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Poemas en prosa
Poemas en prosa
Poemas en prosa
Libro electrónico37 páginas23 minutos

Poemas en prosa

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Poemas en prosa es el título de un grupo de poemas escritos por César Vallejo entre 1923 y 1929, reunidos por Georgette Vallejo, viuda del poeta, junto a otros poemas póstumos bajo el título de Poemas humanos (París, Les Editions des Presses Modernes au Palais Royal, 1939).
Años después aparecieron por primera vez los Poemas en prosa en un grupo aparte, diferenciado del resto de los Poemas humanos, en la recopilación César Vallejo. Obra poética completa. Se trataba de la edición de Georgette para Francisco Moncloa Editores, 1968, al cuidado de Abelardo Oquendo. En este volumen se reprodujeron en facsímil los manuscritos originales, siguiendo esta división, así como los títulos de los dos poemarios, sugerida por Georgette.
Otras ediciones prefieren reunir los poemas póstumos de Vallejo en un solo grupo, a excepción del poemario España, aparta de mí este cáliz, que fue publicado en vida del poeta.
Poemas en prosa está formado por un conjunto de 19 poemas, aunque algunos de ellos están escritos en verso y fueron incluidos en un mismo grupo por haber sido escritos entre los años 1923 y 1929.
Según Georgette, Vallejo escribió la mayor parte de sus Poemas en prosa entre 1923 y 1924, y los corrigió en 1929 y tal vez en años siguientes.
Los Poemas en prosa están aún marcados por la estética de su poemario, Trilce, pero son a la vez una exploración de lo que serán los Poemas humanos. El uso de la prosa pretende dar un tono más coloquial al lenguaje.
Fecha de lanzamiento31 ago 2010
Poemas en prosa

César Vallejo

César Vallejo (1892 – 1938) was born in the Peruvian Andes and, after publishing some of the most radical Latin American poetry of the twentieth century, moved to Europe, where he diversified his writing practice to encompass theater, fiction, and reportage. As an outspoken alternative to the European avant-garde, Vallejo stands as one of the most authentic and multifaceted creators to write in the Castilian language.

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    One of the the earliest examples of prose poetry, Baudelaire's Paris Spleen is a tribute to the city of Paris and its pleasures: poetry, wine, women and the drunkenness brought about by these pursuits. Let's not forget Baudelaire's old pal Satan, he rears his head here more than once. Also present here is Baudelaire's witty political commentaries, presented in perhaps a more discernible form here than in The Flowers of Evil.Paris Spleen is not as consistent in regards to 'quality' (Rather a bad choice of words here, I do not want to mislead any ignorant reader into thinking Baudelaire is any less than great) or as urgent in tone as its more wide read predecessor. Overall though, this an indispensable for all students of poetry as well as those "moon-mad men." We couldn't forget them, now could we?
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This is a good book for anyone new to Baudelaire or prose poems. Several great poems are included.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I never really understood the appeal of Les Fleurs du Mal, but so many people love it that I started to feel bad. What was I missing? Along comes this book, Paris Spleen, which is full of prose poems made of equal parts humor, cynicism, and insight (and often all three within a paragraph). I like these poems because reading it, I feel like I have a sense of who Baudelaire might have been as a person...Plus, his humor is so odd: Soup and Clouds My adorable little minx was serving me supper; through the dining room's open window I was contemplating the shifting architectures God creates from vapour, those marvellous constructions of the evanescent. As I watched, I thought: "Those apparitions are nearly as beautiful as my sweet lady's eyes, the mad little green-eyed monster." Suddenly a violent fist landed in my back and I heard a charming, raw voice hysterical and brandy-damaged, the voice of my little darling, saying: "Get on with your bloody soup, cloud merchant."
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Inspired by Bertrand's Gaspard de la Nuit Baudelaire borrowed the idea of turning french poetry on its head by releasing this collection of prose poems. The real virtues of the poetry, the play with language, internal rhyme, and grammar, don't come through very strongly in translation. Luckily for Baudelaire's english speaking audience, the subjects of his poems were so rich and his imagery was so vivid that even after all of those elements are lost, his poetry still stands up under scrutiny. The only downside of this collection is that it's not a dual language version-- even if you don't speak a foreign language you can still get a sense for its rythym by comparing the original and the translation side by side. The prose poems in this collection (and the ones in Les Fleurs du Mal) focus on the internal life of the city. Ina time when Paris was being systematically destroyed and rebuilt, Baudelaire looks past the veneer of the city to the heart of its citizens. While British poets from the same time lose themselves in the architecture of the city and in the city's natural elements, Baudelaire and his contemporaries focused specifically on the people that make up the city. Paris Spleen gives you an outsider's look into Parisian life. As the narrator of these pieces moves through the city, he shares his assumptions about life as seen through windows, as passed on corners, as watched but not necessarily participated in. When the narrator actually does take part in the world around him, he does so with gestures so grand that they exist only for the sake of metaphor. In one instance, the narrator berates a glass dealer for harassing the poor and tosses a flower pot at him. In another, men are described as carrying chimeras on their backs as they go through their daily routines.Although at times the narrative leans towards the surreal, the images are accessable and each poem flows quickly. If you can't read the poems in their original language, this is a great translation to pick up.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    heavy and elastic honeybrown hair. you can almost hear it?!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Korte schetsen, over eenzaamheid, oudworden. Soms sterk gelijkend op Poemeesterlijk observatievermogen, voorafspiegeling van de Maupassant, soms fijn, soms grof. Techniek van de onverwachte wending die het voorafgaande in een heel ander perspectief plaatst. Op het geniale af
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Who among us has not dreamt, in moments of ambition, of the miracle of a poetic prose, musical without rhythm and rhyme, supple and staccato enough to adapt to the lyrical stirrings of the soul, the undulations of dreams, and sudden leaps of consciousness.

