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Minimalismo: Guía Paso A Paso Para Una Vida Significativa Con Una Vida Más Simple
Minimalismo: Guía Paso A Paso Para Una Vida Significativa Con Una Vida Más Simple
Minimalismo: Guía Paso A Paso Para Una Vida Significativa Con Una Vida Más Simple
Libro electrónico122 páginas55 minutos

Minimalismo: Guía Paso A Paso Para Una Vida Significativa Con Una Vida Más Simple

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Información de este libro electrónico

El libro nos presenta un panorama ámplio del cómo simplificar nuestras vidas al través del Minimalismo.

Este es un concepto no nuevo el concepto al principio se nos hace desconocido pero al ir conociéndolo y al familiarizarnos con ello, poco a poco nos damos cuenta de lo fácil y sencillo es llevarlo a cabo.

Fecha de lanzamiento22 nov 2019
Minimalismo: Guía Paso A Paso Para Una Vida Significativa Con Una Vida Más Simple

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    Minimalismo - Madeleine Jimenez

    Minimalismo: Guía Paso A Paso Para Una Vida Significativa Con Una Vida Más Simple

    Madeleine Jimenez


    TraducidoporJose Saul Agis Garcia 

    Minimalismo: Guía Paso A Paso Para Una Vida Significativa Con Una Vida Más Simple

    Escrito por Madeleine Jimenez

    Copyright © 2019 Madeleine Jimenez

    Todos los derechos reservados

    Distribuidopor Babelcube, Inc.

    Traducido por Jose Saul Agis Garcia

    Babelcube Books y Babelcube son marcas registradas de Babelcube Inc.

    Table of contents

    Table of contents


    The Truth about Minimalism

    Why minimalism?

    Have the freedom you deserve!

    Save your hard earned money

    Stop cluttering, start living

    Save your time

    Release the pressure

    Save your energy

    Be creative

    Help ecosystem to go well

    Seize the day

    Minimalism is 100% achievable

    Discover yourself

    Develop consistency and simplicity

    Follow Consumer Disobedience Policy

    Rule No 1: Do not carry Logos

    Rule No 2: Pay with cash:

    Rule No 3: Stop being a Brand-freak

    Rule No 4: Stop following trends

    Rule No 5: One in, one out

    Rule No 6: Fast

    Rule No 7: Turn off the advertisements

    Rule No 8: Save the fuel

    Rule No 9: Downsize your living space

    Rule No 10: Be skilful

    Rule No 11: Do not want more

    Rule No 12: Repair before replacement

    Make revolutionary acts

    Let’s play a game!

    Reset your living space

    Go organized

    De-clutter slowly and gradually

    Select the right furniture

    Add shelves

    Go vertical

    Leave empty floor spaces

    Paint smartly

    Be content and satisfied

    Understand your Problems and get results


    La verdad acerca del Minimalismo

    ¿Por qué minimalismo?

    ¡Ten la libertad que mereces!

    Ahorra tu dinero que con tanto esfuerzo has ganado

    Deja de acumular, empieza a vivir

    Ahorra tu tiempo

    Deshazte de la presión

    Ahorra tu Energía

    Sé creativo

    Ayuda al Ecosistema a estar bien

    Aprópiate del día

    Trae paz a tu interior

    El Minimalismo es 100% alcanzable

    Descúbrete a ti mismo

    Desarrolla la consistencia y la simplicidad

    Sigue la póliza de la desobediencia del consumidor

    Regla No 1: No portes Logos

    Regla No 2: Paga en efectivo:

    Regla No 3: Deja de ser un fanático de las marcas

    Regla No 4: Deja de seguir las tendencias

    Regla No 5: Uno adentro, uno afuera

    Regla No 6: Rápido

    Regla No 7: Apaga los comerciales

    Regla No 8: Ahorra el combustible

    Regla No 9: Reduce tus espacios de vida

    Regla No 10: Sé hábil

    Regla No 11: No deseesmás

    Regla No 12: Repara antes de reemplazar

    Lleva a cabo actos revolucionarios

    ¡Juguemos el juego!

    Re-establece tu espacio de vida


    Descongestiona lenta y gradualmente

    Selecciona los mueblescorrectos

    Agrega repisas

    Usa lo vertical

    Deja espacios vacíos en el piso

    Pinta inteligentemente

    Sé contento y satisfecho

    Entiende tu problema y resuélvelo


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    We live in a world full of confusion and complication. The life is made more and more luxurious and materialistic and there the complication arises. As the global technologies and modernization is growing, the search for peace and tranquillity also arises. This results in masses seeking for simplicity and minimalism in their lives.

    The concept that happiness and self fulfilment comes from the commodities we have around, in turn comes from the same insane marketing world. We see adds insisting on each and every thing as a must have stuff. While watching the same adds again and again and witnessing the marketing schemes, we become victims of it. We tend to think according to what is being told and try to achieve things which later on prove to have a little contribution in our lives. The materialistic world wants us to think that we are in need of every other thing displayed to us. There is a great difference between what is needed and what we want. Ideally, we should want what we need. But when we start wanting things that aren’t needed, that is where the fuss starts.

    Speaking out of my experience; holding too much means having less room for your own self. I used to have many books in my shelves, many clothes in my wardrobe, lot more crockery in my kitchen than needed, hundreds of jewellery items that I seldom used and the list goes on. Keeping in mind the typical marketing thought process, the more is the better. But trust me, it’s not! The more stuff you accumulate, the more burden falls on your pocket, your energy, your positivity, your peace of mind and your life as a whole. On one fine day, I decided to seek the peace that had been missing for so long in my life despite having everything that I wanted. In the pursuit of real pleasure, I figured

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