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El Colibrí: The Hummingbird
El Colibrí: The Hummingbird
El Colibrí: The Hummingbird
Libro electrónico115 páginas36 minutos

El Colibrí: The Hummingbird

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

En su decimotercer volumen, Caldern presenta una nueva poesa bilinge que extiende su cosmovisin tanto sobre el mundo real como las ideas transcendentales que desarrollan una vida contemplativa. El colibr es el poema que introduce este libro. Una buena cantidad de poemas vienen escrito en forma de prosa, tal que se pueden leer como historias breves. La cosmovisin de Caldern le dar al lector distintas ventanas de cmo l ha internalizado y descifrado esta cosa interesante llamada - la vida cotidiana. Incluso, aqu se encontrarn unas canciones que bailan al ritmo de la rima y del comps del poeta. Todo lector que se interesa sobre las escrituras poticas de los latinos del la primera parte del siglo veintiuno, chocar sin duda con las extensas obras de Rudy Caldern.

In his thirteenth volume, Caldern presents a new bilingual book of poetry that extends his worldview over the real world as well as the transcendental ideas that unfold a contemplative life. El colibr (The Hummingbird) is the poem that introduces this body of work. A great quantity of poems are written in prose form, such that they can be read as short stories. Calderns worldview will give the reader distinct windows of how he has internalized and deciphered this interesting thing called - the everyday life. Also, this book contains songs that dance to the rhythm of rhyme and the beat of the poet. All readers that are interested in poetry from Latinos of the first part of the 21st century, will come into contact with the extensive works of Rudy Caldern.

Fecha de lanzamiento9 dic 2010
El Colibrí: The Hummingbird

Rudy Calderón

Rudy Calderón was born in the metropolis of Los Angeles, California, in 1974. He is a first-generation Mexican American whose family came to the United States to make a better life. They worked the fields of California by picking strawberries, lettuce, squash, and tomatoes. Calderón has seven other brothers and sisters and a loving mother, Ana Munguía. For his undergraduate degree, Calderón was graduated from California State University–Bakersfield with honors (cum laude) majoring in history and taking a minor in political science in 2001. He is grateful to the CSU Bakersfield history, philosophy, religious studies, and political science departments for giving him rigorous, challenging, and many out-of-comfort-zone experiences. As a university student, Calderón had his worldview expanded exponentially. As a graduate of El Camino Junior High School and Santa María High School, Calderón returned after his university training to work in these schools for a few years. He was voted by his colleagues as the "Site Teacher of the Year" for the 2007–2008 academic school year while teaching at El Camino Junior High. As a tutor at SMHS, he learned invaluable teaching skills as he helped students develop their critical thinking and communication skills to better understand subjects like history, government, economics, Spanish, and English literature. As a poet, Calderón has been privileged, in an excessive manner, to publish sixteen books of verse. In 2004, he was a featured reader at the eighth Annual Latino Book and Family Festival, an event hosted by actor and social activist Edward James Olmos. He’s been invited to and has read his work in renowned poetry venues like the Nuyorican Poets Café and the Bowery Poetry Club in New York City. As a California native, Calderón has been invited to and has read in various cities throughout the state. For several years, he has been a featured reader at the global event known as the 100k Poets for Change. Being a teacher and poet has been an enriching experience for Calderón. Finding the opportunity to build his teaching roots in the progressive Lucia Mar Unified School District, Calderón taught from 2010–2015 at Paulding Middle School. He was awarded the District Teacher of the Year for the 2013–2014 school year. Currently, Calderón teaches AVID, English-language development, and World History at Arroyo Grande High School. For more information please visit

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Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Grilled Cheese Please! is not a book that you even want to glance at when you're hungry! The multitude of sandwich combinations has something for every palate. The cheese variations alone will have you standing at your local deli counter getting samples and discovering the various ways that cheese will taste on different breads and with different condiments added. The book explains which sandwiches work well with sandwich makers and on the stove top. If you have a bread maker, this book will trigger that creativity also.If you are looking for ideas for a brunch, potluck, or get together, this book has tons of easy ideas. Your idea of a grilled cheese sandwich will be forever changed.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    it was okay...just okay.

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El Colibrí - Rudy Calderón

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