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Cuarto oscuro: Recuerdos en blanco y negro
Cuarto oscuro: Recuerdos en blanco y negro
Cuarto oscuro: Recuerdos en blanco y negro
Libro electrónico254 páginas5 minutos

Cuarto oscuro: Recuerdos en blanco y negro

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

La novela gráfico de Lila Quintero-Weaver que obtuvo amplio reconocimiento crítico. Por medio de impresionantes ilustraciones, la autora ofrece una memoria cautivante y conmovedora de la infancia, las relaciones raciales, la etnicidad y la identidad en el sur de los Estados Unidos. Sus dibujos de estilo sutil, pero efectivo, refuerzan dramáticament una sentida narración.

En 1961, cuando la autora tenía cinco años, su familia salió de Buenos Aires, Argentina, para emigrar a los Estados Unidos y establecerse en Marion, un pueblo en el corazón del Black Belt de Alabama. En una región definida por la segregación racial, la familia Quintero, por su condición de clase media educada, se halló en una situación privilegiada para observar las tensiones que minaban la cultura y la sociedad en la que vivían.

Weaver salió de constancia de lo que signifacaba ser una niña latina en una le las regiones más racistas del sur de los Estados Unidos, tratando de entender tanto un país extranjero, como el horror de las relaciones raciales de nuestra nación. Excluida de las categorías raciales empleadas por entonces, la autora observó desde muy temprana edad las desigualdades de la cultura estadounidense, regida por un ideal de belleza femenina que privilegiaba a la mujer rubia y de ojos azules. A lo largo de su vida, Weaver ha luchado por encontrar su lugar en la sociedad norteamericana cuestionando la discriminación de su entorno. Cuarto oscuro contituye su legado visual y verbal sobre esa lucha.
Fecha de lanzamiento9 ene 2018
Cuarto oscuro: Recuerdos en blanco y negro

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Calificación: 4.233333333333333 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    An exceptional graphic memoir. Lila Quintero was a young girl when she immigrated from Argentia to Marion, Alabama with her family in the 1960s where she witnessed segregation and racial violence. A personal story that offers wonderful insights into the immigrant experience and the Civil Rights Movement from a unique perspective.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I absolutely loved this coming-of-age story about a Latina girl growing up in the midst of the civil rights movement. As a graphic novel, it did a fantastic job of providing visuals of this important time.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Lila and her family have emigrated from Argentina to the United States in 1961. They end up in Marion, Alabama at a time with racial tension and changes. The author is a brown-skin Latina in a word defined by black and white. The art is beautiful (it's a graphic novel), the setting is exciting, but the book doesn't capitalize on its great potential. It is, at times, hard to follow (members of the family go back and forth to Argentina) The language is sometimes stilted. Recountings of local uprisings are blunted by her narrow perspective (she was often confined to the house) and the high drama is ... meh... (being called a " n-lover" e.g.) There are some fine moments: the first black student, her black librarian (sadly, not a warm person)... her verbatim recounting of the AL history book). This memoir could have been so much more...!... I wish she'd wait a few years and add more detail/reflection.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    So I have a vague memory of requesting this after reading a review of it before I went on vacation. When I came back and saw it waiting for me I kind of had a huh? moment. I'm actually very glad that I requested it. It is the memoir of a hispanic woman growing up in a small town in Alabama during the Civil Rights movement. At the time as the author puts it, there were no slurs for them in Alabama yet. She talks a little about feeling like she never quite fit in but a majority of the book is about what happened and how both she and her family dealt with it and sometimes to the towns reaction to the way they dealt with it.

    She also talks about how her family kept their ties with family in Argentina which is something that really interests me having just visited my family in Spain for the first time in 7 years. She talks about trying to keep family life and home life separate. Immigrant children and the children of immigrants will be able to relate in addition to anyone who has ever been a race or ethnicity that people just didn't know what to do with. The back drop of the civil rights movement just makes the whole story more interesting. She flat out talks about what she did notice growing up and what she didn't, which I think about a lot now. Things that were going on that I did and did not notice but probably should have when I was growing up.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I liked the potential for this story--growing up Argentinian in 1960s Alabama--but it didn't prove as striking of a perspective as I expected it to be.

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Cuarto oscuro - Lila Quintero Weaver



Recuerdos en blanco y negro


Traducción de Karina Elizabeth Vázquez

The University of Alabama Press

Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0380

Copyright © 2018 by the University of Alabama Press

All rights reserved

Inquiries about reproducing material from this work should be addressed to the University of Alabama Press

Typeface: Franklin Gothic Book and Caper Comic

Cover art and design by Lila Weaver

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Weaver, Lila Quintero, author.

Title: Cuarto oscuro: recuerdos en blanco y negro / Lila Quintero Weaver; translated by Karina Elizabeth Vázquez.

Other titles: Darkroom. Spanish

Description: Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2017. | Graphic novel—Publisher.

Identifiers: LCCN 2017015691| ISBN 9780817359072 (pbk.) | ISBN 9780817391768 (e-book)

Subjects: LCSH: Weaver, Lila Quintero—Comic books, strips, etc. | Alabama—Social conditions—20th century—Comic books, strips, etc. | Civil rights movements—Alabama—History—20th century—Comic books, strips, etc. | Alabama—Race relations—History—20th century—Comic books, strips, etc. | Argentine Americans—Alabama—Biography—Comic books, strips, etc. | Alabama—Biography—Comic books, strips, etc. | Graphic novels.

Classification: LCC CT275.W3497 A3 2017 | DDC 741.5/9761—dc23

LC record available at

A la memoria de mis padres,

por sus innumerables dones.

A Paul, por su constancia.

A Jude, Benjamin y Caitlin,

herederos de estos tesoros colectivos.

Con todo mi

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