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Ardiente persecución
Ardiente persecución
Ardiente persecución
Libro electrónico144 páginas2 horas

Ardiente persecución

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Para ser su guardaespaldas tendría que estar tan cerca de ella como si fuera su amante…
Roman Fitzpatrick era un ex policía frío y duro por fuera, pero por dentro era un hombre ardiente y apasionado.
Summer Love era una fotógrafa y columnista de sociedad aparentemente frívola a la que alguien quería quitar de en medio.
La misión de Roman era proteger a una mujer que no deseaba ningún tipo de protección, superar sus prejuicios en contra de los periodistas del corazón e ignorar que Summer era la mujer más sexy del mundo…
Fecha de lanzamiento22 mar 2012
Ardiente persecución

Patricia Ryan

BIOGRAPHY Patricia Ryan WRITER Patricia Ryan is a published and produced playwright, poet, and author. She has written two novels, SKYLARK and WAR IN A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY. Her account of 9/11 is published by Doubleday in SEPTEMBER 11: AN ORAL HISTORY, and included in the World Trade Center Memorial archives. Patricia Ryan’s book, LIVING WITH THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE, is included in the libraries of the Museum of the City of New York, The New York Historical Society, the New York Public Library, the New York City Mayor’s Office, the New York State Senate, the Office of the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, the Brooklyn Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Her published theater works are included in the archives of the Lincoln Center Library for the Performing Arts, and in Poet's Theater: An Anthology of Recent Works (Ailanthus). They are also listed in Theater World (Crown) and New York's Other Theater (Avon) Ms. Ryan's poetry and plays have been performed at the Double Image Theater, American Renaissance Theater, The American Ensemble Theater Company, Theater of the Open Eye, Soho Rep, New York University's Theater on the Square, Woman's Interart, the Writers' Stage, Inc., the Golden Fleece Chamber Opera Company, and the Pulse Theatre on Theatre Row, all in New York City. Her poetry has appeared in NEW YORK QUARTERLY, ISLAND FIRE, SEAWANHAKA, THE RAGGED EDGE, FRISSON, FREE FOCUS, and THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WHIMSYand HELIOTROPE, The Joiurnal of Poetry, She is also the author four poetry chapbooks: Small Betrayals of the Mind, How Many Bears Can We Run From, Candlestick, and At Eye Level. ------------- Email: BIOGRAPHY Patricia Ryan POETRY Patricia Ryan is a poet, playwright and author. Her poetry has appeared in NEW YORK QUARTERLY, ISLAND FIRE, SEAWANHAKA, THE RAGGED EDGE, FRISSON, FREE FOCUS, THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WHIMSY, FREE FALL and HELIOTROPE, the Journal of Poetry. Her poetry is included in the Poet’s House Collection, one of the most comprehensive poetry libraries in the United States. She is also the author four poetry chap books: Small Betrayals of the Mind, How Many Bears Can We Run From, Candlestick, and At Eye Level. Her poems have been set to music and performed by The American Ensemble Theater and the Golden Fleece Chamber Opera Company. Her published theater works are included in the archives of the Lincoln Center Library for the Performing Arts, and in POET’S THEATER : An Anthology of Recent Works (Ailanthus). They are also listed in Theater World (Crown) and New York's Other Theater (Avon) Ms. Ryan's poetry and plays have been performed at the Double Image Theater, American Renaissance Theater, The American Ensemble Theater Company, Theater of the Open Eye, Soho Rep, New York University's Theater on the Square, Woman's Interart, the Writers' Stage, Inc., the Golden Fleece Chamber Opera Company, and the Pulse Theatre on Theatre Row, all in New York City. Her book, Living With The Brooklyn Bridge, is included in the libraries of the Museum of the City of New York, The New York Historical Society, the New York Public Library, the New York City Mayor’s Office, the New York State Senate, the Office of the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, the Brooklyn Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ms. Ryan’s account of 9/11 is published by Doubleday in SEPTEMBER 11: AN ORAL HISTORY and included in the World Trade Center Memorial archives. She has written two novels: SKYLARK and WAR IN A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY. ------------- Email:

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    Ardiente persecución - Patricia Ryan

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