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Nola LaEnfermera®: Ella Siempre Activa
Nola LaEnfermera®: Ella Siempre Activa
Nola LaEnfermera®: Ella Siempre Activa
Libro electrónico42 páginas8 minutos

Nola LaEnfermera®: Ella Siempre Activa

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En esta segunda edición, la versión recién revisada de Nola La Enfermera®. Nola quiere ser una enfermera practica como su madre. Ella ha aprendido cómo cuidar a personas de todas las edades y ahora visita a sus amigos para curar a sus muñecas enfermas. En el camino, ella aprende más sobre su mundo qu

Fecha de lanzamiento12 ene 2018
Nola LaEnfermera®: Ella Siempre Activa

Dr. Scharmaine Lawson

Scharmaine Lawson, DNP, FNP, PMHNP, FAANP, FAAN, has a nursing career that spans thirty years, with twenty-three of those years being an advanced practice nurse. Her innovative way of educating the youth about the role of the nurse practitioner has elevated the Advanced Practice Nurse. Through a series of educational tools such as dancing mascots, and interactive play, she orchestrates an entire learning production when she visits elementary schools across the country. Her largest show drew greater than 1000 students from Shreveport, La. Nola The Nurse® and Dr. Lawson have also been featured on several national TV outlets and other media. With greater than 30 titles to date, some translated in Spanish and French, Nola The Nurse® will soon be animated via Nola The Nurse® TV in the Spring of 2023.In addition, Dr. Lawson started the first nurse practitioner owned Housecall practice in the State of Louisiana. With greater than 100,000 home visits, it has transformed to meet the widespread needs of the underserved communities of Louisiana. To further extend the reach of her work, she has written a best-selling book, Housecalls 101: The only book you will ever need to start your practice, that outlines how to start a successful house call practice. She details in the book strategies to maintain a house call practice, systems to establish healthy outcomes in underserved communities, and offers inspiration to other nurse practitioners.Future endeavors for the DrLawsonNP brand include a new TelePsych practice launched across multiple states and a Podcast entitled Nite Nite Nurse: Sleep is Self-Care, soon to be released on Spotify, Anchor, Apple, and other podcast platforms.

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    Nola LaEnfermera® - Dr. Scharmaine Lawson

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