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The Spanish Subjunctive Explained- Over 100 examples
The Spanish Subjunctive Explained- Over 100 examples
The Spanish Subjunctive Explained- Over 100 examples
Libro electrónico70 páginas32 minutos

The Spanish Subjunctive Explained- Over 100 examples

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The idea of creating a guide to understanding the Spanish Subjunctive Mood, The Spanish Subjunctive-Over 100 Examples, came to me after 30 years’ experience teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language in my native country, Costa Rica.

The Spanish Subjunctive Mood is not as difficult to learn as it seems; nevertheless, The Spanish Subjunctive does require an extensive amount of work, dedication and practice on behalf of the student.

Although teachers are often more than willing to spend a great amount of classroom time on providing students with activities to eventually master the Subjunctive in conversation, they are not always able to make such an effort due to time constraints coupled with deadlines to be met by every course in a traditional Spanish Language School environment.

It was with this in mind that Iris Acevedo A., founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline, began to create exclusive Spanish language teaching materials readily available for the independent learner and teachers as well.

The Spanish Subjunctive-Over 100 Examples, provides explanations that are easy to understand, followed by over one hundred examples translated from Spanish to English.

You will find the layout of this book, as well as examples that immediately follow explanations, the most helpful learning resource when stumbling upon The Spanish Subjunctive Mood and its Tenses.

Iris Acevedo A.


CostaRica SpanishOnline

Fecha de lanzamiento12 feb 2018
The Spanish Subjunctive Explained- Over 100 examples

Iris Acevedo A.

Iris Acevedo A. was born in Costa Rica in 1959. She lived and grew up in Ohio, Oklahoma and Kansas, returning to Costa Rica in 1976. Iris is the founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline, the first online Spanish school in Costa Rica to provide independent learners with live One-On-One Spanish Immersion Courses via Skype. In 2017, we have branched out and are now offering English Conversation Skills courses to Latina American learners residing in Costa Rica and abroad. During her over 30 years' experience teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language to learners from all over the world who have visited Costa Rica in order to learn Spanish, she took a keen interest in independent learners: an emerging group of students who have studied English and Spanish on their own, and somewhere along the process seek a Spanish language teacher to guide them. This is her field of expertise. Iris has written several articles on Spanish Language Tips and Top Questions for, such as The Spanish Subjunctive and The Future Tense, The Use of The Spanish Pronouns "Vos, Tú and Usted", among others. Iris has put together 3 series of Spanish Readers : -Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary-3 books (Audio Coming Soon) -Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Students-8 books -Spanish Conversation Books-4 books (Audio Coming Soon) All books contain a combination of Spanish Grammar structure and phrases lying within a narrative style with an unusual twist that keeps the independent student engaged and entertained while achieving a higher level of knowledge and conversation skills. Please note that our Readers and Conversation Books are not Grammar Books or Travel Guides. The only books of our collection that contain Grammar exercises are: Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary, Elementary II, and Elementary III, with a complete translation from Spanish to English for those students who are just beginning to make their first or second attempt to learn the language on their own.

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    The Spanish Subjunctive Explained- Over 100 examples - Iris Acevedo A.

    The Spanish Subjunctive Explained-

    Over 100 examples

    From a unique collection of learning materials


    CostaRica SpanishOnline

    The First online Spanish Language School in Costa Rica for the independent learner of Spanish as a Foreign Language.

    Copyright©2017 by CostaRica SpanishOnline. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    August 2017


    5.  Power Point Presentation

    a.  Additional Practice 



    The idea of creating a guide to understanding the Spanish Subjunctive Mood, The Spanish Subjunctive-Over 100 Examples, came to me after 30 years’ experience teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language in my native country, Costa Rica.

    The Spanish Subjunctive Mood is not as difficult to learn as it seems; nevertheless, The Spanish Subjunctive does require an extensive amount of work, dedication and practice on behalf of the student.

    Although teachers are often more than willing to spend a great amount of classroom time on providing students with activities to eventually master the Subjunctive in conversation, they are not always able to make such an effort due to time constraints coupled with deadlines to be met by every course in a traditional Spanish Language School environment.

    It was with this in mind that Iris Acevedo A., founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline, began to create exclusive Spanish language teaching materials readily available for the independent learner and teachers as well.

    The Spanish Subjunctive-Over 100 Examples, provides explanations that are easy to understand, followed by over one hundred examples translated from Spanish to English.

    You will find the layout of this book, as well as examples that immediately follow explanations, the most helpful learning resource when stumbling upon The Spanish Subjunctive Mood and its Tenses.

    Iris Acevedo A.


    CostaRica SpanishOnline


    El Subjuntivo en español no es un tiempo verbal; sino un modo verbal. Esto significa que el Subjuntivo se usa para referirnos a la forma de sentir; no a la acción en sí.

    The Spanish Subjunctive is not a verb tense, but a mood. What this means is, the Subjunctive is used when we refer to the way someone feels, not about an action that someone performs.

    La acción es importante, no obstante, las emociones lo son mucho más. En la cultura hispanohablante nosotros le otorgamos gran importancia a la expresión de nuestras emociones; de modo que éstas se expresan por medio de verbos y expresiones que incitan el uso del Modo Subjuntivo.

    Indeed, an action is important; however, in all Spanish speaking countries, expressing emotions is more important. We express our emotions by the use of certain verbs that trigger the Subjunctive conjugation of a verb.

    Nosotros usamos el Subjuntivo para expresar lo que sentimos; además, lo que nosotros deseamos

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