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PNL: Cómo acelerar y técnicas para dominar PNL
PNL: Cómo acelerar y técnicas para dominar PNL
PNL: Cómo acelerar y técnicas para dominar PNL
Libro electrónico36 páginas1 hora

PNL: Cómo acelerar y técnicas para dominar PNL

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Considerremos algunas técnicas dentro de PNL para entender mejor cómo funciona el proceso y qué tan relevante es para su autodesarrollo. Finalmente, en las últimas páginas, haremos un ejercicio de PNL juntos para que quede perfectamente claro lo que PNL puede hacer por ti; o más aún, lo que PNL puede ayudarte a hacer por ti mismo.

Ayudar al lector a ganar claridad en sus razones personales para el éxito y su percepción del futuro una vez que haya logrado sus metas. El lector aprende a discernir entre necesidad y deseo. Hay muchas leyes al lado de la ley de atracción que tienden a apuntar o a lograr metas.

Una de las habilidades más poderosas de la vida que posees es la habilidad de controlar tus respuestas hacia la gente y eventos que te rodean. Tal control personal es una piedra angular de la excelencia y logro humanos. Tu habilidad controlada positivamente afecta tus acciones y, en consecuencia, afecta directamente el grado de las metas que logras,

Fecha de lanzamiento12 ene 2020
PNL: Cómo acelerar y técnicas para dominar PNL

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    PNL - Sarah Inoue

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Overview of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

    Chapter 2: The insights

    Chapter 3: The skills

    Chapter 4: Applications

    Chapter 5: The idiot and the expert concept




    I want to thank and congratulate you for downloading the book.

    This book contains proven steps and strategies to modify your attitude and behavioral patterns in order to either achieve a specific goal or to overcome various disorders that you may be suffering from.

    Neuro-linguistic programming, or more commonly known as NLP, has been developed under the premise of a connection between what is going in in the nervous system, one’s linguistic habits and the behavior he or she has developed through his or her life experiences.

    The concept is simple. Challenge the language of an individual to make him think deeper and recover the information that is missing in order to make the individual more daring in pursuing their purposes, or be able to overcome their problems.

    It is a technique created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California in the 1970s and has been adopted by practitioners, hypnotherapists and seminars for business and government.

    As expected it has been met with skepticism from the scientific community who calls NLP a pseudoscience that contains factual errors and has failed to produce the expected results.

    A more simplistic approach is that Neurolinguistic Programming can be described as the owner’s manual of how one can use their brain. People who use this approach, continue to say that no matter what valuable things they learned at school or college, they never learned how to feel good or how to have great relationships and this is where this technique comes in.

    Through the simplified approach, the creators’ terminologies and the scientific skepticism, NLP is considered as a concept that cannot be viewed objectively. Whoever learns of it and studies it

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