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Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review- A Dual Beginner Spanish Grammar Book
Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review- A Dual Beginner Spanish Grammar Book
Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review- A Dual Beginner Spanish Grammar Book
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Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review- A Dual Beginner Spanish Grammar Book

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Información de este libro electrónico

Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review for Beginners is a Spanish Grammar book, fully translated from Spanish to English including over three hundred examples, also fully translated.

In Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review for Beginners, you will find three sections: Chapter 1A, Chapter 1B, and Chapter 1C.

All three chapters include images, dialogues, and readings to complement your self-study.

Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language may find this book highly resourceful when requiring easy explanations, as well as examples to work with.

We have included a contents section with topics and corresponding page numbers at the beginning of each chapter in this book; therefore, you may use it as a reference book with examples for each subject, as well as a means to review what you have already studied, yet continues to bring up questions.

Nevertheless, if you are a first time student of Spanish, then this is the book for you.

Iris Acevedo A.


Fecha de lanzamiento17 jul 2018
Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review- A Dual Beginner Spanish Grammar Book

Iris Acevedo A.

Iris Acevedo A. was born in Costa Rica in 1959. She lived and grew up in Ohio, Oklahoma and Kansas, returning to Costa Rica in 1976. Iris is the founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline, the first online Spanish school in Costa Rica to provide independent learners with live One-On-One Spanish Immersion Courses via Skype. In 2017, we have branched out and are now offering English Conversation Skills courses to Latina American learners residing in Costa Rica and abroad. During her over 30 years' experience teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language to learners from all over the world who have visited Costa Rica in order to learn Spanish, she took a keen interest in independent learners: an emerging group of students who have studied English and Spanish on their own, and somewhere along the process seek a Spanish language teacher to guide them. This is her field of expertise. Iris has written several articles on Spanish Language Tips and Top Questions for, such as The Spanish Subjunctive and The Future Tense, The Use of The Spanish Pronouns "Vos, Tú and Usted", among others. Iris has put together 3 series of Spanish Readers : -Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary-3 books (Audio Coming Soon) -Spanish Reader for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Students-8 books -Spanish Conversation Books-4 books (Audio Coming Soon) All books contain a combination of Spanish Grammar structure and phrases lying within a narrative style with an unusual twist that keeps the independent student engaged and entertained while achieving a higher level of knowledge and conversation skills. Please note that our Readers and Conversation Books are not Grammar Books or Travel Guides. The only books of our collection that contain Grammar exercises are: Spanish Reader for Beginners-Elementary, Elementary II, and Elementary III, with a complete translation from Spanish to English for those students who are just beginning to make their first or second attempt to learn the language on their own.

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    Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review- A Dual Beginner Spanish Grammar Book - Iris Acevedo A.

    Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review

    A Dual Beginner Spanish Grammar Book


    Independent students of

    Spanish as a Foreign Language


    CostaRica SpanishOnline Language School


    Copyright©2015 by CostaRica SpanishOnlineSchool. All rights reserved. Except as permitted by the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher



    Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review for Beginners is a Spanish Grammar book, fully translated from Spanish to English including over three hundred examples, also fully translated. In Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review for Beginners, you will find three sections: Chapter 1A, Chapter 1B, and Chapter 1C.

    All three chapters include images, dialogues, and readings to complement your self-study. Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language may find this book highly resourceful when requiring easy explanations, as well as examples to work with.

    We have included a contents section with topics and corresponding page numbers at the beginning of each chapter in this book; therefore, you may use it as a reference book with examples for each subject, as well as a means to review what you have already studied, yet continues to bring up questions. Nevertheless, if you are a first time student of Spanish, then this is the book for you.

    Long before I became the founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline Language School, I came across my first self-taught student of Spanish. It was in 1982, when I began my teaching career at one of the first Language Schools in Costa Rica.

    This individual had traveled a long way to come to Costa Rica to learn Spanish, but what I soon discovered was that he already knew Spanish, yet had a thousand questions he required answers to. He wanted to be a part of a classroom environment for one purpose only; he cared immensely about speaking the language he had learned on his own, and at the time, this seemed the only viable means to attain his dream.

    In 2009, motivated by this individual and a few other students I met, I finally attained a dream of my own; I became the founder of CostaRica SpanishOnline because my desire was to become the first online Spanish Language School to offer One-On-One instruction to this emerging group of individuals.

    I truly hope you enjoy reading and finding answers to your questions as I now prepare to launch our second book: Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review Intermediate.

    Iris Acevedo A.



