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Henry Huggins: Henry Huggins (Spanish edition)
Henry Huggins: Henry Huggins (Spanish edition)
Henry Huggins: Henry Huggins (Spanish edition)
Libro electrónico119 páginas2 horas

Henry Huggins: Henry Huggins (Spanish edition)

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Henry Huggins feels that nothing very interesting ever happens to him. But from the moment a stray dog in the drugstore begs for a taste of his ice-cream cone and downs it in one gulp, everything is different. Henry names the dog Ribsy and decides to keep him. Before Henry even reaches home with Ribsy he spends all of his money, gets kicked off three buses, and enjoys a hair-raising ride in a police car. And that's only the beginning of Henry's exciting new life!

This is a high-quality Spanish language edition of the beloved Beverly Cleary classic.

La vida cambia para Henry Huggins con la aparición de Ribsy, un perro flaco y desgarbado que encuentra un día a la salida de la Y.M.C.A. Juntos corren toda clase de aventuras, desde perder un hermoso balón de fútbol, hastacelebrar una Navidad "verde". Con Ribsy aprende el valor del trabajo, el respeto a la propiedad ajena y también que todos merecemos ganar un premio, incluso un perro feúcho y de raza desconocida. Pero lo más importante para Henry será averiguar con quién decidirá quedarse Ribsy.

Fecha de lanzamiento2 abr 2013
Henry Huggins: Henry Huggins (Spanish edition)

Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary is one of America's most beloved authors. As a child, she struggled with reading and writing. But by third grade, after spending much time in her public library in Portland, Oregon, she found her skills had greatly improved. Before long, her school librarian was saying that she should write children's books when she grew up. Instead she became a librarian. When a young boy asked her, "Where are the books about kids like us?" she remembered her teacher's encouragement and was inspired to write the books she'd longed to read but couldn't find when she was younger. She based her funny stories on her own neighborhood experiences and the sort of children she knew. And so, the Klickitat Street gang was born! Mrs. Cleary's books have earned her many prestigious awards, including the American Library Association's Laura Ingalls Wilder Award, presented to her in recognition of her lasting contribution to children's literature. Dear Mr. Henshaw won the Newbery Medal, and Ramona Quimby, Age 8 and Ramona and Her Father have been named Newbery Honor Books. Her characters, including Beezus and Ramona Quimby, Henry Huggins, and Ralph, the motorcycle-riding mouse, have delighted children for generations.

