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Un lobito muy educado
Un lobito muy educado
Un lobito muy educado
Libro electrónico31 páginas2 minutos

Un lobito muy educado

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Álbum impecablemente ilustrado por el talentoso Matthieu Maudet que cuenta una historia ingeniosa y llena de humor.
Un divertido libro que los pequeños pueden leer por su cuenta o en compañía de un adulto.
Ésta es la historia de un lobito muy bien educado. Sus padres le enseñaron a ser cortés con los demás. Cierto día sale al bosque a cazar por primera vez y atrapa a un conejo. Cuando está listo para devorarlo, el conejo le pide que le lea un cuento. Así pues, el cortés lobo va a su casa por un libro. Cuando vuelve, el conejo ya no está. Entonces caza a una gallina que le hace la misma jugarreta: pide como última voluntad que el lobito le cante una canción, pero también se escapa. ¡Pero qué falta de educación! ¿Por qué ninguno de los dos cumple sus promesas? Al final se confirma el dicho de que quien ríe al último ríe mejor.
Fecha de lanzamiento15 mar 2017
Un lobito muy educado

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Comentarios para Un lobito muy educado

Calificación: 4.153846246153846 de 5 estrellas

39 clasificaciones10 comentarios

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Funny, funny, funny!!!!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    The humorous story of a polite wolf who loses out on catching prey as a result. With the unwitting assistance of an equally well-manner boy, the wolf gets his dinner after all. Kids will love the humor, although some adults may object to the unexpected ending.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This book did not go in the direction I had expected. As the title tells, this story is about a well-mannered young wolf in search of his next meal. He offers each of his prospective meals a last wish, just as his parents had instructed him to do. As he is attempting to fill each wish, his meals escaped (can you blame them!?). Poor little wolf finds himself hangry in no time and when he stumbles upon those who tricked him he is not as well-mannered as he was when they first met.This book was morbidly funny. Not at all what I expected. I'd use caution if introducing it to a sensitive child. I'm not completely positive what message the author was hoping to portray. Don't be mean to polite people? Don't hang out in the woods with hungry wolves, well-mannered or otherwise? Don't leave your dinner unattended? Don't lie? Whatever the message this book was entertaining and engaging. The illustrations were simple and lovely. They reminded me of an old fashioned story book.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    This was an interesting book about manners. The wolf has good manners - if you can call planning to eat your prey good manners - but the other animals do not seem to. The child was taught good manners so hangs around. The ending was a cute little unexpected twist :)
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Very French and super cute about some cunning animals, a little boy, and a young wolf with excellent manners. I loved the expressions of the characters in the illustrations and the mixed morals will make for a good conversation with your little reader(s). One warning: it has an open ending like many great French films.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    What a fun book to read to the K and up crowd! Young Master Wolf is going out on his first lone hunting expedition. He has no trouble catching prey - but, being a well-mannered wolf, he always honors their last wishes. Which always offers the opportunity for escape! What's a young wolf to do? This would be a good addition to a storytime on manners or honesty.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    A very hungry young wolf has gone out to look for a meal. He captures a rabbit Well-mannered rules insist that before being eaten, the captor is to grant the “last wish” of his prey. The rabbit requests a story, promising to stay put while the young wolf goes home to get a book but hey, the rabbit is not there when the wolf returns with a book. The wolf is angry at his lost meal but finds a chicken who’s last wish is for music. The wolf trots off for his violin but hey, the chicken lied and is gone. The angry, hungry wolf captures a little boy who’s last wish is a picture. Amazingly, the little boy has stayed put when the wolf returns with drawing materials and draws the little boy a picture. The little boy likes the picture so much, he wishes to share it with his friends. The wolf will not be tricked this time – he goes with the little boy. Guess who the two characters are with whom the boy wishes to share his picture? Now maybe the moral here is to always tell the truth - The illustrations are fantastic: two-page spreads in red, brown, black white and yellow. The wolf is rather endearing, a sympathetic character.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I loved the illustrations. I really appreciated the"good" manners of the wolf. I understand why the other animals "ran away" but I wish they would have kept their word as well. It was ironic that the wolf finds the animals later on in the story. I felt like this story ended to quickly. I do think this story would be fun to use with my students as a writing prompt to have students come up with a different ending.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This was an okay story. I think it is well illustrated and fun, but the wolf being both well-mannered and anger prone is a bit of a conflict. It is also not a great example with the broken guitar, etc. Again, not horrible, but not in the class of "That is not a good idea."
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A cute children's book about the benefits of using good manners, and the dangers of taking advantage of people with good manners. The art style was colorful and simple, good for younger readers. Overall I thought it was quite cute, and donated it to a neighbor who works with small children so that it would be enjoyed by a more age-appropriate audience.

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Un lobito muy educado - Jean Leroy

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