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Las Personas Singulares
Las Personas Singulares
Las Personas Singulares
Libro electrónico17 páginas15 minutos

Las Personas Singulares

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Surely sharing what we have observed and learnt with others is a valid endeavor, which even great authors have engaged into. This said, let me add on by way to clarification that many outstanding mystics: Pythagoras, the Rosicrucian Max Heindel, the Toltec sorcerer Don Juan Matus, suggested their students as regards the worth of reviewing backward one's existence (or, in the case of Krishnamurti, taking the experiences and discard the incidents as one lives along). To coax my subconscious into doing just so, I decided to carry this task as if -or actually by- wording a literary work, and here it is the result; but, in addition, my feelings about spirituality, History, and other topics are extant, and above all you will notice in it a passing but, to so speak, complete description of every person I have cherished in my lifetime on account of some picturesque feature or another they possessed. Enjoy it, if you wish! Something else: I could choose English for it, of course (as well as French, by the way); however, being perhaps a tad perverse, it has been Castilian the language in which I wrote it.

Fecha de lanzamiento31 oct 2016
Las Personas Singulares

Santiago Hernández

La medianoche de 1956 en que el equinoccio de primavera se tornó en el día veintidós de marzo, nací yo en Remedios, Cuba: pueblo en donde el cofre con el tesoro de François Nau (el pirata Olonés) fue encontrado bajo el altar mayor de la Iglesia Mayor; y en donde también me bautizó una tía mía monja muy querida a escondidas de su hermano -mi padre- puesto que él era era masón. Andariego he sido por diversos países e ido preso, y vivo en una frontera. Pinto y soy actor Stanislavsky -habiendo empezado lo último con la obra teatral anti-comunista Los Perros Jíbaros del cubano preso político estudiantil y místico católico Jorge Valls Arango. Frecuento mayormente a los indígenas, y me considero (un mal) teósofo.

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    Las Personas Singulares - Santiago Hernández

    Title: Las Personas Singulares

    Author: Santiago Hernández

    Language: Castilian.

    No copyright has been created for this book. It belongs to the people.

    Description of the book: Surely sharing what we have observed and learnt with others is a valid endeavor, which even great authors have engaged into. This said, let me add on by way to clarification that many outstanding mystics: Pythagoras, the Rosicrucian Max Heindel, the Toltec sorcerer Don Juan Matus, suggested their students as regards the worth of reviewing backward one's existence (or, in the case of Krishnamurti, taking the experiences and discard the incidents as one lives along). To coax my subconscious into doing just so, I decided to carry this task as if -or actually by- wording a literary work, and here it is the result; but, in addition, my feelings about spirituality, History, and other topics are extant, and above all you will notice in it a passing but, to so speak, complete description of every person I have cherished in my lifetime on account of some picturesque feature or another they possessed. Enjoy it, if you wish! Something else: I could choose English

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