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Summary: This book is about a boy named Henry Huggins. He is always bored until one day he comes across a stray dog. He ends up naming this dog Ribsy because the dog is so skinny. This is when the adventure for Henry begins. He first has to try to get this dog home which presents many challenges for Henry. His adventures continue through the book and Henry is never bored again. Response: I loved reading this book especially for my love of dogs. Connection: Read Aloud; Kids would enjoy the humor in this book and would be able to relate to this book. Every kid loves animals and adventure!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Although Henry has fun going to the Y and swimming and things, he feels like nothing exciting ever happens to him. But then one day he meets a stray, thin, rambunctious dog and names him Ribsy. Little does Henry know of all the excitement he'll be in for now in Henry Huggins by author Beverly Cleary.Wow! I've read a couple of other Henry books before, but I didn't know (or didn't remember?) that this one is actually the first book Cleary ever had published, back in good ol' 1950.It's a fun and pleasant read overall, and a little nostalgic for a reader like me. Typewriters, telephone booths where you can make a call for a nickel, and a young hero who says things like, "Gee, Dad, that's swell!" Yeah, I laughed out loud a couple good times (Henry is hilarious for trying to write that letter), and it was great to see sisters Beezus (Beatrice) and Ramona where they actually first appear in a book. Been there all the time, but, hey, it's new to me!I'm like the author in that the Ramona books that come later are my favorites of Cleary's work. But what a nice introduction this book is to Henry, Ribsy, and the gang on Klickitat Street.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I never did read much Cleary growing up...but since the Girl is having some trouble getting into book, I thought this might be a good one for her...and I was right, she absolutely LOVED it. Henry Huggins (like How to Eat Fried Worms) is a bit dated, since it was written in 1949, but the overall feel and character of the story is pretty much timeless. We are presented with a typical neighborhood, family, kids, neighbors of the time that, despite the way we live life today, is presented in a way that is still accessible to kids today (even those not living in suburban neighborhoods. Henry is a typical boy who wants a bit of excitement in his life...and finds it while browsing at the local convenience store, in the form of Ribsy as skinny mutt who he decides to take home (with his mother's permission of course)...on the BUS! This is first of 5 adventures that Henry and Ribsy encounter as they go on through the book (we also get raising guppies, catching thousands of night crawlers, a charming look at Christmas pageants and snow from a 9 year olds perspective, the dog show, and the prospect of Henry having to give up Ribsy). Each is charming and still endearing more than 50 years after it was originally written. We are presented with stories that show Henry as honest and hard working, we learn to have compassion for others and that doing the right thing is always important...all in a humorous and realistic way that doesn't feel like the message is being shoved down our throats! I give it a solid A, even after 50+ years, Henry Huggins is fine reading for 8-10 year olds!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I loved this book when I was a child. A great story about a boy and his dog.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    this book is GREAT it's the best book I have ever read!!!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    An older book that has stood the test of time - funny with situations that kids this age can still relate to. My son and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it together.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Cleary is known for her charming Ramona series, which brings to life a rambunctious girl, but she has a deft hand at capturing a young boy's perspective, too. The Mouse and the Motorcycle series, whose protagonist is Ralph S. Mouse, indicates her skill in that arena. This book features another boy, human this time - Henry Huggins. I had never read any of her Henry Huggins series prior to now, and am delighted to discover that she wrote another finely realized character.The book begins with a meeting of boy and dog. Henry is on his way home, when he decides to adopt a skinny dog he finds on the street. He calls his mom for permission, and is told that as long as he can get the dog home on the bus, he can keep it. His mom is too busy to come get them. Unfortunately, the bus line has a rule: no pets unless they're in a box. Henry, the youngster that he is, decides an empty grocer's box will do, and is frustrated when the driver says nay. In a stroke of genius, he hides the dog in a shopping bag, piles paper over him, and hopes for the best. The worst occurs. Somehow Henry and the dog make it home, but only after knocking down everyone on the bus, scattering their possessions, and then being escorted in a police car. Still, he gets the dog home, so he can keep it. Henry dubs his new dog Ribsy, because he is so thin his ribs show through his skin.The rest of the book regales the reader with more episodes like that of the first chapter. Henry is all enthusiasm and awkwardness. He embarks on adventures one would expect of a boy, such as saving money for a football, or entering his dog in a show. Often catastrophe ensues, not because Henry means any ill, but because he is young and still doesn't grasp all the consequences of his actions. He is a sweet boy, though, and while he may cause his parents a bit of frustration, everything comes out right in the end. I liked the book and could definitely read more about Henry. His expeditions are funny and innocent. They certainly remind me of the simplicity of childhood, and how things that I often overlook now were so important back then. Henry's character is engaging, and Ribsy is such a dog. Cleary has a knack for writing about children and animals. I'm excited to read the Henry and Beezus book, where characters from two great series will overlap. This story is a great choice for children and adults.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A sweet book about a sweet boy and a dog he found. My 16 y.o. daughter cleaned off a shelf of books and kept all the Ramona books, but tossed the Henry Huggins' ones. I would recommend this book for 2nd and 3rd graders. The story is engaging, as are all the characters. The only thing I would say is that the story comes across as from a very different time, when kids could ride the bus by themselves, and treated each other with much more respect. There is a willingness to listen to the other point of view from your own and sympathize with it, even when it's to your advantage to NOT see the other side of things.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Henry adopts a homeless dog, Ribsy, and they have comic adventures together.I read this aloud to my 7-year-old son. Not quite as "deep" in terms of addressing growing-up issues as the Fudge books by Judy Blume and becoming a trifle dated now, but still lots of laughs to be had. My son insisted we move immediately on to the next book in the series, always a good sign.Read aloud in 2015.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    to me this book is not has great has everyone says it is. The rest of the books like Ellen Tibbets and Ribsy and so on are better.This book didnt have me going unlike it's sequel.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This book is the first book in the Henry Huggins collection and is about Henry and the stray dog he finds, Ribsy. I really like this book. It is a great chapter book for those who are ready to move beyond the easy chapter books to chapters that are a little longer and there is very minimal illustration in this book, not to mention the adventures the boy and his dog get into! I have often heard that young boys have a difficult time finding good chapter books, and this is one book that I would recommend for two reasons: 1. it is about a boy and his adventures as a boy and 2. it is the first in a collection, so there is a good change the young men who choose to read this book will continue reading the books that follow. I recommend this book for my library (medium public library).
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    ONe of the best stories of a boy and his dog. My children loved it and I loved it. I had read this when I was a child and many memories came flooding back. What a wonderful story of kids interactions with their pets, each other and their parents.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    From page one, with his gloomy outlook on life and case of third grade ennui, you can't help but love Henry Huggins. His extreme propensity for accidents, combined with complete obliviousness, firmly cement Henry as one of the most memorable characters from children's lit... at least as far as I'm concerned. I remember reading about him in grade school, wishing I had a friend like him, and asking my mom for pet guppies. She said no. Fast forward a few years and now I'm a mother identifying with my own and Henry's (I giggled every time the poor woman said, "Oh, Henry." and Henry asked, "What? It was an accident..."). I was so happy when I discovered there are a total of six books about Henry and Ribsy, a couple of which I haven't read. I can't wait to read them with my son soon, and again when he's old enough to ask for pet guppies. I already know what I'm going to say.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    When young Henry Huggins finds Ribsy, the thin abandoned dog, on the street, he does not know what he is in for.

