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Las Pastillas De Oro: Totally Intense Book 1
Las Pastillas De Oro: Totally Intense Book 1
Las Pastillas De Oro: Totally Intense Book 1
Libro electrónico228 páginas14 minutos

Las Pastillas De Oro: Totally Intense Book 1

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Designed for the Spanish beginner who is ready to explore literature, this first book of the Totally InTense series is written entirely in the present tense. Increasingly complex grammatical elements are gradually introduced in the story. New words and concepts are explained right there in the margins, so you can leave the dictionary on the shelf. The comprehensive introduction provides a great review for basic and complex grammatical elements.

Las Pastillas de Oro is part translator, part dictionary, part grammar book, and part novel.
Fecha de lanzamiento12 dic 2015
Las Pastillas De Oro: Totally Intense Book 1

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    Las Pastillas De Oro - Amanda Potasznik


    Introduction to Totally Intense

    Chapter 1: Simple Present, Compound Future

    Repaso: Capítulo 1

    Chapter 2: Irregular verbs, Tener Idioms and Verbs

    Repaso: Capítulo 2

    Chapter 3: Hay, Hay que, Acabar, Reflexives

    Repaso: Capítulo 3

    Chapter 4: Gustar, Indirect object pronouns

    Repaso: Capítulo 4

    Chapter 5: Reflexives, Indirect Object Pronoun Practice

    Repaso: Capítulo 5

    Chapter 6: Present progressive, Participles

    Repaso: Capítulo 6

    Chapter 7: Direct object pronouns, Indirect objects

    Repaso: Capítulo 7

    Appendix: The message

    Next in the totally intense series : Book 2: Los Mensajes Secretos

    Introduction to



    If you’re a native English speaker with some lower-level Spanish training who wants to gain fluency and improve your grammar and vocabulary, but get bored reading textbook-style phrases…excellent! You’ve got the right book.

    The Totally InTense series presents Spanish grammar and vocabulary lessons within the context of an interesting fictional story. The series is written one tense at a time, which means you can read the first part of the first book as soon as you catch on to basic present tense verb use and have a few vocabulary words under your belt. From there, additional tenses and grammatical elements are gradually introduced in the story. Plus, there’s no need to put your reading on hold to look up translations or conjugation charts - you’ll find the lessons in the margins of the pages and in the gaps between the lines.

    In order to organize those lessons, we’ve established a color-coded symbol system.

    Fig 1.1 - Color coding system for Totally InTense reading

    Note: The vosotros subject pronoun, along with all of its corresponding grammatical elements such as direct/indirect object and reflexive pronouns, are not used in this text. However, the forms are included in conjugation charts in case the reader plans to utilize this pronoun (used exclusively in Spain).

    One last thing: full, interesting conversations in only one tense (for this book, the present tense) are not the most natural form of communication. That’s why some of the sentences in this book may seem a bit awkward to native Spanish speakers, who may (accurately) say, There’s a better way to say that. Still, we believe that the combination of one tense with new grammar structures and vocabulary words introduced gradually, even if not truly authentic from the get-go, are best for picking up languages in a

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