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Jim Crow (Jim Crow): La segregación y el legado de la esclavitud (Segregation and the Legacy of Slavery)
Jim Crow (Jim Crow): La segregación y el legado de la esclavitud (Segregation and the Legacy of Slavery)
Jim Crow (Jim Crow): La segregación y el legado de la esclavitud (Segregation and the Legacy of Slavery)
Libro electrónico26 páginas15 minutos

Jim Crow (Jim Crow): La segregación y el legado de la esclavitud (Segregation and the Legacy of Slavery)

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Información de este libro electrónico

Incluso después de que la esclavitud se convirtiera en ilegal, el legado de la esclavitud se perpetuó en las injusticias creadas por las leyes de Jim Crow. Aprende más sobre estas leyes discriminatorias que han moldeado el pasado y el presente de Estados Unidos.

Even after the institution of slavery became illegal, the legacy of slavery continued through injustices created by the Jim Crow laws. Learn more about these discriminatory laws that have shaped America's past and present. Now in Spanish!

Read Woke™ Books are created in partnership with Cicely Lewis, the Read Woke librarian. Inspired by a belief that knowledge is power, Read Woke Books seek to amplify the voices of people of the global majority (people who are of African, Arab, Asian, and Latin American descent and identify as not white), provide information about groups that have been disenfranchised, share perspectives of people who have been underrepresented or oppressed, challenge social norms and disrupt the status quo, and encourage readers to take action in their community.

Fecha de lanzamiento1 ago 2023
Jim Crow (Jim Crow): La segregación y el legado de la esclavitud (Segregation and the Legacy of Slavery)

Elliott Smith

Elliott Smith lives in Falls Church, VA. He enjoys watching movies, reading, and playing sports with his two children. His favorite college basketball team has made the NCAA tournament only one time.

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