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Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners II: Spanish Conversation Books, #2
Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners II: Spanish Conversation Books, #2
Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners II: Spanish Conversation Books, #2
Libro electrónico70 páginas35 minutos

Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners II: Spanish Conversation Books, #2

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Spanish Conversation Book Beginner II is the second book of the new series: Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Students by CostaRica SpanishOnline Language School. In all books, you will find: current Spanish Phrases, sentence and question structure, real life situations and key Grammatical Structures; updated to the real world of 2018.

All dialogues in this book have been literally translated in order not to lose the meanings of colloquial phrases and questions.

Each conversation depicts real life situations for adults who travel abroad, or have even decide to live in a Latin American country thus requiring speaking according to this time and age. In addition, each dialogue has been translated from Spanish to English, as requested by several of our readers.

CostaRica Spanish Online Language School guarantees that you will find this book not only to be a great source of vocabulary, but also a reputable source of knowledge of the language we speak in Central and South America.

I hope you enjoy reading them and learn a great deal during your readings.

This is not a Travel Guide or a Grammar Exercise Textbook.

Iris Acevedo A.

Founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline

Fecha de lanzamiento17 may 2017
Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners II: Spanish Conversation Books, #2

Iris Acevedo A.

Iris Acevedo A. was born in Costa Rica in 1959. She lived and grew up in Ohio, Oklahoma and Kansas, returning to Costa Rica in 1976. Iris is the founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline, the first online Spanish school in Costa Rica to provide independent learners with live One-On-One Spanish Immersion Courses via Skype. In 2017, we have branched out and are now offering English Conversation Skills courses to Latina American learners residing in Costa Rica and abroad. During her over 30 years' experience teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language to learners from all over the world who have visited Costa Rica in order to learn Spanish, she took a keen interest in independent learners: an emerging group of students who have studied English and Spanish on their own, and somewhere along the process seek a Spanish language teacher to guide them. This is her field of expertise. Iris has written several articles on Spanish Language Tips and Top Questions for, such as The Spanish Subjunctive and The Future Tense, The Use of The Spanish Pronouns "Vos, Tú and Usted", among others. Iris has put together 3 series of Spanish Readers : -Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary-3 books (Audio Coming Soon) -Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Students-8 books -Spanish Conversation Books-4 books (Audio Coming Soon) All books contain a combination of Spanish Grammar structure and phrases lying within a narrative style with an unusual twist that keeps the independent student engaged and entertained while achieving a higher level of knowledge and conversation skills. Please note that our Readers and Conversation Books are not Grammar Books or Travel Guides. The only books of our collection that contain Grammar exercises are: Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary, Elementary II, and Elementary III, with a complete translation from Spanish to English for those students who are just beginning to make their first or second attempt to learn the language on their own.

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    Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners II - Iris Acevedo A.

    Spanish Conversation Book Beginner II

    Spanish Dialogues-Spanish to English Translation

    A unique creation


    CostaRica SpanishOnline

    The first online language school in Costa Rica 

    for the independent learner.

    COPYRIGHT©2018 BY COSTARICA SpanishOnline. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is merely coincidental.



    SPANISH CONVERSATION Book Beginner II is the second book of the new series Spanish Conversation Book for Beginners and Intermediate Students, created by CostaRica SpanishOnline Language School.

    In all three books, you will find a variety of current Spanish Phrases, sentence and question structure, real life situations, and key Grammatical Structures; updated to the real world of 2018.

    All dialogues in this book are translated literally in order not to lose the meanings of colloquial phrases and questions.

    Each conversation depicts real life situations for adults who travel abroad or have even decided to live in a Latin American country thus requiring speaking Spanish as we do in this time and age.

    Each dialogue, translated from Spanish to English, as requested by several of our readers, will provide you with real life situations you are most likely to meet during your stay in a Latinamerican country.

    CostaRica Spanish Online Language School guarantees that you will find this book, not only to be a great source of vocabulary, but also a reputable source of knowledge of the language we speak in Central and South America.

    I hope you enjoy reading them and learn a great deal during your readings. Please note, this book is not a Travel Guide.


    Founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline


    Renovando La Licencia de Conducir-Driver’s Licence Renewal


    -Irregular Verbs

    En La Feria Del Agrigultor-At the Farmers’ Market

    -Regular Verbs

    -Irregular Verbs

    Reportar Un Robo En Una Residencia-Reporting a Robbery

    -All Verbs-The Preterit Tense

    En La Farmacia-At The Drugstore

    -The Preterit Tense

    -The Preterit Imperfect Tense

    5. Reportando Una Avería Eléctrica-Reporting A Power Outage

    -The Preterit Tense

    -The Imperfect Tense

    6. Tomando Un Taxi En La Calle-Flagging a Cab

    -Reflexive Verbs

    7. Algunas Rimas-Some Rhymes

    Renovando La Licencia de Conducir-Driver’s Licence Renewal

    RONALD TIENE SU LICENCIA de conducir desde hace tres años y necesita renovarla antes de febrero. Esta mañana, él llama al Banco de Costa Rica para sacar una cita, pues el banco ofrece este tipo de servicio; sacar citas en línea.

    Ronald has had his driver’s license for three years and he needs to renew it before February. This morning, he calls the Bank of Costa Rica to make an appointment because the bank offers this type of service; to schedule an appointment online.

    Personajes: BCR-Banco de Costa Rica, R- Ronald


    BCR (respuesta automatizada): ¡Bienvenido al Banco de Costa Rica! Si usted sabe el número de extensión, digítelo ahora, o presione 2 para acceder nuestro directorio interno. De lo contrario, marque 0 para ser atendido por uno de nuestros operadores.

    Recording-Welcome to Bank of Costa Rica! If you know the extension number, dial now, or press 2 to have access to our internal directory. On the contrary, dial 0 to contact one of our operators-

    RONALD MARCA 0, PUES él no sabe exactamente con quien necesita hablar para sacar la cita.

    Ronald dials 0 because he doesn’t know exactly who to talk to in order to make an appointment.

    BCR: -Bienvenido al Banco de Costa Rica... Evelyn le habla, ¿en qué le puedo servir? -

    -Welcome to Bank of Costa Rica; this is Evelyn. How can I help you?

    R: - Buenas tardes, señorita. Necesito renovar la licencia, y estoy llamando para sacar una cita para este mes-

    -Good afternoon, Miss. I need to renew my license and I am calling to make an appointment sometime this month-

    BCR: -Sí, ¿con quién tengo el gusto? -

    -Yes, who do I have the pleasure of speaking to? -

    R: -Mi nombre es Ronald H...-

    -My name is Ronald H...-

    BCR:-Don Ronald, ¿cuál es el número de su licencia? -

    -Don Ronald, what is your driver’s

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