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El sándwich de Carla
El sándwich de Carla
El sándwich de Carla
Libro electrónico35 páginas28 minutos

El sándwich de Carla

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Carla trae sndwiches raros a la escuela. Obviamente, sus compaeros de clase tienen mucho que decir al respecto. Es asqueroso! dice Héctor. Es repugnante dice Leslie. Es grotesco dice Martn. Pero la valiente Carla, que posee una buena dosis de autoestima, no est de acuerdo. Es diferente responde. Es creativo, es nico y lo hice yo misma. A sus compaeros de clase no les causa buena impresin y se alejan de su lado en la mesa del almuerzo, dejndola sola con sus sndwiches extraos y originales. Héctor es el ms malvado de todos, y el da del picnic de la clase dice que el espectacular Delicioso de lujo de Carla es un Gusanoso de lujo. Como es de esperar, Carla est muy molesta pero cuando Héctor descubre que ha olvidado su almuerzo, ella le ofrece generosamente uno de sus sndwiches extra. Al final, el hambre de Héctor pesa ms que sus temores. Prueba un bocadito, y le encanta! Muy pronto todos hacen fila para probar un bocado, y descubren con sorpresa que algo “inusual” en realidad puede ser fantstico. Carla no slo convierte a los burlones en degustadores, sino que también los inspira a preparar sndwiches creativos. This charming story presents a new way for young children to understand how to creatively embrace who they are, no matter what others think. Carla's lunch box is filled with odd delights like the Olive, Pickle, and Green Bean Sandwich; the BananaCottage Cheese Delight; and the unforgettable Chopped Liver, Potato Chips, and Cucumber Combo. To Carla, these are delicious and creative lunches, but her teasing classmates are unconvinced, abandoning her at the lunch table to eat her bizarre sandwiches alone. The tables turn, however, when Buster—the worst tease of all—forgets his lunch and is surprisingly delighted when thoughtful Carla shares one of her sandwiches with him.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 jun 2015
El sándwich de Carla

Debbie Herman

Debbie Herman is a writer and editor living in Jerusalem. She is the author of several books for children, including Carla's Sandwich. She hopes to save the world one book at a time.

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Calificación: 4.3000000499999995 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Carla likes to bring creative sandwiches to school, like a banana and cottage cheese sandwich. Her classmates find these disgusting and stop sitting by her at lunch. But one day, during a picnic that all changes when someone agrees to share the Carla's Surprise sandwich with her.I like this book because it tells children there's nothing wrong with being creative and unique, and it's ok to have different food than your friends. Plus I couldn't stop thinking of new sandwhich combos.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Carla’s Sandwich is a book about a little girl named Carla who brings weird and different sandwiches to school. None of the other students want to sit with her at lunch because they think her sandwiches are weird. One day the class takes a fieldtrip to a local park for lunch. The class bully forgot his sandwich and is starving. He asks the other students in the class to share their sandwiches, but all the students say no except Carla. Finally, the bully is so hungry he agrees to eat Carla’s weird sandwich. After a few bites he learns the sandwich is actually good and not weird. Soon the whole class wants to try Carla’s sandwich. Carla had brought extra sandwiches that day and shared them with the class. The class decides they should have weird sandwich day. The next day all the students bring in weird sandwiches, except Carla, she brings peanut butter and jelly. Carla brings a normal sandwich so she is still different.

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El sándwich de Carla - Debbie Herman

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