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A Point of View-Un Punto de Vista -Volume 2
A Point of View-Un Punto de Vista -Volume 2
A Point of View-Un Punto de Vista -Volume 2
Libro electrónico48 páginas47 minutos

A Point of View-Un Punto de Vista -Volume 2

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Información de este libro electrónico

This educational book contains several short stories and commentaries on various motivational subjects in both English and Spanish that help a person who wants to learn either language practice.

Fecha de lanzamiento5 oct 2012
A Point of View-Un Punto de Vista -Volume 2

Paul V. Montesino

For the past sixteen years, Dr. Montesino has been writing and publishing fiction and non-fiction alike as short articles and commentaries in English and Spanish, first in the written press and more recently in the Internet. His articles appear regularly in Latino World, Mundo Latino and He is currently a full time Faculty member at Bentley University, Waltham, Massachusetts, where he has taught in the Computer Information Systems and the Information Process Management departments of the university since 1996.

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    A Point of View-Un Punto de Vista -Volume 2 - Paul V. Montesino

    A Point of View- Un Punto de Vista © 2012

    Volume 2-Volumen 2

    Cover Photo-Foto de Cubierta: Paul V. Montesino, PhD.

    Cover Art Work-Trabajo de Arte de la Cubierta: Joleene Naylor.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes.

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to the place that sold it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

    Este libro electrónico está licenciado para su disfrute personal solamente. No puede ser revendido o dado a otras personas. Si usted desea compartir este libro con otra persona, por favor compre una copia adicional para cada persona con la que usted quiera compartirlo. Si usted está leyendo este libro y no lo compró, o si no fue comprado para su uso solamente, entonces usted debe regresar al lugar que lo vendió y comprar su propia copia. Gracias por respetar el trabajo del autor.

    About the Author.

    Dr. Montesino has been writing and publishing fiction and non-fiction works of literature as short articles and commentaries in English and Spanish for over fifteen years, first in the written press and more recently in the Internet. His articles have appeared regularly in, and amongst others. This bilingual book is entirely the author’s product.

    Sobre el Autor

    El doctor Montesino ha estado escribiendo y publicando trabajos de literatura de ficción y no ficción en la forma de historias cortas y comentarios en inglés y español por más de quince años, primero en la prensa escrita y más recientemente en el Internet. Sus artículos han aparecido en, y entre otros. Este libro bilingüe es completamente producto del autor.

    He has been a full time faculty member in different departments at Bentley University, Waltham, Massachusetts, starting in 1996 until his retirement in June of 2012. He is also the author of Recycling… the novel, in English, Recirculando… la novella, in Spanish, The Sixth Linden Tree- El Sexto Tilo, and A point of View-Un Punto de Vistain English-Spanish using the Montesin language translation format." Those e-books are sold worldwide by most e-book retailers.

    Él fue miembro de la facultad de Bentley University, Waltham, Massachusetts, en diferentes departamentos, desde 1996 hasta su planeado retiro en el año 2012. Es el autor de Recycling… the novel, en inglés, Recirculando… la novela, en Español, y The Sixth Linden Tree- El Sexto Tilo y A Point of View-Un Punto de Vista, en inglés- español usando el Montesin language translation format. Esos libros electrónicos se venden por los mayores detallistas de libros electrónicos del mundo.

    About this bilingual instructional book.

    This fictional conversation between Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare is actually an edited compendium of many bilingual works published under the Point of View – Punto de Vista © 1996 names written by the author throughout the years in newspapers and the Internet using the language of those masters of the literature. Where a true life story is portrayed, all names of the characters and locations appearing in this work are fictitious or have been changed to avoid identification and protect the innocent, but the historical context where many of them are described is not necessarily so.

    Esta conversación ficticia entre Miguel de Cervantes y William Shakespeare es en realidad un compendio editado de muchos trabajos bilingües publicados bajo los nombres de Point of View-Punto de Vista © 1996 escritos por el autor en periódicos y el Internet a través de los años usando el idioma de esos maestros de la literatura. Donde una historia real se

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