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Henry Huggins - Beverly Cleary


Henry y Ribs *

HENRY HUGGINS estaba en tercer grado. Tenía el pelo como cepillo de limpiar piso y ya había mudado los dientes. Vivía con su mamá y su papá en una casa blanca cuadrada en la calle Klickitat. Aparte de la operación de las amígdalas a los seis años, y del brazo roto cuando se cayó de un cerezo a los siete, muy poco le sucedía a Henry.

Ojalá pasara algo emocionante, pensaba Henry a menudo.

Pero nunca le pasaba nada interesante a Henry, sino hasta un miércoles por la tarde del mes de marzo. Todos los miércoles después de clase Henry iba en autobús a la Y. M. C. A., a nadar. Nadaba una hora, se iba otra vez en autobús, y llegaba a su casa exactamente a la hora de la cena. Eso le gustaba, pero no era nada del otro mundo.

Cuando Henry salió de la Y. M. C. A. ese miércoles, se detuvo a mirar a un hombre que estaba quitando un cartel del circo. Luego, con tres monedas de cinco centavos y una de diez en el bolsillo, se dirigió a la farmacia de la esquina a comprar un helado de chocolate en barquillo. Creía que iba a comerse el helado, subir al autobús, echar sus diez centavos en la ranura y andar hasta llegar a su casa.

Pero no fue eso lo que pasó.

Compró el barquillo y pagó con una de sus monedas de cinco. A la salida de la farmacia se detuvo a mirar las historietas cómicas. Era un vistazo gratis, porque sólo le quedaban dos monedas de cinco.

Estaba allí parado, chupando su helado de chocolate y leyendo una de las historietas cuando oyó un pum, pum, pum. Henry se volteo y vio a un perro allí a su espalda, rascándose. El perro no era de ninguna raza especial. Era muy pequeño para ser perro grande, pero, por otra parte, era demasiado grande para ser perro chico. No era blanco porque tenía partes color café y partes negras y entre ellas tenía manchas amarillentas. Tenía las orejas paradas y la cola larga y rala.

El perro tenía hambre. Cuando Henry chupaba, él chupaba. Cuando Henry tragaba, él tragaba.

—Hola, perrillo,— dijo Henry. —Este helado no es para ti.

La cola hizo juip, juip, juip. Los ojos cafés parecían decir: Sólo un poquito.

—Vete,— le ordenó Henry. Pero no lo dijo muy fuerte. Y le dio unas palmaditas en la cabeza.

El perro meneaba la cola más y más. Henry chupó una última vez. —Ay, está bien,— dijo. — Si tienes tanta hambre, pues cómetelo.

El barquillo de helado desapareció de un mordisco.

—Ahora vete,— le dijo Henry al perro. —Yo tengo que tomar el autobús para irme a casa.

El chico se dirigió a la puerta. El perro también.

—Vete, perro flacucho.— Henry no lo dijo en voz muy alta. —Vete a tu casa.

El perro se echó a los pies de Henry. Henry miró al perro y el perro miró a Henry.

—Yo creo que tú no tienes casa. Estás tan terriblemente flaco. Las costillas se te salen.

Pum, pum, pum, contestó la cola.

