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¿Yo y mi gato?
¿Yo y mi gato?
¿Yo y mi gato?
Libro electrónico35 páginas3 minutos

¿Yo y mi gato?

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Cierta noche una anciana con un sombrero puntiagudo entra por la ventana de la recámara de Nicolás, agita su escoba, escupe algunas palabras y se va tan intempestivamente como llegó. En el momento es perturbador, pero no tanto como lo que sucede al día siguiente.
Fecha de lanzamiento15 dic 2023
¿Yo y mi gato?

Satoshi Kitamura

Satoshi Kitamura has written over 20 picture books and illustrated many more. A multiple award-winner whose work has been translated all over the world, he lives in Kobe, Japan.

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Me and My Cat tells the story of the a young boy who had a spell casted on him that turned him into a cat! He experienced the day in the life of cat and was eventually run down by dogs. He then quickly realizes that being a cat is a lot harder than he thought. This is such a good book to teach a lesson to kids to "put yourself in someone's shoes" before making a judgement. He completely misunderstood the cat life until being placed in his cats shoes.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    When a witch climbs into his bedroom late one night and curses him, Nicholas wakes up the next morning in his cat Leonardo's body. Life as a cat seems simple at first, full of naps and jumping, but after getting into some tussles with the neighborhood animals, Nicholas discovers that "Life was as tough and complicated as it was for humans." Things get even worse when Leonardo, in his human body, returns home from school and acts strangely, scaring his mother. Fortunately, the witch visits again that night...Although author/artist Satoshi Kitamura is Japanese, many of his picture-books appear to have been published first in the UK, where he lived for many years. That is the case with Me and My Cat?, which pairs a hilarious story with entertaining illustrations. I loved the matter-of-fact way the witch climbs in and out of Nicholas' bedroom window, cursing and uncursing. I enjoyed the story itself, with its body-switch plot-line, and I laughed aloud at the surprise ending, when we discover just who the witch's real target was meant to be. Recommended to fans of Kitamura, and to anyone looking for fun, funny and fantastical stories for the picture-book set.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I like this book for several reasons. One reason I like this book is the illustrations. The illustrations were a mix between realistic and cartoon style. Each illustration helped tell the story to the readers. The reader can see that the boy was now in the cat's body telling the story. I also like this book because of the plot. The child and the cat switched bodies which is a fantasy many young readers may be able to connect with. There are many children who probably wonder what it would be like to be in their pet's body for a day.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    There are a few reasons why I liked this book, and a few reasons why I did not. This story has a very interesting plot line and inspires creativity, but it lacks explanation and deep-thinking. The plot of this story follows a young boy who magically switches bodies with his cat by a witch. He then spends all day doing cat things while his body with the cat's spirit must go to school. The illustrations match and enhance the story by detailing to the reader what the boy-in-a-cat's-body experiences throughout the day. However, the plot does not push the reader to think at a higher-level of understanding. We do not figure out what the boy thinks of the cat's life, or what the cat thinks of the boy's life. We also do not find out why this happened or who this witch is. The big idea of this story is to consider other's point of views. This boy had never before imagined what it would be like to become a cat for a day, but now he knows what it is like. I gave this book two stars however because it struggled to keep the reader engaged and intrigued, while barely teaching any type of valuable lesson.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I found this story to be a fun, easy read! The light-hearted and humorous nature of the plot made it rather enjoyable. Though the book seemed to lack much educational value, it would be a book that students enjoy reading. The plot of the story has a little bit of suspense and tension that the reader can pick up. As I turned each page, I wondered what silly thing would happen next. The tension came into play when you realized that the main character no longer wanted to be a cat. At first, it was slightly difficult to understand. This was merely because I was unsure what point of view it was coming from. After getting through this portion, the rest of the language was very clear. The one thing the book lacked for me was enough description. You needed the illustrations to help you visualize exactly what was happening in the story. This book was just O.K. to me, simply because it lacked the educational value and no moral to the story!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    In my opinion, this was a very humorous children’s picture book. The first reason I really liked this book is because the author did an excellent job of developing the plot. There was a clear plot and it remained very suspenseful through the end when the main characters teacher has cat like symptoms the next day in school. Also, the writing of the book was very well organized, as the author was able to share the thoughts and dialogues of several different characters clearly and concisely. The final reason I enjoyed reading this story is because the illustrations presented to the readers were appropriate to the mood of the story. The mood of the story was very humorous and each picture depicted that mood. For example, there was an illustration of the boy in the cat’s body jumping on top of a piece of furniture in the house and knocking things down. I believe that the main message of this book is to put yourself in someone else’s shoes for the day, sometimes we do not know how hard it is to be other people.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I enjoyed this book for a few reasons. The first reason I like the book is because of the writing. It is very engaging because the boy who is the narrator is very descriptive in what he does. The book is engaging because the main characters explains who he sees, what he does, and how he feels. The second reason I like the book is because of the message it sends. The child gets switched with his cat so he has to live his life as a cat for a day. This sends the message that you don't know about someone's life until you walk a mile in their shoes. The child realizes how hard the life for his cat is once he spends a day as him, The main message in this book is that you do not know how hard someone's life is even if it seems easy.