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La niña que caminaba entre aromas (Walking Through a World of Aromas)
La niña que caminaba entre aromas (Walking Through a World of Aromas)
La niña que caminaba entre aromas (Walking Through a World of Aromas)
Libro electrónico31 páginas7 minutos

La niña que caminaba entre aromas (Walking Through a World of Aromas)

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



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Winner at the 2013 International Latino Book Awards. Close your eyes and breathe in. Discover Ana’s universe, a world of aromas and fragrances, where there is no room for the impossible.

When Ana’s was born, everything was dark. She could feel the warmth of her mother as she held her in her arms, the smell of her father’s newly washed shirt, and far away, she could hear the twittering of the birds as they slowly woke up to spring. But apart from that, everything else was darkness..

Ana’s spends her days cooking in an old house with her grandma. Although she can’t see, Ana’s has the gift of being able to feel our very deepest emotions and to bring them to life with her magical mixtures of cinnamon and saffron. But one day, she meets a person who awakens a boundless affection in her, someone who will introduce her senses to a completely unknown world.

If we set our minds to it, we can all turn what we perceive as weaknesses into strengths.

Ganador en los International Latino Book Awards de 2013. Cierra los ojos e inspira. Descubre el universo de Ana, lleno de aromas y fragancias, donde no caben imposibles.

Cuando Ana nació, todo estaba a oscuras. Podía sentir el calor de su mamá al sostenerla en sus brazos, el perfume de la camisa recién lavada de su papá y, muy a lo lejos, el trinar de los pájaros que despertaban con pereza a la primavera. Pero, por lo demás, todo estaba a oscuras..

Ana pasa las tardes entre ollas y fogones, cocinando en la antigua casa con su abuela. Aunque no puede ver, Ana tiene el don de conocer nuestras más íntimas emociones y de evocarlas con sus mágicas mezclas de canela y azafrán. Pero un día, encontrará una persona que despertará en ella una infinita ternura y abrirá sus sentidos a un mundo totalmente desconocido.

Un precioso cuento sobre cómo todos podemos transformar nuestras debilidades en fortalezas.

EditorialCuento de Luz
Fecha de lanzamiento4 sept 2013
La niña que caminaba entre aromas (Walking Through a World of Aromas)

Ariel Andrés Almada

Ariel Andrés Almada is an Argentine award-winning writer of children’s stories. His books have traveled the world and have been translated into multiple languages, such as Chinese, English, German, Estonian and Italian. Almada has received numerous international awards for Best Children's Fiction Book. Cuento de Luz has published his following books: Walking in a World of Aromas, The Lighthouse of Souls, The Fear of Ivan and the whole award-winning book collection, Family Love. He currently resides in León, Spain.

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Calificación: 4.375 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Born blind, Annie learns to navigate the world around her through her sense of smell, guided by aromas in everything. As she grows up, her favorite activity - cooking with her grandmother - turns into a vocation, and she uses her culinary arts to help those around her, crafting superb and highly individual dishes that suite the emotional needs to each person. Then one day Julian comes to her, hoping to find help with his lethargy, but despite everything she does, he keeps returning for more help. Have Annie's culinary arts failed her, or is there something else that Julian is seeking...?Originally published in Spain as La niña que caminaba entre aromas, this lovely picture-book pairs an engaging and magical story from Argentine expatriate author Ariel Andrés Almada, and gorgeous artwork from German illustrator Sonja Wimmer. I appreciated the positive way in which the story depicted a blind character interacting with her world, becoming the figure who helps others, rather than one who needs help herself. The beautiful artwork is well suited to the story, capturing and amplifying the fairy-tale feeling of the narrative. This is the second book I have read from Almada, following upon her The Lighthouse of Souls, which I also found beautiful, and the first from Wimmer. I will hope to read more from both of them! I would recommend Walking Through a World of Aromas to anyone looking for children's stories featuring blind characters, cooking and/or food as a theme, or interested in children's books from Spain.

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La niña que caminaba entre aromas (Walking Through a World of Aromas) - Ariel Andrés Almada

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