    Contrary to popular belief, I had never read Baudelaire until now. I've trusted Walter Benjamin and lately Calasso to provide me with a well informed ethos about this central figure. There are many concerns that this is the literature of the young, to which I shout, absurd. This is the lettres of the Absolute, the eternally curious.

    Below the bile, there is a hum of sensitivity. Behind the debris are the tears of the sensitive. Is it forgiving, likely not? There is a buzzing pulse at play, a hum and a forgiving glance.

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Poemas en prosa - César Vallejo


César Vallejo

Poemas en prosa

Edición de Georgette de Vallejo

Barcelona 2024


Título original: Poemas en prosa.

© 2024, Red ediciones S.L.


Diseño de cubierta: Michel Mallard.

ISBN rústica ilustrada: 978-84-1126-749-6.

ISBN ebook: 978-84-9897-509-3.

Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos, si necesita fotocopiar, escanear o hacer copias digitales de algún fragmento de esta obra.


Créditos 4

Brevísima presentación 9

La vida 9

El buen sentido 13

La violencia de las horas 15

Lánguidamente su licor 17

El momento más grave de la vida 19

Las ventanas se han estremecido... 21

Voy a hablar de la esperanza 25

Hallazgo de La vida 27

Nómina de huesos 29

Una mujer de senos apacibles... 31

No vive ya nadie... 33

Existe un mutilado... 35

Algo te identifica 37

Cesa el anhelo... 39

¡Cuatro conciencias... 41

Entre el dolor y el placer... 43

En el momento en que el tenista... 45

Me estoy riendo 47

He aquí que hoy saludo... 49

Lomo de las sagradas escrituras 51

Libros a la carta 53

Brevísima presentación

La vida

César Abraham Vallejo Mendoza (Santiago de Chuco, 1892-1938, París). Perú.

Sus padres eran Francisco de Paula Vallejo Benítez y María de los Santos Mendoza Gurrionero. Fue el menor de once hermanos. Su tez mestiza se debe que sus abuelas fueron indias y sus abuelos sacerdotes gallegos. Sus padres querían dedicarlo al sacerdocio, lo que él en su primera infancia aceptó.

Vallejo estudió en el Centro Escolar N.º 271 de Santiago de Chuco, y

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