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The Sixth Linden Tree- El Sexto Tilo
The Sixth Linden Tree- El Sexto Tilo
The Sixth Linden Tree- El Sexto Tilo
Libro electrónico37 páginas36 minutos

The Sixth Linden Tree- El Sexto Tilo

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Información de este libro electrónico

This is a short fiction story about a Russian emigree who lives in Cuba in the early years (1960) of the Cuban revolution and becomes alarmed at its trend towards Soviet style Socialism.

He tells a story of an experience of violence he had back in the early years of the Soviet Revolution that had a big impact in his own life and also in the life of the man to whom he is telling the story.

Fecha de lanzamiento18 may 2011
The Sixth Linden Tree- El Sexto Tilo

Paul V. Montesino

For the past sixteen years, Dr. Montesino has been writing and publishing fiction and non-fiction alike as short articles and commentaries in English and Spanish, first in the written press and more recently in the Internet. His articles appear regularly in Latino World, Mundo Latino and He is currently a full time Faculty member at Bentley University, Waltham, Massachusetts, where he has taught in the Computer Information Systems and the Information Process Management departments of the university since 1996.

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    The Sixth Linden Tree- El Sexto Tilo - Paul V. Montesino

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