—Y no tienes collar,— dijo Henry.

El chico se puso a pensar. ¡Si se pudiera quedar con el perro! Él siempre había querido tener un perro propio y ahora se había encontrado un perro que lo quería a él. ¡No podía irse a su casa y dejar a un perro con hambre en la calle!

¡Qué dirían su mamá y su papá! Tocó las dos monedas de cinco que tenía en el bolsillo. ¡Ya! Usaría una para telefonear a su mamá.

—Vamos, Ribsy. Vamos, Ribs, mi viejo. Te voy a llamar Ribsy porque eres tan flaco.

El perro salió trotando detrás del chico hasta la caseta del teléfono en la esquina de la farmacia. Henry lo metió en la caseta y cerró la puerta. Él jamás había usado un teléfono público. Tuvo que poner la guía telefónica en el piso y pararse en puntillas para alcanzar la bocina. Le dio el número a la telefonista y echó una moneda en la cajilla.

—Aló . . . ¿Mamá?

—¡Vaya, es Henry!— Su mamá parecía sorprendida. —¿Dónde estás?

—En la farmacia al pie de la Y. M. C. A.

Ribs empezó a rascarse. Pum, pum, pum. Dentro de la caseta los golpes sonaban fuertes y retumbantes.

—Por el amor de Dios, Henry, ¿qué es ese ruido?— le preguntó su mamá.

Ribs se puso a gemir primero y luego a aullar. —Henry,— gritó la Sra. Huggins, —¿estás bien?

—Sí, estoy bien,— contestó Henry también a gritos. Él nunca podía entender por qué su mamá pensaba siempre que a él le pasaba algo cuando no le pasaba nada. —Es Ribsy, no más.

—¿Ribsy?— Su mamá estaba exaltada. —Henry, ¿puedes hacerme el favor de decirme qué es lo que pasa?

—Es lo que estoy tratando de hacer,— dijo Henry. Ribsy aulló más fuerte. La gente se estaba juntando alrededor de la caseta para ver lo que pasaba. —Mamá, me encontré un perro. ¡Cómo me gustaría quedarme con él! Es un perro bueno y yo me encargo de darle la comida y de bañarlo y todo lo demás. Por favor, mami.

—No sé, mi amor,— dijo su mamá. —Tienes que pedirle permiso a tu papá.

—¡Mamá!— se lamentó Henry. —¡Eso es lo que tú me dices siempre! Henry se hallaba cansado de estar en puntillas; además, en la caseta se sentía mucho calor. —¡Mamá, por favor, dime que sí y jamás pediré otra cosa en toda mi vida!

—Bueno, está bien, Henry. Creo que no hay razón para que no tengas tu perro. Pero tienes que traerlo en el autobús. Tu papá anda con el carro hoy y yo no puedo ir por ti. ¿Te las arreglas?

¡Claro que sí! ¡Eso es fácil!

—Y, por favor, Henry, no tardes. Parece que va a llover.

—Está bien, mami.— Pum, pum, pum.

—Henry, ¿qué son esos golpes?

—Es mi perro, Ribsy. Se está sacando una pulga.

—Ay, Henry,—se lamento lá Sra. Huggins. — ¿No fuiste capaz de encontrar un perro sin pulgas?

A Henry le pareció que había llegado el momento de colgar el teléfono. —Anda, Ribs,— dijo. —Nos vamos a casa en el autobús.

Cuando el autobús verde paró frente a la farmacia, Henry levantó a su perro. Ribsy pesaba más de lo que él se había imaginado. Le costó mucho trabajo meterlo en el autobús y se preguntaba cómo sacaría sus diez centavos del bolsillo cuando el chofer le dijo: —Oye, hijito, no puedes llevar ese perro en el autobús.

—¿Por qué no?— preguntó Henry.

—Por regla de la empresa, hijito. No se llevan perros en los autobuses.

—Ay, señor, ¿cómo lo voy a llevar a casa? Es que lo tengo que llevar.

—Lo siento mucho, hijito, pero yo no hice las reglas. Ningún animal puede viajar en autobús si no va en una caja.

—Bueno, de todos modos, muchas gracias,— dijo Henry, con sus dudas, y sacó a Ribsy del autobús en brazos.

—Bueno, creo que tenemos que conseguir una caja. De algún modo te meto en el autobús,— le prometió Henry.

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