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Focus: Desarrollar la atención para alcanzar la excelencia
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Focus: Desarrollar la atención para alcanzar la excelencia
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Focus: Desarrollar la atención para alcanzar la excelencia
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Focus: Desarrollar la atención para alcanzar la excelencia

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

La práctica de la atención y de focalizar es como un músculo. Si no lo utilizamos se debilita; si lo ejercitamos, se desarrolla y fortalece.
En este esperado libro, el autor del best-seller mundial Inteligencia emocional nos muestra las posibilidades de cultivar dicha atención, tanto como forma de autocontrol, demejorar la empatía con los demás o para comprender la complejidad del mundoque nos rodea.
Las personas que logran un máximo rendimiento (ya sea en la educación, los negocios, el deporte o las artes) utilizan intuitivamente formas de focalización y de atención plena. El quid no está en practicar la concentración durante muchas horas, sino en la forma como prestamos atención a lo que hacemosy como absorbemos los feedbacks para autocorregirnos. Incluso el divagar mentalmente puede ser beneficioso.
El antídoto para la fatiga mental es el mismo que para la fatiga física:tomar un descanso y sumergirse en una actividad completamente diferente (pasear, disfrutar de la naturaleza, charlar con amistades, etcétera).
Focus es una nueva obra magistral de uno de los pensadores más influyentes de nuestra época.
Fecha de lanzamiento20 sept 2013
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Focus: Desarrollar la atención para alcanzar la excelencia

Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman is the bestselling author of several books, including Emotional Intelligence, Focus, and Optimal. He was a science journalist for The New York Times, received the American Psychological Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and was honored by Harvard for his contributions to education, business, and society. He lives near New York City. Find out more at

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Calificación: 3.3952379809523805 de 5 estrellas

105 clasificaciones9 comentarios

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The first half of this book was fascinating. It presents excellent information and insight into how our brains work with regard to attention and focus.

    The second half was really just a collection of anecdotes about high powered people and how they succeed or fail at managing focus. It was ok, but not really very informative.
  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    Goleman's book is a bland melange of politically correct truisms and resume wagging claiming to be science/advice/insight. Claims focus is the key to excellence but spends most of his time talking about mindfulness and saving the world. Title should have been, "Mindfulness can save the world," but that would not have flown off the business shelf at the airport news stand. Goleman is a narcissistic bore. Half his anecdotes seem to revolve around another line on his resume. The story of the online poker fiend ends with the rounder purchasing a copy of one of Goleman's books. Oh, and didn't you know, it was Goleman not Malcolm Gladwell that first reported on the whole 10,000 hours to mastery concept. Goleman is more than happy to spend an irrelevant chapter telling you so.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    In "Focus" Daniel Goleman takes a wide-ranging perspective on the subject of attention. Goleman explains how what individuals and organizations focus on impacts learning, creativity, relationships, parenting, emotional intelligence, systems, gaming, the environment, leadership, and more. Goleman admits in an endnote that such breadth of coverage precludes depth of explanation. However, he provides a helpful section on resources for those wanting to explore in more depth topics the book touches on. Goleman does a good job in identifying the role of focus in many aspects of our personal and organizational lives. His lively writing style stimulates the reader’s curiosity to want to know more. Goleman mentions some ways we can increase focus, but this is not a how-to book. Goleman gets us to pay attention to the importance of focus. The reader will need to explore other resources to learn the skills for strengthening focus.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    In a bit of irony, this book lacks focus. It's a decent survey of the overall importance of focus, but it ranges from light neuroscience, to environmental activism on, to leadership. Aside from mindfulness and breathing, there's nothing prescriptive in here for achieving greater focus individually or as a society. Don't bother.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Now focus. I’m going to tell you something important.’s a secret. Ready? Okay, here it is: The most important thing is...focus. Yes, focus. So, are you doing that? If you aren’t, could you please try it? Yes, focus. I’m telling you it’s important. Simple. But important. So let’s all go out there and focus.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    All the online reviews which point out the irony of this book's complete lack of focus are exactly right. It is a grab bag of short and superficial treatments of diverse subjects which have all been treated better elsewhere. Many of the subjects have only a tangential relationship to what is apparently the main topic of the book, namely attention. For example, global warming gets a guernsey because it is an important problem, so we should all pay attention to it!. And writing about the marshmallow test as if you're not the 98th person to do so in print is an insult to the reader's intelligence.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    El metodo sistemico planteado en beneficio de la humanidad con vista al futuro!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Convincente como los estudios respaldan ciertos comportamientos humanos relacionados con la concentración, al igual que el impacto que tienen estos en personas con enfermedades como el TDAH, solo que esperaba algo más como una guía, esto está muy alejado de darte tips.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Este libro tiene puntos muy interesantes para que podamos comprender como funciona la atención en nuestro cerebro, y que podemos hacer para mejorar nuestra calidad debido con solo entrenarnos y aprovechar asi esta capacidad de nuestra mente, al final me parece que se desvía del tema ya en los ultimos capitulos, pero en términos generales buen libro

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