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DIABETES : La Guía esencial para terminar con la Diabetes, perder peso, y vivir un estilo de vida más saludable
DIABETES : La Guía esencial para terminar con la Diabetes, perder peso, y vivir un estilo de vida más saludable
DIABETES : La Guía esencial para terminar con la Diabetes, perder peso, y vivir un estilo de vida más saludable
Libro electrónico114 páginas1 hora

DIABETES : La Guía esencial para terminar con la Diabetes, perder peso, y vivir un estilo de vida más saludable

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En este libro encontraremos los elementos básicos para comprender qué es la diabetes, cómo se origina, qué es lo que está mal dentro de nuestro cuerpo, cuáles son las opciones que tenemos para abordar los síntomas y la enfermedad en sí; El autor comparte con nosotros los mejores consejos posibles para analizar esta enfermedad que está devastando a los pacientes con diabetes. El cuidado y la atención a los pacientes es primordial y cuidarse a sí mismos es una prioridad. Una buena dieta equilibrada y ejercicio continuo es un factor para controlar la enfermedad.

EditorialAdidas Wilson
Fecha de lanzamiento20 jul 2019
DIABETES : La Guía esencial para terminar con la Diabetes, perder peso, y vivir un estilo de vida más saludable

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    DIABETES - Adidas Wilson



    The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information within this book was correct at time of publication. The author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from accident, negligence, or any other cause. The information contained in this book is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed physician. It is not meant to cover all possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances, or adverse effects. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.

    Let food be your medicine, let medicine be your food.

    -  Imhotep

    Table of Contents


    Ch. 1 - Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

    Ch. 2 - Type 2 Diabetes Reversal

    Ch. 3 - The Effects of Diabetes on Your Body

    Ch. 4 - How to Eat to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes (5 Foods to Eat and 6 to Avoid)

    Ch. 5 - Nutrition Principles and Recommendations in Diabetes

    Ch. 6 - Type 2 Diabetes in Children

    Ch. 7 - Statistics and Facts About Type 2 Diabetes

    Ch. 8 - Apples and Diabetes

    Ch. 9 - Gut Bacteria Compound and Type 2 Diabetes

    Ch. 10 - An Overview of Insulin

    Ch. 11 - Type 1 Diabetes Cured in Mice Using Gene Therapy

    Ch. 12 - Yoga Poses for Diabetes

    Ch. 13 - How Can You Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels?

    Ch. 14 - The Mediterranean Diet

    Ch. 15 - Seven-Day Diabetes Meal Plan




    Diabetes is a huge problem and is almost being declared a global epidemic. Chronic, non-communicable diseases are becoming prevalent worldwide. Every year, about 18 million people succumb to cardiovascular diseases, with the primary predisposing factors being hypertension and diabetes. Currently, 312 million adults are obese and 1.7 billion are overweight. 155 million children are either obese or overweight. A diabetes epidemic is quickly approaching. 246 million people worldwide are diabetic with 46% of them being 40-59 years old. This number is expected to rise to 380 million by 2025. 80% of adults with diabetes are in developing countries. There are two main concerns: the increase in diabetes will mostly be realized in developing countries and Type 2 Diabetes is becoming more common among children. In developed countries, most diabetics are people past the age of retirement while in developing countries it is people in their productive years, 35-64. People in Asian countries become more at risk of Type 2 diabetes at BMI levels that are considered acceptable in North American and European white people. Suggestions have been made to come up with specific classifications of obesity for Asians (BMI 25 or 27 for obesity and 23 for overweight). 7 million people become diabetic every year. Type 2 diabetes has been increasing dramatically in populations where the lifestyle has changed greatly and rapidly. This shows that lifestyle factors play an important role, and this could be the key to reversing this global epidemic. A Type 2 diabetic is more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. 80% of people with diabetes have a higher chance of dying from it. Diabetes is estimated to reduce a person’s life expectancy by 12 to 14 years. A diabetic person spends five times more money on medical costs than those without diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, 15% of the annual health budget goes to diabetes related illnesses. The best way to prevent diabetes complications is by intervening before the occurrence of Type 2 diabetes. Complications from diabetes can be severe and they are difficult to control; this and its chronic nature make diabetes a very costly disease for health systems, affected people, and their families. Diabetes mellitus is a combination of common metabolic disorders with the same phenotype of hyperglycemia. There are several types of DM. They are caused by one’s lifestyle, environmental factors, and genetics. Thanks to advancement in technology, it is now easier to identify the genes that may develop Type 2 diabetes.  Obese people are more at risk of developing diabetes. Science has shown that even a 5% weight loss could reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes. In many developed countries, diabetes is now the 4th leading cause of death. Because of the complications that come with it, it is definitely going to be among the most serious health issues in the current century. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death among diabetics. Other severe complications include diabetic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy, kidney failure, and diabetic foot disease. Major developments have been discovered in diabetes care and management methods. Nevertheless, prevention is always the better option. Eating right and exercising regularly is a good place to start.

    Chapter 1

    Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

    Diabetes affects your body’s regulation of glucose and blood sugar. Glucose is to your blood cells what gas is to a car. However, it needs a key to enter the cells. That key is insulin. When someone has Type 1 diabetes, it means that their body is not producing insulin. When someone has Type 2 diabetes, it means that their body is not responding to insulin the way it should. As the disease advances, the body stops making enough insulin. The two types of diabetes can cause high levels of blood sugar. This makes the patient susceptible to diabetes complications.

    The two types have similar symptoms which include:

    Feeling very thirsty

    Constant feeling of fatigue

    Frequent urination

    Feelings of hunger

    Sores and cuts that barely heal

    Blurry vision

    Other symptoms of Type 1 diabetes include weight loss, mood changes, and irritability. Other symptoms of Type 2 diabetes include tingling and numbness in the feet or hands. Despite the fact that Type 1 and Type 2 share symptoms, these symptoms do not present in the same way. Type 2 diabetics may go without symptoms for years. The symptoms start showing slowly and gradually. Other Type 2 diabetics do not even experience symptoms and they only discover that they have the disease when they develop complications. Type 1 diabetics develop symptoms within several weeks. This type of diabetes commonly develops in adolescence or childhood. In Type 1 diabetes, the body’s immune system fights its own healthy cells the way it does harmful bacteria and viruses. It attacks the beta cells that are supposed to produce insulin. Because of this, the body cannot produce

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