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The Three Little Howlers (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual World of Stories
The Three Little Howlers (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual World of Stories
The Three Little Howlers (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual World of Stories
Libro electrónico33 páginas5 minutos

The Three Little Howlers (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual World of Stories

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"The story, both familiar and fresh, is a clever example of how fables can enlarge our world view." – A.  Ashbrook, Librarian, Long Hill NJ


How will The Three Little Howlers escape from the fierce jaguar? With beautiful illustrations set in the rainforest of Central America, this lively retelling of The Three Little Pigs will charm readers of all ages. This book is available in English-only and many bilingual editions and includes teacher resources and English audio.


This book is part of the Language Lizard World of Stories collection.  These adventures are set in diverse areas and cultures around the world.  The companion book in this collection is The Three Little Sun Bears by Anneke Forzani.

Fecha de lanzamiento11 jul 2022
The Three Little Howlers (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual World of Stories

Anneke Forzani

Anneke Vanmarcke Forzani is the President and Founder of Language Lizard (, which provides multicultural resources in over 50 languages to schools, libraries, and literacy organizations. She has presented workshops about using multicultural resources in diverse classrooms at educational conferences. She also writes about multicultural issues online and manages - Supporting Multicultural Classrooms & Bilingual Families. Anneke speaks Dutch, French, and Japanese. She is the author of the forthcoming bilingual children's book, Happy After All.

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