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TACANÁ: Historia de un proyecto de café socialmente responsable en Chiapas, México
TACANÁ: Historia de un proyecto de café socialmente responsable en Chiapas, México
TACANÁ: Historia de un proyecto de café socialmente responsable en Chiapas, México
Libro electrónico108 páginas10 horas

TACANÁ: Historia de un proyecto de café socialmente responsable en Chiapas, México

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El café es un bálsamo para el espíritu. Un brebaje apasionante y complejo, tanto en estructura como en hechura, que ha impactado la vida e historia del ser humano en todo el mundo. Tacaná. Historia de un proyecto de café socialmente responsable en Chiapas, México ofrece una visión integral del proceso de elaboración y la importancia del pap
Fecha de lanzamiento4 mar 2020
TACANÁ: Historia de un proyecto de café socialmente responsable en Chiapas, México

Gustavo Pérez Berlanga

Director of Social Responsibility at Restaurantes Toks, a commercial chain in which he also served as Director of Purchasing, Marketing and Logistics from 2000 to 2008. In his professional career within the private sector, he has over 30 years of experience in different companies. He holds a degree in Administration and Finance from Universidad Panamericana, a Master’s degree in Social Responsibility from Universidad Anáhuac, an- other in Marketing from Universidad de las Américas, and one more in Business Management, Executive MBA (MEDEX) — Master in Business Management for Experienced Executives — from the Instituto Pana- mericano de Alta Dirección de Empresas (Pan-American Institute for High Business Management, IPADE). Withmorethan20yearsofexperienceasateacher, he is a professor in the Master’s Degree in Social Responsibility at Universidad Anáhuac, and a visiting professor at Harvard University and IPADE. With the aim of sharing his knowledge, Gustavo is also an international lecturer in the United States, Central and South America, Europe and Asia. His commitment to civil society has led him to belong to the boards of Fundación Gigante and the environmental organization Grupedsac (Grupo para Promover la Educación y el Desarrollo Sustentable, A.C.) He is President of the collective Prevención y Reinserción en Acción, a grouping of several institutions of both companies and civil organizations with the mission of contributing positively in the prevention of crime and social reintegration through the development and promotion of actions that favor citizen participation. In addition, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the United Nations Global Compact, and is a member of the Advisory Group on Sustainability in the Supply Chain, and of the Business for Peace initiative — which deepens the work of companies and the private sector in the creation of social peace — and also participates in the HeForShe initiative — a UN campaign in favor of women. He is former president of the Global Compact in Mexico (2010-2016). He has received several awards and recognitions such as: the Social Leadership Award from the Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Research Institute (2015), the Benemérita Azul Award from the University of Puebla for his leadership in social responsibility (2016), recognition by the United Nations in New York City for his exceptional achievements in the Sustainable Development Goals (2017), recognition by Business Leaders magazine as one of the 100 most visionary people in sustainability worldwide (2018), recognition of academic excellence by Universidad Anáhuac México (2016 and 2017) and finally, recognized as one of the most influential leaders in social responsibility according to Spain’s Corresponsables magazine. Author of the books: Printing dreams. A Crime-Prevention Project Through the Creation of a New Private and Non-Profit Sector Partnership; Santa Rosa, Un frasco de inspiración that tells the story of a group of women where poverty is eradicated in Mexico through a sustainable, inclusive, fair trade and socially responsible project, and finally, Tacaná. Story of a Socially Responsible Coffee Project in Chiapas, Mexico.

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