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Overcoming Disorganized Attachment: Learn To Structure Your Relationships
Overcoming Disorganized Attachment: Learn To Structure Your Relationships
Overcoming Disorganized Attachment: Learn To Structure Your Relationships
Libro electrónico43 páginas22 minutos

Overcoming Disorganized Attachment: Learn To Structure Your Relationships

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Disorganized attachment suggests that our early interactions with those who should provide us with security can, in some cases, become a source of confusion and anxiety. This, in turn, can reverberate into our adult lives, influencing how we build relationships, manage stress, and regulate our emotions.

Disorganized attachment is a complex and often misunderstood pattern of attachment that can hinder the formation of solid and satisfying relationships. People experiencing this type of attachment may feel trapped in a cycle of turbulent relationships marked by insecurity, avoidance, or emotional ambivalence. But here's the good news: disorganized attachment is not an inevitable destiny. It can be understood, addressed, and healed.

The goal of this book is to provide you with clear, rigorous, and evidence-based information about disorganized attachment. You will learn to build trust, establish effective boundaries, and improve communication in your relationships. You will discover how to foster emotional intimacy and handle conflicts in a constructive manner. Additionally, you will embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery, where you will learn to embrace vulnerability, authenticity, and, above all, self-acceptance.
Fecha de lanzamiento4 ene 2024
Overcoming Disorganized Attachment: Learn To Structure Your Relationships

Juanjo Ramos

Juanjo Ramos es psicólogo, bloguero y escritor. Ha publicado numerosos libros especializados en marketing digital.

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