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Car Tea Sell? It's CAR T-Cell (Spanish Edition): A Story About Cancer Immunotherapy for Children
Car Tea Sell? It's CAR T-Cell (Spanish Edition): A Story About Cancer Immunotherapy for Children
Car Tea Sell? It's CAR T-Cell (Spanish Edition): A Story About Cancer Immunotherapy for Children
Libro electrónico35 páginas6 minutos

Car Tea Sell? It's CAR T-Cell (Spanish Edition): A Story About Cancer Immunotherapy for Children

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Toto is a young girl who has relapsed leukemia, a form of cancer. She will receive CAR T-Cell therapy. Mumoo, a friend of Toto, wants to know more about CAR T-Cell therapy.

Petey the Peacock, an expert in Medical Terminology, will be explaining everything to Mumoo in children’s words. Rover the Racoon and Zozo the Zebra are scientist

Fecha de lanzamiento1 oct 2019
Car Tea Sell? It's CAR T-Cell (Spanish Edition): A Story About Cancer Immunotherapy for Children

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    Car Tea Sell? It's CAR T-Cell (Spanish Edition) - Minzae Kim

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