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Lectura fácil en inglés: Hansel y Gretel de los Hermanos Grimm
Lectura fácil en inglés: Hansel y Gretel de los Hermanos Grimm
Lectura fácil en inglés: Hansel y Gretel de los Hermanos Grimm
Libro electrónico208 páginas56 minutos

Lectura fácil en inglés: Hansel y Gretel de los Hermanos Grimm

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Este es un libro fácil de leer en inglés. La conocida historia de Hansel y Gretel es contada de nuevo en su totalidad usando un lenguaje moderno. Hemos eliminado las palabras difíciles. Más del 95% de las palabras están entre las 1000 palabras inglesas más utilizadas. Estas son palabras muy útiles, que verás y oirás muy a menudo.

Si ya sabes algo de inglés entonces ya conocerás muchas de estas palabras, por lo que podrás concentrarte en cómo se usan. Esto hace un buen uso de tu tiempo. Después de la historia en inglés, ésta es repetida una frase cada vez. En inglés seguida de su traducción al español. Esto te permite comprobar si entendiste todo correctamente y te ayuda a recordarlo. Si no conoces muchas palabras en inglés puedes leer antes la versión bilingüe.

Fecha de lanzamiento30 jul 2015
Lectura fácil en inglés: Hansel y Gretel de los Hermanos Grimm


Colin Hann and Pedro Páramo are friends and partners in the LingoLibros adventure. LingoLibros is a young and developing company. Our aim is to produce quality bilingual books with an easy to follow parallel text, at an affordable price. We believe that they will be of particular benefit to parents with bilingual children who hope to develop their child's understanding of their native tongues. Our books are, so far, short stories with amusing illustrations suitable for reading aloud to young children in a single language or in a combination of two languages. Older children can enjoy reading these stories by themselves to learn and practice their second language. Students with a basic or intermediate knowledge of a foreign language will find these books very helpful in developing their vocabulary and understanding of the second language. We hope you benefit from and enjoy reading these bilingual tales.

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Vista previa del libro

Lectura fácil en inglés - LingoLibros

Hansel and Gretel

A long time ago, at the edge of a dark forest, lived a man who cut wood for a living.

The woodcutter was very poor and he lived in a tiny wooden house with his two children, a boy and a girl, and their stepmother.

The boy’s name was Hansel and his little sister was Gretel.

This year was very hard and some days they had nothing to eat.

After one very long day cutting wood, the father came home late.

Hansel and Gretel were already in bed but they could not sleep because they were so hungry.

His wife sat alone in the kitchen and he could see there was something worrying her.

We can’t go on like this, she said. There isn’t enough food for all of us.

The woodcutter sat down next to his wife.

He was very hungry too.

What can we do? said the tired woodcutter.

I know what we must do, replied his wife with a look as cold as stone. Early tomorrow morning we will take the children deep into the forest and leave them for someone else to feed.

The poor husband was shocked, but too tired to argue with her, so he went to bed.

Hansel and Gretel heard all this and Gretel started to cry.

Don’t worry, said Hansel, I know what to do.

Hansel waited for his stepmother to go to bed.

He quietly crept down the stairs and out the door.

He was very scared that she would hear him.

The moon was bright and round.

Hansel could see little white stones all over the ground.

These were what he needed.

Soon he picked up enough to fill his jacket pockets.

The next morning, without breakfast, the woodcutter left the house at dawn and went to cut wood.

He was still tired and hungry and had forgotten everything his wife had said.

However, the stepmother had not forgotten.

Get up, lazy children. We have to work in the forest.

On the table in the kitchen were two small bits of hard old bread which were to last Hansel and Gretel all day.

Gretel put them in her pocket because Hansel’s pockets were already full of stones.

They followed their stepmother out of the house.

They walked deep, deep into the forest.


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