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Easy Learning Spanish Verbs: Trusted support for learning
Easy Learning Spanish Verbs: Trusted support for learning
Easy Learning Spanish Verbs: Trusted support for learning
Libro electrónico299 páginas24 horas

Easy Learning Spanish Verbs: Trusted support for learning

Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Perfect for Spanish revision offering beginners a clear and easy-to-understand guide to Spanish verbs.

The main section of the book consists of 120 fully conjugated verbs, regular and irregular. Each is self-contained, showing all the major tenses, clearly set out with pronouns.

The introduction gives a detailed explanation of each of the three main tenses. It also deals with compound tenses and the use of the passive. Finally, an alphabetical index lists almost 3,000 widely used verbs; each one cross-refers the user to its basic model in the main verb tables.

  • Shows all the major tenses of the most important verbs in Spanish in full.
  • Hundreds of examples of real Spanish show exactly how each verb is actually used.
  • Specially designed for eReaders, including iPad, with a clear, colour layout.
Fecha de lanzamiento5 may 2016
Easy Learning Spanish Verbs: Trusted support for learning

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