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Sustainability and management: Sostenibilidad y dirección de empresas
Sustainability and management: Sostenibilidad y dirección de empresas
Sustainability and management: Sostenibilidad y dirección de empresas
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Sustainability and management: Sostenibilidad y dirección de empresas

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Este libro aborda una serie de problemáticas relacionadas con la sostenibilidad y la administración (management) desde diversas perspectivas. En este sentido, busca aportar una referencia pertinente al estudio de la sostenibilidad desde diferentes áreas funcionales de la administración, entre las que se incluyen la gestión humana, la innovación, el emprendimiento, el liderazgo y las finanzas. A través de metodologías diversas en las que se incluyen estados de la cuestión y aproximaciones de orden cuantitativo y cualitativo, el presente texto se posiciona como una innovadora propuesta que resalta por su originalidad y por la interdisciplinariedad requerida para el estudio de la administración y la sostenibilidad.
Fecha de lanzamiento30 dic 2022
Sustainability and management: Sostenibilidad y dirección de empresas

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    Sustainability and management - Aglaya Batz Liñeiro

    Sustainability and management

    Sostenibilidad y dirección de empresas

    Sustainability and management / Sostenibilidad y dirección de empresas


    Este libro aborda una serie de problemáticas relacionadas con la sostenibilidad y la administración (management) desde diversas perspectivas. En este sentido, busca aportar una referencia pertinente al estudio de la sostenibilidad desde diferentes áreas funcionales de la administración, entre las que se incluyen la gestión humana, la innovación, el emprendimiento, el liderazgo y las finanzas. A través de metodologías diversas en las que se incluyen estados de la cuestión y aproximaciones de orden cuantitativo y cualitativo, el presente texto se posiciona como una innovadora propuesta que resalta por su originalidad y por la interdisciplinariedad requerida para el estudio de la administración y la sostenibilidad.

    Palabras clave: administración de empresas; gestión ambiental; desarrollo sostenible; gestión empresarial; responsabilidad social empresarial, liderazgo.

    Sustainability and management


    This book addresses a series of issues related to sustainability and management from diverse perspectives. In this sense, it seeks to provide a relevant reference to the study of sustainability from different functional areas of management, including human management, innovation, entrepreneurship, leadership, and finance. Using diverse methodologies that comprise states of the question and quantitative and qualitative approaches, this text offers an innovative proposal that stands out for its originality and the interdisciplinarity required to study management and sustainability.

    Keywords: business administration; environmental management; sustainable development; business management; corporate social responsibility; leadership.

    Sustainability and management

    Sostenibilidad y dirección de empresas

    Jesús Molina-Muñoz


    Sustainability and management = Sostenibilidad y dirección de empresas / Jesús Molina-Muñoz, compilador. – Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2023.

    X, 236 páginas: ilustraciones, gráficas.

    Incluye referencias bibliográficas.

    1. Administración de empresas. 2. Gestión ambiental. 3. Desarrollo sostenible. 4. Gestión empresarial. 5. Responsabilidad social empresarial. I. Molina-Muñoz, Jesús. II. Universidad del Rosario. III. Título.

    658.4083SCDD 20

    Catalogación en la fuente – Universidad del Rosario. CRAI


    Marzo 14 de 2022

    Hecho el depósito legal que marca el Decreto 460 de 1995

    © Editorial Universidad del Rosario

    © Universidad del Rosario

    © Varios autores

    Editorial Universidad del Rosario

    Calle 12C n.o 8-50, piso 8

    Teléfono: (+57) 601 297 0200, ext. 3113

    Primera edición: Bogotá, D. C., 2023

    ISBN: 978-958-500-074-2 (impreso)

    ISBN: 978-958-500-075-9 (ePub)

    ISBN: 978-958-500-076-6 (pdf)

    Corrección de estilo en español: Daniela Echeverry

    Corrección de estilo en inglés: Enago

    Diseño de cubierta: Luz Arango y César Yepes

    Diagramación y desarrollo de ePub: Precolombi EU, David Reyes

    Hecho en Colombia

    Made in Colombia

    Los conceptos y opiniones de esta obra son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y no comprometen a la Universidad ni sus políticas institucionales.

    El contenido de este libro fue sometido al proceso de evaluación de pares, para garantizar los altos estándares académicos. Para conocer las políticas completas visitar:

    Todos los derechos reservados. Esta obra no puede ser reproducida sin el permiso previo escrito de la Editorial Universidad del Rosario.



    Sustainability in the era of digital transformation and Industry 4.0: Key issues and further conceptual developments

    Aglaya Batz Liñeiro

    Nelson Alfonso Gómez-Cruz

    Carlos Jesús Vega Pérez


    Theoretical framework

    Industry 4.0

    Digital transformation



    Data collection

    Keyword selection

    Co-word analysis

    Strategic diagram

    Results and discussion

    C1. Circular economy

    C2. Sustainable development

    C3. Sustainable manufacturing

    C4. I4.0 technologies related to sustainability

    C5. Sustainability for Small and medium enterprises (smes)

    Strategic diagram

    Conclusion, limitations, and further research


    Climate change and sustainability in Colombia: Initiatives and academic proposals

    Angélica Duque

    María Paula León

    Jesús Molina-Muñoz

    Ana María Morales


    Literature overview





    Gestión sostenible de recursos humanos

    Jaime Andrés Bayona


    ¿Por qué es necesaria la gestión sostenible de recursos humanos?

