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De acuerdo a Aristóteles las personas pueden escoger ser felices. Un nuevo estudio muestra que es posible para ti el crecer un cerebro más feliz usando prácticas físicas tales como la meditación.

EditorialAdidas Wilson
Fecha de lanzamiento20 jul 2019

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Meditación y manejo del estrés para usted

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    Meditacion - Adidas Wilson


    The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information within this book was correct at time of publication. The author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from accident, negligence, or any other cause.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to Meditation

    Ch. 1 - Healing Depression with Mindful Meditation

    Ch. 2 - Ways to Make Meditation a Daily Habit

    Ch. 3 - Start Being Mindful Today

    Ch. 4 - Reaffirm Your Meditation Practice

    Ch. 5 - Meditation Techniques for Beginners (and How to Know Where to Start)

    Ch. 6 - Grow Your Own Happiness: How Meditation Physically Changes the Brain

    Ch. 7 - Essential Keys to Mindful Living

    Ch. 8 - Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

    Ch. 9 - The Essential Principles of Zen Meditation

    Ch. 10 - Give Your Meditation Staying Power: Set an Intention

    Ch. 11 - Drawn to Holistic Healing

    Ch. 12 - Find the Light in Meditation: How to Align with Shakti

    Ch. 13 - Transform Negative Thoughts with Meditation

    Ch. 14 - Lasting Peace with Meditation

    Ch. 15 - How to Be More Spiritually Aware

    Ch. 16 - Ways to Renew Yourself Spiritually


    Introduction to Meditation

    Meditation may seem like an intimidating process, but it is simple. Before getting into the details, here are the benefits of meditating. Meditation makes you calmer. Research has proven that EEG activity reduces during the meditation process. Blood flow in your brain increases. People who practice meditation need less sleep.  Meditation slows the aging process and increase grey matter in the brain. Meditation enhances focus and facilitates flow. When you meditate you will procrastinate less and do more in a short time. Meditation boosts test scores for students. This practice helps you gain perspective by allowing your mind to defragment thoughts. There are many more benefits of meditation. This chapter is about breathing meditation. Basically, it is a very easy process. You just focus on breathing. When your mind starts wandering away from your breathing, you bring it back and continue to concentrate. You repeat this until you hear your meditation timer. This improves your attention span. There are two things that you will need, but you probably already have them. Something to sit on: people meditate while standing but it is better to begin while sitting. Timer: checking your clock every time will interfere with this process, so a timer makes sense. When it comes to something to sit on, you have three options here: Chairs are suitable for beginners or people with back problems. If you are just starting out, use a chair instead of purchasing a meditation cushion. After a few sessions, when you have a routine and are comfortable, you can go out and buy your cushion. A meditation cushion also known as a zafu. Most people use it to sit on. It makes it easy to be in an upright position which makes you more alert. A meditation bench is more comfortable for taller people or people who find the cushion uncomfortable. Most phones have an inbuilt timer and maybe a meditation app too.

    ●  Insight timer: this is a great app and it has a free version.

    ●  Meditate for iPhone: this one goes for $3.99 but it is worth it.

    How to Sit

    ●  Your back should be straight. If you are using a chair, do not rest on the back—let your back remain erect.

    ●  You can either close or open your eyes.

    ●  Forget about your hands. Keep them where you will feel comfortable.

    ●  Choose how to cross your legs.

    ●  Look downward slightly. This is to open your chest.

    The best pose is the one that keep your alert, comfortable and upright.

    What to Do

    Get comfortable. Find a position that is both comfortable and upright. You can switch off the lights or dim them. Start the timer. Focus on your breath. Close your mouth then focus on how air enters and leaves your nostrils. Just breathe normally and concentrate on that. Do not think. Avoid analyzing your breath. Focus on it but do not think about it. Bring your mind back when it wanders. Your mind will always wander. When this happens, just bring it back gently. Bring your mind back again when it wanders. Keep bringing your mind back to your breathing.


    ●  Start small.

    ●  Choose a gentle alarm.

    ●  Pick a quiet place.

    ●  Do not be hard on yourself.

    ●  Try counting if you cannot focus on your breathing.

    Chapter 1

    Healing Depression with Mindful Meditation

    It would be awesome if you could get rid of depression using a therapy that worked better than expensive medicine, one without adverse side effects, wouldn’t it? Well, some people claim that this is what mindful meditation can do. A study was recently published into mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) by University of Exeter Psychologists. They found it to be more effective than counseling or drugs for depression. After four months, most (three quarters) of the patients are said to have felt well enough to the point of getting off antidepressants. MBCT combines Western cognitive therapy with Eastern meditation. The patients learn the technique in about eight sessions and then go home and practice it for 30 minutes every day. Professor Willem Kuyken’s team carried out this research. He says that many people with depression widely used antidepressants because they are effective. However, although they work very well and reduce the symptoms, patients are susceptible to relapse when they get off them. With MBCT, the chances of a relapse are greatly reduced, if not eliminated. It could replace antidepressant medication. MBCT was first developed in the mid-20th century by psychologists from the Universities of Cambridge, Toronto and Oxford to try and stabilize the moods of patients when they were on antidepressants and after they got off them. A good number of people relapse into depressions while they are still taking

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