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Border of a Dream: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado
Border of a Dream: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado
Border of a Dream: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado
Libro electrónico674 páginas5 horas

Border of a Dream: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

• Machado’s popularity is likened to that of Rilke • utterly unique prose supporting the book—preface by John Dos Passos and reminiscence by Juan Ramón Jiménez • Barnstone is a foremost translator-poets bringing into English a dizzying range of work, from Mao to the New Testament • this book represents Barnstone’s first published translations, which appeared in 1959 in England and never distributed in US • Barnstone has expanded and improved the original book • CCP has wanted to do a Machado selected for a long time, but we've been waiting for the right one. This is the right one. • When the Nobel Prize was awarded to Juan Ramon Jimenez in 1956, the Nobel committe said of Machado and Garcia Lorca (both disqualified as possible recipients by their death): "Juan Ramon Jimenez represents the high Spanish tradition and to crown him with laurel is also to crown Antonio Machado and Garcia Lorca."
Fecha de lanzamiento1 jul 2013
Border of a Dream: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado

Antonio Machado

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