés aún no habrán sido introducidas.

    Throughout each story the vocabulary to keep in mind and useful phrases will be highlighted in italics. Also, there will be some sentences directly translated into English that haven’t been introduced to you yet.

    Probablemente notarás que algunas de las traducciones al inglés no están escritas correctamente. Esto te permitirá empezar a entender la estructura escrita del español. Intenta aceptar estas diferencias.

    You will probably notice how some of the translations back into English are not written in proper English. This will allow you to begin to understand how Spanish is written. Try to embrace these differences.

    Al fin y al cabo estás aquí para aprender el español, no el inglés.

    After all, you are here to learn Spanish, not English.

    Por último, cada capítulo terminará con algunas preguntas sobre la historia que acabas de leer. Intenta responderlas en español.

    Finally, each chapter will end with some questions about the story you have just read. Try to answer them in Spanish.

    Este libro te va a introducir a un vocabulario básico y complejo, y a frases que seguramente no recordarás de inmediato. No intentes recordarlo todo... no es possible.

    This book will introduce you to some basic and complex vocabulary and phrases that you will likely not remember immediately. Do not try to remember everything, it is not possible.

    Sin embargo, este libro no pretende ser un diccionario exhaustivo de español al inglés. Si cada palabra y frase fuese traducida directamente, es probable que no aprendieras tanto, ya que lo más natural es prestar atención a las traducciones al inglés.

    What this book is not however, is a comprehensive Spanish to English dictionary. If every word and phrase was translated directly, it is likely that you will not learn as you will find yourself naturally only paying attention to the English translations.

    Siéntate, relájate y disfruta de las aventuras de Valeria Valentina.

    Sit back, relax, and enjoy the adventures of Valeria Valentina.

    Numero Uno


    Vocabulario a tener en cuenta

    Vocabulary to keep in mind


    Encantada / Enchanted

    Serpiente / Snake

    Compañeros / Companions

    Primero / First

    Llenando / Filling

    Quiso / Wanted

    Juzgase / Judge (assess)

    Peculiares / Peculiar

    Parlanchín / Chatterbox

    Enmarañado / Matted

    Desenredarlo / Untangle it

    Acaricié / Caressed

    Extrañada / Missed

    Impedimento / Impediment

    Temática / Thematic

    Idóneo / Suitable

    Preguntarse / Wonder

    Repugnante / Disgusting

    Escabullirme / Sneak away

    Improvisar / Improvise

    Frases Útiles

    Useful Phrases


    Una vez que eres una detective renombrada, es imposible dejar los hábitos en el pasado.

    Once you are a renowned detective, it is impossible to leave your habits in the past.

    Vamos retrasados, así que tenemos que irnos ya.

    We're late, so we have to go now.

    No podía decirle a Annie que me negaba a buscar a Firulais por todas partes.

    I could not tell Annie that I would not search heaven and earth for Firulais.

    El secuestro de un perro parecía fuera de lugar.

    The kidnapping of a dog seemed out of place.

    No sabes cuánto agradezco que hagas esto por mí.

    You don't know how much I appreciate you doing this for me.

    Me vi rodeada por caos y mucho ruido.

    I got caught up in a noisy street.

    No podía anteponer la belleza a la comodidad.

    I couldn't give up comfort for beauty.

    Se me hundió el corazón al verlo.

    My heart crumpled when I saw it.

    Hay mucho trabajo por hacer, pero lo dejo en tus manos.

    There is a lot of work to be done, but I leave it up to you.

    Asintió y siguió documentando cada uno de los sucesos en una libreta.

    He nodded and continued documenting each of the events in a notebook.

    ¡Han secuestrado a Firulais!

    Firulais has been kidnapped!


    Despertar cada mañana en el mismo lugar me hacía feliz, el sol se colaba por mi ventana y mis ojos se abrían de inmediato.

    Waking up every morning in the same place made me happy, the sun entered through my window and my eyes opened immediately.

    Me encantaba ver esa habitación llena de plantas por todos lados, algo de tierra en el suelo, cajas de cristal y, claro, mis fieles compañeros. Todas las mañanas me tomaba mi tiempo para mirar a cada uno de ellos y darles la atención que necesitaban antes de hacerme el desayuno.

    Mis fieles compañeros, los que siempre están ahí, los que nunca me abandonan. Si empezamos a nombrarlos desde el más reciente, el primero sería Oslo, un oso polar tan blanco como la nieve o una hoja de papel,

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