    ¿Qué son los recursos humanos sostenibles?

    La responsabilidad social empresarial interna



    La sostenibilidad en la innovación

    Rafael Alejandro Piñeros Espinosa

    Sandra Liliana Amaya Pulido

    Técnicas para la innovación sostenible

    Tecnologías de la cuarta revolución industrial y la innovación sostenible

    Tipologías de modelos de negocio sostenibles

    Modelos de negocio para la economía circular

    Los mnec hacia atrás en la cadena de valor

    Los mnec hacia adelante en la cadena de valor

    Modelos de negocio de la base de la pirámide



    Green Bonds: Price determinants, volatility transmission, and perspectives

    Natalia Garzón

    Hernán Quintanilla

    Jesús Molina-Muñoz

    Andrés Mora-Valencia


    Green bonds situation

    Literature overview

    Green bonds

    Volatility transmission in green bonds.

    Descriptive statistics

    Regression Results

    Future research



    La sostenibilidad en la dirección de operaciones

    Javier Leonardo González Rodríguez

    Olga Lucía Pinzón Espitia

    Carlos Fernando Sefair Cristancho


    Gestión de la tecnología en salud

    Gestión de los recursos humanos en la prestación de servicios de salud

    Gestión de residuos intrahospitalarios



    La sostenibilidad en el liderazgo

    María Susana Ramos Aranda




    Aspectos de la sostenibilidad en el liderazgo



    Sustainability in the strategy

    Félix O. Socorro Márquez

    Giovanni E. Reyes Ortiz


    Strategy: fundamental concepts


    Competitiveness as a strategy

    Sustainability, strategy and competitiveness

    Sustainability in the strategy

    Sustainability strategy



    Inversión responsable: aportes desde la sostenibilidad

    Alejandro J. Useche

    Giovanni E. Reyes Ortiz


    La inversión responsable: antecedentes, conceptos y principales iniciativas

    Indicadores de desempeño esg

    Criterios esg para la selección de inversiones

    Experiencias internacionales



    Tendencias en sostenibilidad y gestión

    Alejandra Pulido López

    Juan Felipe Bermeo Losada



    Tendencia 1: La colaboración por encima de la competencia: las coaliciones prosperarán

    Tendencia 2: compensación de emisiones de carbono por parte del sector empresarial

    Tendencia 3: productos sostenibles

    Tendencia 4: estándares voluntarios de sostenibilidad




    The current global scenario for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals is difficult. The pandemic’s cascading effects have largely erased the progress that had been made in recent years toward meeting these goals. According to figures reported by the United Nations (2022), the health emergency caused by covid-19 has erased much of the progress made in the fight against hunger over the last 4 years. Furthermore, negative consequences of this situation have emerged in areas such as health, education, and gender equity. This fact has been accompanied by the growing economic and political instability caused by Russia’s and Ukraine’s conflicts.

    In this situation, climate change acts as a fuel that exacerbates humanity’s difficult situation. The attention demanded by the aforementioned crises has slowed the implementation of measures to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. Therefore, the need for initiatives aimed at achieving the goals of sustainable development is greater than ever. The administration, as a field of study, plays a critical role in the proposals made by the academy for the future. Thus, initiatives aimed at improving production processes, allocating resources with a sustainable orientation, and developing economic activities that consider humanity’s future must be generated.

    This text aspires to be a tool that contributes to society’s open discussion.

    In this sense, the book provides a diverse perspective on the current state and recent advances in various research fields related to management and sustainability. The goal of the text is to create a reference set that analyzes the path taken by various management research areas and their interrelationship with sustainability as a field of study. Furthermore, it seeks to create a possible future course of action that will allow academics and students interested in this subject to have a navigation chart on the potential contributions that will be made in sustainability and management.

    Sustainability in the era of digital transformation and Industry 4.0:

    Key issues and further conceptual developments

    Aglaya Batz Liñeiro*

    Nelson Alfonso Gómez-Cruz*

    Carlos Jesús Vega Pérez**


    The fourth industrial revolution’s technological advancements have the potential to boost economic growth and mitigate some of the world’s major challenges. However, a high level of leadership and understanding of the ongoing changes is required, across all sectors, to manage the negative impacts and design effective strategies. In addition, a coherent and shared understanding of the opportunities and challenges of this revolution is required to empower the individuals and communities at the forefront of this change. As a result, this study aims to map the intellectual structure of the literature on digital transformation and sustainability using co-word analysis.

