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Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary 1: Spanish Reader for Beginners Elementary 1, 2 & 3, #1
Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary 1: Spanish Reader for Beginners Elementary 1, 2 & 3, #1
Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary 1: Spanish Reader for Beginners Elementary 1, 2 & 3, #1
Libro electrónico74 páginas54 minutos

Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary 1: Spanish Reader for Beginners Elementary 1, 2 & 3, #1

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Información de este libro electrónico

Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary takes basic Spanish Grammar Structures and places them in scenarios where these structures are easy to understand.

Although this book is fully translated from Spanish to English, we encourage students to understand the nuances and uses of certain Grammatical Structures, as well as verbs, found throughout each and every paragraph, by providing examples and short exercises that trigger intuitive learning.

However, because this is a Basic Spanish Reader, I have provided literal Spanish to English translation of all paragraphs in order for the reader to comprehend sentence structure in Spanish thus acquiring greater understanding regarding the way we speak Spanish in Latin America; particulary, in Central America.

In the beginning, as you start out learning Spanish as a Foreign Language, the various uses of the verbs Ser and Estar may seem quite challenging; nevertheless, through the unique teaching style of CostaRica SpanishOnline Language School, the learner is able to comprehend these structures in a way that he or she feels it is their own ability to learn a Foreign Language that is performing the task.

We highly suggest, at the beginner level of course, starting out with the series of three books; Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary,  previous to purchasing Spanish Reader for Beginners, the first book of the series; Spanish Reader for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Students.

I hope you find these short paragraphs, examples and exercises as helpful as they are intended to be.

Iris Acevedo A.



Fecha de lanzamiento21 ago 2016
Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary 1: Spanish Reader for Beginners Elementary 1, 2 & 3, #1

Iris Acevedo A.

Iris Acevedo A. was born in Costa Rica in 1959. She lived and grew up in Ohio, Oklahoma and Kansas, returning to Costa Rica in 1976. Iris is the founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline, the first online Spanish school in Costa Rica to provide independent learners with live One-On-One Spanish Immersion Courses via Skype. In 2017, we have branched out and are now offering English Conversation Skills courses to Latina American learners residing in Costa Rica and abroad. During her over 30 years' experience teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language to learners from all over the world who have visited Costa Rica in order to learn Spanish, she took a keen interest in independent learners: an emerging group of students who have studied English and Spanish on their own, and somewhere along the process seek a Spanish language teacher to guide them. This is her field of expertise. Iris has written several articles on Spanish Language Tips and Top Questions for, such as The Spanish Subjunctive and The Future Tense, The Use of The Spanish Pronouns "Vos, Tú and Usted", among others. Iris has put together 3 series of Spanish Readers : -Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary-3 books (Audio Coming Soon) -Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Students-8 books -Spanish Conversation Books-4 books (Audio Coming Soon) All books contain a combination of Spanish Grammar structure and phrases lying within a narrative style with an unusual twist that keeps the independent student engaged and entertained while achieving a higher level of knowledge and conversation skills. Please note that our Readers and Conversation Books are not Grammar Books or Travel Guides. The only books of our collection that contain Grammar exercises are: Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary, Elementary II, and Elementary III, with a complete translation from Spanish to English for those students who are just beginning to make their first or second attempt to learn the language on their own.

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    Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary 1 - Iris Acevedo A.


    Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary takes basic Spanish Grammar Structures and places them in scenarios where these structures are easy to understand.

    Although this book is fully translated from Spanish to English, we encourage students to understand the nuances and uses of certain Grammatical Structures, as well as verbs, found throughout each and every paragraph, by providing examples and short exercises that trigger intuitive learning.

    However, because this is a Basic Spanish Reader, I have provided literal Spanish to English translation of all paragraphs in order for the reader to comprehend sentence structure in Spanish thus acquiring greater understanding regarding the way we speak Spanish in Latin America; particulary, in Central America.

    In the beginning, as you start out learning Spanish as a Foreign Language, the various uses of the verbs Ser and Estar may seem quite challenging; nevertheless, through the unique teaching style of CostaRica SpanishOnline Language School, the learner is able to comprehend these structures in a way that he or she feels it is their own ability to learn a Foreign Language that is performing the task.

    We highly suggest, at the beginner level of course, starting out with the series of three books; Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary,  previous to purchasing Spanish Reader for Beginners, the first book of the series; Spanish Reader for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Students.

    I hope you find these short paragraphs, examples and exercises as helpful as they are intended to be.

    Iris Acevedo A.



    La Casa De Al Lado -The House Next Door

    -Ser,Estar: To be

    -Haber: There is/There are

    -Tener:To Have

    -Sentence Structure

    -Question Structure

    La Familia García -The Garcia Family

    -Regular Verbs: -ar, -er,-ir

    -Present Tense/Past Tense

    -The verb Ir (to go)

    -Sentence Structure

    -Question Structure

    En El Supermercado -At The Supermarket

    -Irregular Verbs:-ar, er,-ir

    -Sentence Structure

    -Question Structure

    Verbos Regulares:-ar, -er, -ir

    Verbos Irregulares

    La Casa De Al Lado-The  House Next Door

    Mi casa está en el barrio Los Cipreses. El Barrio Los Cipreses está en la Avenida Tres. La casa de al lado está a la derecha de mi casa. La casa de al lado es de color amarillo.

    Mi house is located in the Los Cipreses neighborhood. Los Cipreses neighborhood is on Third Avenue. The house next door is on the right. The house next door is painted yellow.

    La casa de al lado es de dos pisos. En el primer piso hay una sala grande. La cocina está al lado de la sala. A un lado de la cocina está el cuarto de pilas.

    The house next door is a two story home. There is a large living room on the first floor. The kitchen is next to the living room. The laundry room is on one side of the kitchen.

    En el cuarto de pilas hay una lavadora, una secadora, un tendedero de ropa y una pila para lavar el trapo de piso.

    There is a washer, a drier, a clothes line, and a laundry room sink to wash the floor mop.

    En primer piso hay un garaje para dos carros. La puerta del garaje es automática. Afuera de la casa, en el frente,  hay un patio de zacate con árboles frutales.

    On the first floor there is a garage for two cars. The garage door is an electric door. Outside the house, in the front, there is a green area with fruit trees.

    En la parte de atrás de la casa hay un patio de zacate con árboles de aguacate, limón y mandarina.

    In the back of the house there is a

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