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Avenida El Golf
Avenida El Golf
Avenida El Golf
Libro electrónico29 páginas18 minutos

Avenida El Golf

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The three main characters of 'La maraton del Amor' meet again in Lima and talk about their past and future. They shock the 'Limeños' with their behaviour and opinions which are extremely Dutch. During their stay in Lima Malucha the main character of 'Entre garua y odio', Maniro, main personage of 'Menkori' and Magnolia, main character of 'De sol y de luna' show unknown aspects of their personalities.
Inserted now in a Lima characterised by racism, classism and 'bourgeois' drive, they reject all that and stay faithful to their modest origins.
This short story is number 24 of the 34 stories that form the Trilogy.

Fecha de lanzamiento28 sept 2015
Avenida El Golf

Nuria Garcia Arteaga

Defines herself as a mix of cultures and races.Award-winning Author/Novelist, scriptwriter, playwright; music composer, producer and singer, speaks 6 languages. Born in Peru, her father was African American, her mother Peruvian. While working at United Nations she met her husband, a Dutch diplomat. She graduated as Psychologist at the Catholic University in Santiago, Chile; pursued MA studies on international politics at Universidad de Chile. She moved to the Netherlands in 1982 and followed PhD studies on Pedagogy at Leiden University. Mother of 4 sons, she has travelled for her work in Latin America and Europe. Currently living in the Netherlands.

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    Avenida El Golf - Nuria Garcia Arteaga

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