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This was such a fun read about a lady in a pointed hat that comes into a young boy name Nicolas’s room one night, and casts a spell on him. The next morning, he awakes in his cat’s body, and his cat is in his. Throughout the day Nicolas begins to realize that being a cat is just a hard as being a human. The underlying propose of this story would be to illustrate that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. I really liked how the author created a parallelism between hardships in a cat’s life and in Nicholas life. For example, Nicolas faces bullies at school, the cat faces a pack of bully cats. I also really liked the humor within this story.In my opinion, the plot of this story was a bit suspenseful, but remained light and humorous throughout. The author organized the events so that there is clear evidence of conflict and resolution. The conflict begins when Nicholas awakens as his cat, but peaks when he ventures outside and realizes “life is just as tough as a cat as it is for humans.” Nicholas then realizes he wants to be back to his human self. The resolution of this story comes when the pointed hat lady comes back the next night and says “sorry love, I got the wrong address,” and Nicholas wakes the next morning back to normal. I also enjoyed the illustrations in this story, which are fun and cartoon-like. Children would be very engaged with the graphics that follow along nicely to enhance the story. After Nicholas gets in a cat fight, Bernard, the neighbor’s dog begins chasing him. In this illustration, the cat (Nicholas) has a look of sheer horror on his face, whereas the dog looks excited and happy. Just by looking at the illustrations throughout the story, it would be easy to comprehend the plot without even reading the text.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I enjoyed this book immensely, especially as a cat owner myself. What I liked best about this book was the plot. It depicted a boy, Nicholas, switching bodies with his cat after being cursed by a witch. It did a great job of introducing the subject of perspective, with an interesting twist. Nicholas got to see what it was like to be a cat, and realized how different it really was. For example, although he liked the neighbors dog, Bernard, he found that Bernard didn’t like him very much when he was a cat. I also thought the illustrations were interesting. They were “anime style,” which was something I’d never really seen in a non- anime book. It really made me think what other books I’ve read would look like if they were illustrated “anime style.” I think the big idea of this book was the importance of understanding the perspective of others. Usually, this message is brought about by humans switching bodies with each other, so I thought the idea of Nicholas switching bodies with his cat was a unique way to address the idea of perspective.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I enjoyed reading, “Me and My Cat” for multiple reasons. I thought that the illustrations did a nice job of portraying exactly what the characters were feeling throughout the entirety of the book. This book is about a young boy who suddenly winds up in the body of his cat. Obviously this is a confusing concept for the young boy as he comes to realize that his mind is in his cat’s body. The illustrations portray this confusion on the cat’s face very well as the young boy asks questions to himself about how this body-switch may have happened. I also appreciated the imagery used in the text of the story. The author writes, “the brick wall was warm under my paws,” as the boy/cat walks along a brick balcony. This description is not one that could be seen through an illustration and it took the book to a different level of understanding for its readers. Lastly, I liked how the author forces the reader to infer throughout the reading. At the beginning of the book the author describes, “an old lady with a pointed hat,” coming into the boy’s room through the window and saying some words and then leaves his room. Though the author never tells the reader that the “old lady” is actually a witch and the words that she says in his room is actually a spell, the reader comes to that conclusion using context and illustration.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I liked this book. The story was engaging, carrying us along on Nicholas' adventures as a cat. The plot was also enjoyable in it's simplicity of bodies switching, but there was a hidden message of seeing someone's life from their eyes. When Nicolas assumed the dog would be nice to him but then wasn't, I saw a lot of opportunities for discussion which I personally look for in any book I read. The big idea of this story is you never really no someone until you've walked a day in their shoes.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    A story about a boy who gets cursed by a witch. He gets turned into his cat for a day. The story tells about his adventures as a cat. At the end of the day the witch comes back and turns him back into the boy. A delightfull book that is fun to read to children.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Wonderful cartoony drawings and colors
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A story about what happens when a boy and his cat switch places
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I "read" this as an e-book read aloud by Elijah Wood on Storyline Online. I found the story to be fun and relate-able, as I have often wondered what it would be like to become one of my cats for a day. In terms of an e-book, I think Elijah Wood did not do the best job of narrating the story. He wasn't bad, but he also left something to be desired in that he did not use a lot of excitement or expression in his voice while reading. There were a few moments that lacked enthusiasm. Most likely, he has little experience reading to kids, which is why is reading is lack-luster. However, the Storyline Online site provides many good resources for this book and I had fun thinking about the premise of the story. Ages 6 and up.

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¿Yo y mi gato? - Satoshi Kitamura

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