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El qué dirán: (Sticks & Stones)
El qué dirán: (Sticks & Stones)
El qué dirán: (Sticks & Stones)
Libro electrónico66 páginas50 minutos

El qué dirán: (Sticks & Stones)

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Jinjoli está feliz cuando Brent la invita a salir, pero no tanto cuando los rumores empiezan a correr por la escuela. Muy pronto su nombre aparece en las paredes del baño y todos susurran y se ríen a su costa. Cuando su madre se involucra, la reputación de Jinjoli empeora todavía más. Convencida de que alguien tiene que hacer algo, Jinjoli reúne a otras chicas que han sido etiquetadas como chicas fáciles (o como cosas peores) y trata de hacer que sus compañeros entiendan todo el daño que puede ocasionar una etiqueta que reduce a una persona a un mero objeto.

Jujube is thrilled when Brent asks her out. She is not so happy when the rumors start flying at school. Pretty soon her name is showing up on bathroom walls and everyone is snickering and sniping. When her mother gets involved, Jujube's reputation takes another hit. Deciding that someone has to take a stand, Jujube gathers all the other girls who are labelled sluts—and worse—and tries to impress on her fellow students the damage that can be done by assigning a label that reduces a person to an object.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 mar 2008
El qué dirán: (Sticks & Stones)

Beth Goobie

Beth Goobie grew up in a family in which the appearance of a normal childhood hid many secrets. She moved away to attend university, became a youth residential treatment worker and studied creative writing at the University of Alberta. She is the award-winning author of over twenty novels, including The Pain Eater, The Lottery, the CLA Award-winning Before Wings, and the adult novel The First Principles of Dreaming. Beth makes her home in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The bright yellow lockers with the red graphitti shouting "SLUT" on the cover will draw teens to pick up Sticks and Stones. The high interest content in the book will keep them reading. Jujube is a freshman in highschool. On Friday, she attends a dance with a guy from school, when she returns to class the following week, rumors have been spread about just how far Jujube goes on a first date. The book describes the evolution of her feelings from embaressment to anger to fighting back. The Orca Soundings series is written for low-level readers, although younger audiences might be able to read the book, the concepts are for teenagers.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Sticks and Stones was an interesting book.It was about a girl who was with a guy one night and everybody at her school found out and started calling her names and wrote her name all over the bathrooms.The girl got really upset and told her mom. Her mom then went to the school's principle and told him to erase everything in the bathrooms but the principle said they didn't have enough money so the girl herself, went into the boy's bathrooms and looked at all the names in there and gathered together the girls whose name was written down and they made a little club and erased it themselves and that was the end. I thought it was an interesting book while i was reading it but i thought it had a bad ending.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Part of the Orca series: high interest stories for teens with reading levels from 2.0 to 4.5. Accelerated Reader quiz available. Interesting cover may be offensive to some but will attract others. The book cover features a picture of a locker bank with one of the lockers vandalized with the word 'slut' in red paint.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This book starts off in a high school dance and goes out into the parking lot in the back seat of a car. That is where the stories begin to occur. Everyone thinks that Trudy and Brent had relations togther and the talking begins. Everyone calls Trudy easy and a slut because they think she gave it up. Trudy knows the truth and she does not like the name calling and the looks. She uses the rumors that were written on the bathroom stalls and uses them to make people aware of how words can hurt people, but it does not mean that those words are the truth.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Quick read for girl who doesn't like to. STory line is that a high school student on her first date with a boy, goes into the backseat of his car with him to get some equipment out (she thinks) when he starts forcing himself on her. She explains that she is interested, but it gets around that she is "easy". Graffiti around the school about her being a slut is very hurtful. She finds a creative way to make the situation better.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    In this page-turner, Jujube can't even walk through the halls without being laughed at or called a "slut". Since the principal won't do anything about it, she decides to take matters in her own hands. Will Jujube ever feel the same?Navjot T.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    After developing an unearned reputation as a slut, Jujube finds a novel way to take on her tormentors and help a group of girls win back their self-esteem.

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El qué dirán - Beth Goobie

El qué dirán

El qué dirán

Por Beth Goobie

Traducido por

Queta Fernandez

Orca Soundings

Orca Book Publishers

Copyright © Beth Goobie 2008

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Goobie, Beth, 1959-

[Sticks and stones. Spanish]

El qué dirán / written by Beth Goobie;

translated by Queta Fernandez.

(Orca soundings)

Translation of Sticks and stones.

Electronic Monograph

Issued also in print format.

ISBN 9781551439754(pdf) -- ISBN 9781554694631 (epub)

I. Fernandez, Queta II. Title. III. Series.

PS8563.O8326S7418 2008    jC813'.54    C2008-901498-7

Summary: After developing an unearned reputation as a slut, Jujube finds a novel way to take on her tormentors and help a group of girls win back their self-esteem.

First published in the United States, 2008

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008923637

Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing programs provided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program and the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Province of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.

Cover design by Lynn O'Rourke

Cover photography by Getty Images

Orca Book Publishers

PO Box 5626, Station B

Victoria, BC Canada

V8R 6S4

Orca Book Publishers

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11 10 09 08 • 5 4 3 2 1

Este libro es dedicado al

departamento de jóvenes adultos de

la biblioteca pública de Saskatoon:

Rena, Laura y Diane.

Lista de contenido

Capítulo uno

Capítulo dos

Capítulo tres

Capítulo cuatro

Capítulo cinco

Capítulo seis

Capítulo siete

Capítulo ocho

Capítulo nueve

Capítulo diez

Capítulo uno

Todo comenzó justo después de que me afeité la ceja izquierda. En realidad, no quería hacerlo. El martes por la noche me dio por sacarme las cejas. Al día siguiente, parecía que me había acercado demasiado a un mechero de Bunsen durante un experimento. Esto produce un tremendo trauma cuando se tienen quince años. Tuve que andar por todos lados cubriéndome la ceja, es decir la no ceja, con la mano izquierda. Ese fue el día que Brent Floyd me pidió que fuera su pareja en el baile del día de San Valentín. Estaba yo metiendo los libros en la taquilla y en camino al club de fotografía para revelar unas fotos que había tomado en mi casa. Mi mamá y yo vivimos en una casa junto a Sofía y su mamá. Le había tomado un montón de fotos comiquísimas a Sofía y a mi perro Cascarita.

—¡Qué tal, Jinjolé?

Desde que puedo recordar, todo el mundo me dice Jinjolé. Tengo un ojo azul y otro verde y ahora, para colmo, me falta una ceja. Vi a Brent que venía por el pasillo. Por supuesto, mi cerebro dejó de funcionar. Lo que siempre hace en momentos de crisis. Me ha gustado este chico solamente por casi diez años, aunque nunca lo haya admitido. No es fácil tratar de actuar como si nada pasara cuando tienes la mano izquierda pegada a la frente.

—¡Hola Brent!

Brent se recostó a la taquilla de al lado y me miró a los labios. Siempre que Brent habla con una chica, le mira a los labios. La mano en la frente me empezó a sudar.

—Me imagino que más de cien chicos diferentes te han pedido ir con ellos a la fiesta del viernes —le dijo Brent a mis labios.

Cuando Brent está nervioso, siempre se pone a bromear. Y si él está nervioso, me pone nerviosa a mí. La mente se me quedó en blanco.

—¿El viernes?

—Sí. Ya sabes, el viernes. Hoy es

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