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250 Thoughts To Think About Life: 250 Pensamientos Para Pensar Acerca de la Vida
250 Thoughts To Think About Life: 250 Pensamientos Para Pensar Acerca de la Vida
250 Thoughts To Think About Life: 250 Pensamientos Para Pensar Acerca de la Vida
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250 Thoughts To Think About Life: 250 Pensamientos Para Pensar Acerca de la Vida

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We spend our whole lives thinking, analyzing, looking, criticizing, and envying, but we never stop to say what we really think; many times out of fear of hurting our loved ones. I think that if we all told ourselves the things we do not like—about everything—and process it without judgment or offence to others and ourselves, the hypocrisy that surrounds us would decrease while the human relations between us would strengthen. Consequently, the relationships between friends, family and friends would be healthier.

These quotes put forth should be read and analyzed with care—looking for the meaning—and being cognizant of the purpose they serve in our lives.
Although many of these quotes are of the writer's own experiences, they apply to life in general. There are certain experiences that we may feel like we can never talk about, but sometimes we either write them or they sprout in our behavior. We are human, therefore, very far from perfect. These quotes and thoughts reflect this.
Fecha de lanzamiento2 nov 2019
250 Thoughts To Think About Life: 250 Pensamientos Para Pensar Acerca de la Vida

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    250 Thoughts To Think About Life - Kennedy Ng

    Originals thoughts by Enyi-K


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    2019 KMW Bookforthesoul

    This edition KMW 2019

    Produced by Kennedy’s Music World

    English version edited by Carolina Holguin

    Spanish Version edited by: KMW

    Printed in USA

    ISBN 978-1-54398-756-0 eBook 978-1-54398-757-7

    Dedicated to

    My kids: Leslie Ann Ng, Kimberly Ng, Kennedy Ng Jr., Kenyerlin Ng, and my wife Mayerlin Ng


    We spend our whole lives thinking, analyzing, looking, criticizing, and envying, but we never stop to say what we really think; many times out of fear of hurting our loved ones. I think that if we all told ourselves the things we do not like—about everything—and process it without judgment or offence to others and ourselves, the hypocrisy that surrounds us would decrease while the human relations between us would strengthen. Consequently, the relationships between friends, family and friends would be healthier.

    These quotes put forth should be read and analyzed with care—looking for the meaning—and being cognizant of the purpose they serve in our lives.

    Although many of these quotes are of the writer’s own experiences, they apply to life in general. There are certain experiences that we may feel like we can never talk about, but sometimes we either write them or they sprout in our behavior. We are human, therefore, very far from perfect. These quotes and thoughts reflect this.

    I hope you take advantage of this book


    Nos pasamos la vida entera pensando, analizando, mirando, criticando, envidiando, bailando, estudiando, paseando, enseñando, aprendiendo y nunca nos detenemos en decir lo que en realidad pensamos; muchas veces por temor a no herir a nuestros allegados, pero creo que en realidad si todos nos dijéramos las cosas que no nos gustan y la procesamos sin juzgar u ofendernos, creo que la hipocresía descendería mucho y las relaciones humanas entre nosotros sería mucho más entendible y la calidad de relación entre los amigos, familiares y allegados serían más saludable.

    Estas citas pudieran ser útiles si las leemos y nos detenemos en buscarle el significado y el mensaje que el escritor pretendió al escribirlas. Estas citas tratan de la vida en general y aunque muchas son experiencias propia del escritor, en su mayoría son citas y pensamientos de experiencias de la vida en general; creo que todos los humanos pasamos por experiencias que nunca decimos, pero a veces las escribimos o brotan en nuestro comportamiento. Somos humanos por ende muy lejos de la perfección.

    Espero le saquen provecho a este mi primer libro.


    I can’t believe what I see, but I really believe in what I feel.

    All I know is that I do my best to be a good person, to be a great friend, a great husband, a great son, an excellent worker, but all of that depends on you—how you see it and perceive it. I know I do it with the best intention, I do it from my heart and I really don’t care how you see it.

    The more you think of achieving your goals the faster they run away from you. Just do your part and one day, you’ll open your eyes

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