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Matriarcadia es el relato de una sociedad utópica en la que sólo existen mujeres, quienes gobiernan una sociedad ordenada y pacífica sin varones desde hace dos mil años. Su apacible vida se ve alterada por la expedición de tres hombres de muy diferente carácter: un romántico soñador; un orgulloso joven adinerado, acostumbrado a dominar a las mujeres, y el narrador, abierto a comprender el nuevo mundo por descubrir. Los tres tienen la oportunidad de conocer una nueva civilización, y acogerán las costumbres de esta de muy diferente grado. Así, desde el punto de vista de un hombre, la activista feminista Charlotte Perkins Gilman pone en evidencia la rigidez de la sociedad americana en la que ella vive en contraste con una imaginaria cuya correcta marcha demuestra que la mujer, la feminidad y la maternidad pueden cumplir un papel muy distinto en la educación, el amor y la vida cotidiana.
Fecha de lanzamiento26 feb 2018

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) was an American author, feminist, and social reformer. Born in Hartford, Connecticut, Gilman was raised by her mother after her father abandoned his family to poverty. A single mother, Mary Perkins struggled to provide for her son and daughter, frequently enlisting the help of her estranged husband’s aunts, including Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. These early experiences shaped Charlotte’s outlook on gender and society, inspiring numerous written works and a lifetime of activism. Gilman excelled in school as a youth and went on to study at the Rhode Island School of Design where, in 1879, she met a woman named Martha Luther. The two were involved romantically for the next few years until Luther married in 1881. Distraught, Gilman eventually married Charles Walter Stetson, a painter, in 1884, with whom she had one daughter. After Katharine’s birth, Gilman suffered an intense case of post-partum depression, an experience which inspired her landmark story “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1890). Gilman and Stetson divorced in 1894, after which Charlotte moved to California and became active in social reform. Gilman was a pioneer of the American feminist movement and an early advocate for women’s suffrage, divorce, and euthanasia. Her radical beliefs and controversial views on race—Gilman was known to support white supremacist ideologies—nearly consigned her work to history; at the time of her death none of her works remained in print. In the 1970s, however, the rise of second-wave feminism and its influence on literary scholarship revived her reputation, bringing her work back into publication.

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