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Five nights at Freddy's. Los ojos de plata: Los ojos de plata
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Five nights at Freddy's. Los ojos de plata: Los ojos de plata
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Five nights at Freddy's. Los ojos de plata: Los ojos de plata
Libro electrónico355 páginas6 horas

Five nights at Freddy's. Los ojos de plata: Los ojos de plata

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Diez años después de los terroríficos asesinatos en la Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Charlie, la hija del antiguo propietario de la pizzería, y sus amigos de la infancia se reúnen para recordar el aniversario de la tragedia a las puertas del local que ha estado cerrado y abandonado durante todos estos años.

Cuando encuentran la manera de entrar a la antigua pizzería, descubren que las cosas no son como eran en el pasado. Las cuatro mascotas animatrónicas han crecido y sus patrones han cambiado. Ahora tienen un oscuro secreto y una mente macabra en la que el terror y la muerte son sus prioridades.

Fecha de lanzamiento11 may 2017
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Five nights at Freddy's. Los ojos de plata: Los ojos de plata

Scott Cawthon

Scott Cawthon es el creador del videojuego superventas Five Nights at Freddy's. Además de su fascinación por el diseño de videojuegos, es un gran contador de historias. Graduado en The Art Institute of Houston, vive en Texas con su esposa y sus cuatro hijos.

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Calificación: 3.8524589836065575 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    This is more of a complimentary graphic novel to the original book rather than a standalone. A lot of information is missing for anyone who picks up the graphic novel if they've never read the book. I had to read a summary of the original book to understand the backstory and all character relationships. I enjoyed the artwork, but this graphic novel was lacking in story development and was very confusing in understanding the plot.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    So I read book 2 in the series before reading this first one. I enjoyed this one much more than book 2. The storyline makes more sense and I felt it didn't jump around as much. I am just fascinated with the whole 5 Nights at Freddy's mythos, so I enjoyed reading this.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Want to know why the spring trap suits were made? How about the truth surrounding the rumor of the murdered children? What about the purple man who was shoved into a suit by the kids? It's all here in this novel, where you meet the daughter of our infamous animatronic creator.The first thing to note is that, yes this is as creepy as the games and it does give you more information. However, the writing is all over the place, sometimes it's horrible, other times it sucks you and fear creeps up your spine. This read like a rough draft, something that needed to be ironed out a bit to provide consistency in the writing. I gave it a 4 star rating instead of 2 or 3 simply because when it hit the high notes in creep effect, it did it exceedingly well. I'll definitely be continuing on with the next one, as I can't wait to see what else is explained.