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Rooster Va a Acampar
Rooster Va a Acampar
Rooster Va a Acampar
Libro electrónico39 páginas9 minutos

Rooster Va a Acampar

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Información de este libro electrónico

Spanish version of the illustrated children's book: Rooster Goes Camping. Given the opportunity for a great outdoor adventure, a puppy named Rooster overcomes some prior fears about being lost in the woods. On his first camping trip, he learns to navigate with a map and compass, is threatened by a buck, discovers fire, and

Fecha de lanzamiento11 nov 2019
Rooster Va a Acampar

Melissa Menzone

Born in Putnam, Connecticut, Melissa grew up in the small town landscape of Thompson, Connecticut. In high school she competed for and won a seat in the Connecticut Writer's Symposium with an unfinished thriller novel as her submission. She attended Nichol's College, then focused on producing business professionals, where she helped found the college's literary magazine - Windfall. Melissa was Windfall's first editor, holding the position for three years.When not working, Melissa enjoys spending time with her husband traveling the country and the world via bicycle, foot, motorcycle, motorhome, and boat. She is an avid coin collector and enjoys digging into history. She challenges herself to leave her library, put down her pencil, or close her book and physically engage with the world through activities like scuba diving and dirt bike riding.Melissa is currently creating another Rooster tale and additional Playtime activities for children. She is also working on an adult fiction series set in 12th century eastern Europe.  

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    Rooster Va a Acampar - Melissa Menzone

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