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The Littlest Coyote (Spanish Edition): Spanish Edition
The Littlest Coyote (Spanish Edition): Spanish Edition
The Littlest Coyote (Spanish Edition): Spanish Edition
Libro electrónico31 páginas5 minutos

The Littlest Coyote (Spanish Edition): Spanish Edition

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Información de este libro electrónico

El pequeño coyote


El pequeño coyote, que aullaba a la luna por la noche, a veces se preguntaba qué hay sobre la colina. "¿Sigue siendo azul el cielo de allí? ¿Sigue siendo verde la hierba?", se preguntaba todavía. Un día, decidió subir a la colin

Fecha de lanzamiento15 dic 2021
The Littlest Coyote (Spanish Edition): Spanish Edition

NM Reed

NM Reed is a narrative and fiction writer who has run a small business for decades creating art and drums and performing live ethnic dance and music. NM Reed and her husband Whitney Lee Preston are husband-wife teams of SciFi fantasy and myth authors. Both have spent decades in the community of ethnic music and traveling historical theater. They participate and sponsor live role-playing games at a large science fiction convention in the San Francisco bay area each year. They now live in the mountains of the central California region on a small ranch with lots of books and animals.

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