    Economic experts studying the global impact of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) assure that all of the major macro variables—GDP, employment, investment, trade, etc.—will be affected (Schwab, 2017). A large increase in productivity, and thus higher economic growth, is expected. Countries are currently confronted with a major challenge: an aging population. Because of the existing disparity between the working-age population and the percentage of dependent elderly, an aging world will grow more slowly (Calzavara et al., 2020). Thus, technology can provide a solution to this problem by allowing people to work smarter rather than harder, allowing older members of society to remain productive.

    From an economic standpoint, I4.0 has resulted in an increasing rate of innovation, both in its development and dissemination. For example, Netflix, Uber, Alibaba, and other disruptive companies that are now well positioned in the minds of customers were relatively unknown only a few years ago. The iPhone launched the smartphone boom in 2007, but by the end of 2020, there will be more than 5.22 billion smartphone users worldwide (Kemp, 2021). Disruptive technology companies, in general, require less capital to thrive. Companies like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Rappi, to name a few, did not require much funding to get started. However, despite all of these positive effects, there are significant challenges, such as rising inequality (Prisecaru, 2017). Those who generate or own intellectual or physical capital (innovators, investors, and shareholders) are the primary beneficiaries of I4.0, widening the wealth gap between those who rely on their labor and those who own capital. Regardless, all industries should brace themselves for technological disruption (Bolden & O’Regan, 2016; Healy et al., 2017). Therefore, companies should begin to ask themselves, What form will disruption take, and how will it affect me and my organization? It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that we establish a shared set of values, policies, and visions, and that we implement the necessary changes to address this revolution.

    Another factor to consider is social. There is widespread concern about the impact of technology on employment. Machines are currently replacing many jobs, most notably repetitive jobs (Rajnai & Kocsis, 2017). This revolution proposes two competing employment effects. First, there is a destruction effect, which is caused by labor-substituting technological capital, forcing workers to reallocate their skills elsewhere or become unemployed. Second, there is a capitalization effect, which occurs when demand for new goods and services generates new occupations, businesses, and even industries. Finally, as humans, we can quickly adapt and outperform ourselves. However, the question is how quickly the capitalization effect will outpace the destruction effect. What must we do to achieve positive outcomes, and how can we assist those caught in the middle of the transition? The historical hope is that revolutions always result in increased productivity and wealth, which leads to increased demand for goods and services and the creation of new types of jobs to meet that demand.

    I4.0 has an impact on the environment as well. However, impact does not always imply positivity. On the one hand, positive change is possible because technologies can assist in addressing larger challenges such as reducing carbon emissions, managing waste, and increasing energy efficiency, among others (Chen et al., 2021). Every day, research into renewable energy, fuel efficiency, and energy storage advances. This fact makes investments in these fields more cost-effective and helps to mitigate climate change. On the other hand, there are still obstacles to overcome, such as the negative impact of the shadow economy, which implies economic activities that fall outside the purview of government accounting (Fleming et al., 2000), which is an impediment to achieving energy efficiency (Chen et al., 2021); and the devastating effects on natural ecosystems as a result of increasing demand for natural resources in the face of the need to fuel technological developments (Oláh et al., 2020).

    As a result, we believe it is critical to provide researchers with a conceptual map to trace the convergence of I4.0, digital transformation, and sustainable strategies. The co-word analysis approach is used to address the main questions listed below and to deal with problems that traditional methods cannot handle.

    1.How is the literature on I4.0, digital transformation, and sustainability organized?

    2.What is the relationship between I4.0, digital transformation, and sustainability?

    3.Which themes are central to the theme, and which are peripheral?

    Theoretical framework

    Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0 is based on a world in which virtual and physical systems collaborate by conceptualizing smart factories, smart products, extended value networks—vertical, horizontal, and end-to-end integration. This is referred to as cyber-physical systems (cps). cpss are integrated into manufacturing operations and supported in industrial processes by Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. These technologies are intelligently linked to one another and continuously exchange data in real time via virtual networks such as the cloud, enabling complete product customization, the development of innovative services, and the creation of new business models, propelling companies toward digital transformation (Shrouf et al., 2014).

    Digital transformation

    Digital transformation is [a] fundamental change process, enabled by the innovative use of digital technologies accompanied by the strategic leverage of key resources and capabilities, aiming to radically improve an entity (an organization, a business network, an industry, or society) and redefine its value proposition for its stakeholders (Gong & Ribiere, 2021). As a ­result of the new challenges and opportunities presented by digital transformation, new business and operating models must be developed. Emerging technologies and broad-scale innovation are spreading much faster and further than in previous revolutions. Government and public institutions, as well as the private sector, must spearhead new initiatives to capitalize on these opportunities, while also engaging citizens so that they understand and see the long-term benefits.


    The risks of development and industrialization, such as the continued increase in rates of human-induced biodiversity loss, exponential growth in per capita resource consumption, and global climate change caused by carbon emissions, affect governments, businesses, communities, and individuals alike (Biermann et al., 2012). Therefore, the concept of sustainability is still important to everyone. Sustainability as a political concept derives from the Brundtland Report (Bruntland, 1987), which states that "sustainable development is a development

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