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Soy Bracero
Soy Bracero
Soy Bracero
Libro electrónico74 páginas18 minutos

Soy Bracero

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Between 1942 and 1964, men from different parts of Mexico left their lands and families seeking an opportunity for prosperity in the Unites States as Braceros. Their job was to work the agricultural fields of the United States while American citizens manufactured weapons or joined the fighting lines of WWII. Braceros were instrumental in placing the U.S. as an agricultural power.

While Braceros were in the U.S. they encountered poor working and living conditions, not to mention despotism, cruelty, and racism from foremen, ranchers, authorities, and residents of the United States alike.

My grandfather, Eleuterio Vazquez Sanchez, left his town in the state of Jalisco, Mexico around 1954 to try his fortune in the United States as a Bracero. He left his wife, my grandmother, their three daughters, and his land behind for a chance at a better life. His departure not only affected him; it affected my grandmother and their children.

EditorialXlibris US
Fecha de lanzamiento29 jun 2011
Soy Bracero

Erika Vazquez-Aguilar

Erika Vazquez-Aguilar was born in the border town of San Luis, Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico in 1972. She migrated to the United States with her mother and younger brother at the age of 11. For the first two years in the United States she was placed in ESL classes to learn the English language. Those first two years were the most miserable school years of her life as she experienced teasing and bullying by some of her peers because she seemed different to them. She began writing poetry while in high school, yet did not develop as a writer until after she took Spanish Literature classes while completing her Bachelor’s Degree. Her poetry is a reflection of her environment and the reaction it provokes within her. Erika currently lives in Yuma, AZ with her husband Francisco, and her children, Kamyla and Keilem.

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    Soy Bracero - Erika Vazquez-Aguilar

    Copyright © 2011 by Erika Vazquez-Aguilar.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2011909698

    ISBN: Hardcover    978-1-4628-8696-8

    ISBN: Softcover      978-1-4628-8695-1

    ISBN: Ebook          978-1-4628-8697-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Xlibris Corporation




    Soy Bracero

    Crumb of Gold

    Migaja de Oro

    History on my side

    La Historia de mi Parte

    No Tiene Nombre

    Buen Cheque

    Worth the Pay

    Rain or Shine

    Con Lluvia o Sol

    Tren al Norte


    Mal Deseado

    Estrellita de Talpa

    Mujer de mi Alma

    Woman of My Soul

    Carta de Recomendación

    Piel Morena

    En La Gloria

    Mi Tesoro





    De Vuelta a Casa

    En la Oscuridad

    Le Canto al Campo (1ra parte)

    Le Canto al Campo (2da Parte)

    Mujer de un Solo Hombre

    Desde la Ventana

    I Want You

    Mexican Hands

    Rugged Hands



    Del Campo eres Bracero

    Stooped Over



    Este libro va dedicado a todos los Braceros, a sus esposas, y a sus hijos;

    especialmente a mis abuelos, Pa Tello y Ma Juana

    por el ejemplo de fortaleza que nos dejaron.

    To my children, Kamyla and Keilem; you are my pride and joy.

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