    Primera Parte-Part 1

    1-Sustantivos Masculinos-Masculine Nouns

    2-Sustantivos Femeninos-Feminine Nouns

    3-El artículo definido-The definite article

    4-Plural de Sustantivos-Plural Nouns

    Segunda Parte-Part 2

    1-El verbo ser-The verb ser

    2-Ser en preguntas- Ser in questions

    3-El verbo estar-The verb estar

    4-Estar en el Presente Continuo-Present Continuous

    5-Estar en Preguntas-Estarin questions

    Tercera Parte-Part 3

    1-El verbo haber-there is & there are

    2-El verbo tener-to have

    3-El verbo tener expresiones-Expressions with to have

    4-Tenercomo obligación-Tener as must

    Cuarta Parte-Part 4

    1-Verbos regulares-Regular verbs

    2-Verbos –ar/Verbs –ar ending

    3-Verbos-er/Verbs –er ending

    4-Verbos-ir/Verbs –ir ending

    Quinta Parte-Part 5

    1-  Verbs: -Car,


    Primera Parte ≈ First Section

    Sustantivos Masculinos-

    Masculine Nouns

    A vast majority of masculine nouns in Spanish en in:-e, -o, -n,-l,

    and –s.


    However, there are several exceptions to the rule, such as:

    Sin embargo, hay varias excepciones a la regla, tales como:

    *la gente is a singular noun.

    Las gentes refers to diverse groups of people.

    *la cal means lime as in a white substance

    Dias de la Semana- Days of The Week

    Nombres de Planetas

    Names of Planets

    Un planeta, unos planetas, el planeta, los planetas



    La Tierra-Earth  La Luna-The Moon



    Partes del Cuerpo- Sustantivos Masculinos-

    Parts of The Body-Masculine Nouns

    Terminaciones Adicionales de Sustantivos Masculinos

    Additional Masculine Noun Endings

    Los sustantivos que terminan en -ma, -pa o -ta

    que son de origen griego generalmente son masculinos.

    Nouns ending in: -ma, -pa, or –ta

    are of Greek origin, and for the most part they are

    masculine nouns.



    También son masculinos algunos nombres de origen griego y de otras lenguas que terminan en -a.

    Also, some names of Greek origin and other languages that end in –a, are masculine nouns.


    Sustantivos que comienzan con acento en la a inicial y terminan en a. Nouns that begin with a, have an accent on initial a, and end in a.

    Nombres de Océanos /

    Names of Oceans-

    El Océano Pacífico-the Pacific Ocean 

    El Océano Atlántico-the Atlantic Ocean

    El Océano Indico-the Indian Ocean 

    Nombres de Mares ๏

    Names of Seas

    El Mar Muerto-the Dead Sea

    El Mar Mediterráneo-the Mediterranean Sea

    El Mar Rojo-the Red Sea

    El Mar BalticoThe Baltic Sea

    Nombres de Ríos-

    Names of Rivers

    El Río Sena-the Sein River

    El Río Támesis-the Thames River

    El Río Amazonas- The Amazon River 

    Nombres de Montañas

    Los Andes-The Andes

    Los Montes Himalaya-The Himalaya

    Los Apalaches-The Appalachians

    Sustantivos Masculinos en la Naturaleza-

    Maculine Nouns in Nature

    Masculine Nouns-Other Endings

    Los sustantivos que terminan en –i, -u, son en su mayoría masculinos, Nouns ending in -u and -i are mainly masculine:

    Sustantivos Femeninos- Feminine Nouns

    En general, los sustantivos que terminan en –a,-d,-ion, y-z, son femeninos. In general, most feminine nouns end in: -a, -d, -ion, -z.

    -a & -d

    -ción/sión & -z


    el maíz: corn, el cáliz: calyx, el pez: fish (while in the water)


    Partes del Cuerpo-Sustantivos Femeninos.

    Parts of the Body-Feminine Nouns

    Sustantivos Femeninos y Masculinos-

    Feminine and Masculine Nouns




    -or, -ora

    Más Profesiones

    Otras Profesiones/Other Professions

    El Artículo Definido/The Definite Article

    el, la, los, las: the

    Before nouns intended in a general sense

    and all abstract nouns:

    La vida no tiene precio-Life is priceless

    A mí me gustan las flores-I like flowers

    La gente tiene que trabajar para ganar dinero-

    People must work to earn money.

    El aire es nuestra fuente de vida. Air is the source of life.

    Before languages:

    El francés no es fácil para mí. French is not easy for me.

    Except when preceded by the following verbs:

    hablar, saber, and estudiar:

    Ella habla español con sus amigos.

    She speaks Spanish to her friends.

    Usted sabe mucho español.

    You know a great deal of Spanish.

    Nosotros estudiamos español dos veces por semana.

    We study Spanish twice a week.

    Except when preceded by preposition, such as:

    de, and en:

    El glosario es en español. The glossary is in Spanish.

    Esta es mi profesora de tenis. This is my tennis instructor.

    Before nouns that refer to illnesses:

    El cáncer es difícil de soportar.

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