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Libro electrónico75 páginas51 minutos


Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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Cuando Chris encuentra una billetera en la calle, trata enseguida de encontrar a su dueño y devolverla. A pesar de que está pasando por problemas en casa y en la escuela, quiere hacer lo correcto. Sin embargo, todo comienza a complicarse y parece que su vida entera se va a derrumbar, y es entonces cuando Chris de da cuenta de que el dueño de la billetera se parece mucho a él y tiene una vida por la que Chris darIa cualquier cosa. ¿Y si asumiera su identidad? ¿Qué pasaría si pudiera convertirse en otra persona?

When Chris finds a wallet on the street, he tries to return it to its owner. In trouble at home and at school, he is struggling to do the right thing. However, as circumstances slowly start unraveling and his whole life appears headed down the drain, Chris realizes that the person who owns the wallet looks a lot like him and has a life he would do almost anything for. What if he switched identities? What if he became someone else?
Fecha de lanzamiento1 may 2009

Vicki Grant

VICKI GRANT left her career in advertising and television to write her first novel, The Puppet Wrangler, in 2004. She has written many books for young readers, including Not Suitable for Family Viewing, winner of the Red Maple Award, Quid Pro Quo, winner of the Author Ellis Award for Best Juvenile Crime Fiction, Betsy Wickwire’s Dirty Secret, Pig Boy and B Negative. She lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Web: Twitter: @VickiGrantYA Instagram: @vicki_grantya  

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Calificación: 3.2708316666666666 de 5 estrellas

24 clasificaciones7 comentarios

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  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    While running late to class one day, high school senior Chris finds a wallet on the ground. The wallet belongs to a man named Andrew Ashbury who seems to have it all. The man who owns the wallet looks a lot like Chris, same height, same weight, and blue eyed. With an angry stepdad at home and trouble at school, Chris decides that switching identities and becoming Andrew Ashbury might just be his ticket to success and a better life. This book is a “hi-lo” book (high interest level-low reading level) intended for teens who do not read well or who read below grade level, but don’t want to read books that are childish or intended for young readers. The book has short chapters, fairly simple vocabulary, and an engrossing plot. Teens might be drawn to the gritty, urban tone of the book as well. However, the ending is jarring, abrupt, and unsatisfying so readers who prefer nicely wrapped up endings may not enjoy this book.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Grant, Vicki. I.D. 101p. Orca Soundings, 2007. Tr. $9.95. ISBN 978-1551436944; LC1551436949All Christopher Bent wants is a fresh start in life, but that’s not going to happen. His family, teachers, and even the girl he likes (today) all have him pegged as a good-for-nothing. Most of the book is focused on Chris’ unrelenting anger towards everyone he knows and on his own self-loathing. After finding the wallet of Andrew Ashbury, however, Chris’ luck seems to be changing. Andrew has money, a nice house, a pretty girlfriend and, according to the Driver’s License in the wallet, he and Chris look a lot alike. If you could change your life by stealing someone else’s, would you? This edge-of-your-seat thrill ride of a book from Orca Soundings will have reluctant readers captivated, as each new page unfolds a new insight into the oddly similar lives of Chris and Andrew. (Grades 8-10).
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    After I read this book, "The I.D.," I thought this book was interesting! Its about a boy who had found someone's wallet that the person who owned the wallet, didn't even come to search for it. Christopher Bent , who was the boy, had kept the wallet started searching for that person who had lost their wallet....the rest can be read by you. This short chapter book had bits of suspense, adventure and drama, as I was reading and picturing how the story went. This book could be recommended for ages 12 and over. If you read this book, you will know what I mean in my review. (;
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    When Christopher Bent discovers a wallet on the sidewalk, he picks it up with every intention of returning it to its owner. However, Chris's life is a disaster both in school and at home, and as he realizes that he resembles the wallet's original owner, he begins to assume the identity of the man who lost the wallet, Andrew Ashbury. This novel, with its very modern theme of identity-theft, is fast paced with a manageable vocabulary for reluctant readers. Suspense builds as Chris's involvement in his scheme develops. First he only takes the money in the wallet, next he uses a dry cleaning receipt to pick up one of Andrew's suits, and he soon finds himself purchasing a plane ticket with Andrew's credit card, becoming increasingly concerned that he will be caught, but unwilling to abandon this easy path to a new life. He struggles with the morality of his actions and with his misery about his current life. The book's conclusion, however, is abrupt, out of place, and unsatisfying, ultimately detracting from the rest of the story. Some strong language and difficult situations make this book most appropriate for high school students.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Chris hates the life he's leading. Between his dysfunctional family, troubles at school, and love life difficulties, escaping his circumstances is an attractive idea. When he finds a wallet belonging to a wealthy man who matches his physical description, Chris must decide whether to make this fantasy of escape a reality by taking on a new identity. The plot is straight-forward but compelling, and the premise intriguing. However, the characters are thinly developed, especially the ones other than Chris. This slim volume is written at a 2.8 reading level, making it a good choice for high-schoolers who are reading well below their grade level. Recommended for high school boys, reluctant readers, and anyone looking for a quick, easy read with contemporary interest.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I.D by: Vicki Grant - series of Orca Sounding The book I.D by: Vicki Grant was an awesome book. I enjoyed this book very much because it's about taking a rich person's identity (bank number,address,name etc.) for granted,but in the end the rich person who lost there identity was a criminal.So the person who took the rich person's identity was placed in prison instead of the real criminal.The book I.D gives a good message which is, not taking other people's identity,because who know if the person's I.D you find is a criminal or not?For people who like the genres mystery, fiction and theft; I think you would enjoy this book!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A great suspenseful quick read for reluctant readers. Chris is a guy with lots of bad luck. But things start to change when he finds a lost wallet. Is this the start of a new life for him? Find out by reading "I.D."

