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El Censo
El Censo
El Censo
Libro electrónico42 páginas24 minutos

El Censo

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Una obra de donde se ensayan los cimientos del teatro del ridículo, inspirado en el absurdo y el barroco moderno.

Fecha de lanzamiento30 jun 2020
El Censo

Felipe A. Matti

Philosophy student at U.C.A (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina). Right now: Pannaturalist, Vitalist and believer in God but nontheless in the importance of the seek of truth. Mission: Merge Philosophy and Literature, create a friendly environment where people can philosophically inquire its beliefs and surroundings, and to avoid any sort of difficult terminology and language where only someone who is guided and knowledgeable of the subject's terms could understand. We are here to think and be thought, hence we are always trying to uncarry that burden which is to face the question "How important are we? And why am I here? What is nature, how dominant am I in this realm, in this reality?". Things like this, are what befuddles the human being since he was asked "So, how was your day?".

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    El Censo - Felipe A. Matti

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