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Hipótesis, teoría, ley: Hypothesis, Theory, Law
Hipótesis, teoría, ley: Hypothesis, Theory, Law
Hipótesis, teoría, ley: Hypothesis, Theory, Law
Libro electrónico42 páginas4 horas

Hipótesis, teoría, ley: Hypothesis, Theory, Law

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Expanding on our popular Let’s Explore Science series, this book focuses on Hypothesis, Theory, and Law. All three of these are important in the process of scientific inquiry, which is the way scientists study the natural world. As they explore, they develop explanations based on what they learn from their work. By forming a hypothesis, testing and evaluating theories, and describing the laws that exist in chemistry and physics, students will learn all about this important science topic. This book will allow students to learn that cause and effect relationships are routinely identified and used to explain change.
Fecha de lanzamiento27 mar 2019
Hipótesis, teoría, ley: Hypothesis, Theory, Law

Shirley Duke

Shirley Duke has been writing in a variety of children's genres for twelve years. Before she began writing, she taught science and ESL at the elementary and secondary levels. In creating Unthinkable, a YA horror story in the Night Fall™ series, she drew on her high school ESL teaching experience for insight into what teens really like to read. Horror is a new genre for Shirley, and she found it exciting to create the special abilities of Sophie and Omar. She blogs about science books and suggests an accompanying activity at SimplyScience. Her blog includes some of Lerner's newest nonfiction. Unthinkable is her first book with Lerner.

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