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Identificación - Vicki Grant



Vicki Grant

Traducido por Queta Fernandez

orca soundings


Copyright © 2009 Vicki Grant

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Grant, Vicki

[I.D. Spanish]

Identificación / Vicki Grant;

translated by Queta Fernandez.

(Spanish soundings)

Translation of I.D.

ISBN 978-1-55469-134-0

1. Identity theft--Juvenile fiction. 2. Identity (Psychology)-Juvenile fiction. I. Title. II. Series: Spanish soundings III. I.D. Spanish.

PS8613.R367I218 2009 jC813’.6 C2009-901580-3

Summary: When Chris finds a wallet on the street,

he is tempted to take on someone else’s identity.

First published in the United States, 2009

Library of Congress Control Number: 2009924515

Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing programs provided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program and the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Province of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.

Cover design by Doug McCaffry

Cover photography by Getty Images

Printed and bound in Canada.

Printed on 100% PCW recycled paper.

12 11 10 09 • 4 3 2 1

Para Eliza, Edwina, Teddy y Ed con amor y asombro.



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Capítulo cinco

Capítulo seis

Capítulo siete

Capítulo ocho

Capítulo nueve

Capítulo diez

Capítulo once

Capítulo doce

Capítulo trece

Capítulo catorce

Capítulo quince

Capítulo dieciséis

Capítulo diecisiete

Capítulo uno

No debí detenerme. Ya estaba tarde. Pero si alguien se encuentra una billetera en la calle, ¿qué otra cosa puede hacer? Pues pararse.

La recogí. Miré para todos los lados y sólo vi a un viejo que había sacado a pasear a su perro. El señor Oxner me iba a matar. Ya me había castigado un par de veces por faltar, por malas notas, por decir groserías o por cualquier otra cosa.

El día anterior se había puesto furioso conmigo. Había dicho que era mi última oportunidad, que solamente masticar chicle en clase —eso fue lo que dijo— sería suficiente para echarme de una vez. Expulsarme.

Ni que me importara un comino.

No me faltaron ganas de decirle: métase su clase por donde mejor le quepa. No estaba dispuesto a que nadie, y especialmente Oxner, me dijera lo que podía o no podía hacer.

Per onecesitaba un lugar donde quedarme, un lugar donde comer. Si me expulsaban, mi padrastro se volvería loco. Me obligaría otra vez a trabajar de cajero en el supermercado por seis dólares la hora o trataría de echarme de la casa. Se aseguraría de que mi vida se convirtiera en un infierno (como si ya no lo fuera). Podía escucharlo repetir interminablemente que la había regado otra vez, que nunca llegaría a ser nadie, que era una basura, un lastre, un imbécil.

Dicen que es fácil identificar a tu igual. Lo pensé, pero no me atreví a decírselo. En boca cerrada no entran moscas.

No lo iba a aguantar más. De ninguna manera iba a quedarme de brazos cruzados mientras Ron escupía sus insultos, mi madre lloraba y Mandy observaba. La pobre chiquilla tenía solamente catorce años y ya no podía ni llorar. Había presenciado la misma escena un montón de veces.

Tenía que llegar a tiempo a la escuela. Tenía que mantener contento a Oxner por un mes más. Entonces me graduaría, conseguiría un trabajo, un trabajo de verdad, y me largaría de casa para siempre.

Miré el reloj. Miré al viejo. No parecía ser un hombre con dinero, y pensé que su pobre perro merecía no pasar hambre. Creí que me daría tiempo.

Corrí hasta él.

—¡Oiga! —le hablé tan alto que el hombre se asustó y levantó un puño para golpearme.

Me dio lástima. Parecía tener unos ochenta años.

—Señor, ¿perdió usted una billetera? —le pregunté.

Bajó las manos y se rió.

—¡Epa, muchacho! —dijo—. Pensé que tenía que darte

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